Source: China News Weekly

Author: Zhang Yansheng

The second meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission held on the afternoon of July 11 emphasized that we must build a new open economic system for open -level economic systems. This is our initiative to act as a strategic measure to promote reform and promote development.The meeting stated that it is necessary to actively increase Singapore's opening to the outside world to a new level.

At present, the globalization based on rules has fallen into stagnation, and the golden period of the growth of world economic and trade growth has ended; open global trade investment has begun to slow down, and trade policies have emerged from cross -border promoting goods, services, personnel, funds, data and other cross -border cross -border.The facilities of the exchanges are shifted to the so -called high standards, de -risk, and protectionism; the global supply chain system based on cooperation is being reshaped. From offshore manufacturing to returning manufacturing, near -shore manufacturing, and friendly manufacturing.Trade and industrial system; strategic competition between China and the United States is evolving into sanctions, targeting and detention of the great power of the great powers.

Is such an international environment an important strategic opportunity period for development?Is peace and development the theme of today?Can the world avoid disorder, conflicts and confrontations that have occurred in the 1920s and 1930s?

The historical experience of China Revival proves a profound truth, "openness brings progress and closedness must be backward."If China wants to jump out of the historical cycle rate, the only way is to continue to promote a new round of reform and opening up, move forward, and realize the high level of self -reliance on the high level of responsible power.

After the establishment of New China, we have established a socialist system that meets basic needs, realizes basic fairness, and guarantees basic security.However, in a relatively closed development environment, we have never been able to solve the problem of food and clothing of the people, have not solved the problem of improving economic efficiency, and have no problem of narrowing and world development.

In the past 45 years of reform and opening up, we have developed into the world's second economic power and the first foreign trade country.Before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Mainland Government, Dongguan and Foshan founded the Taiping handbag factories and Dajin clothing factories respectively.The first bucket of gold.From the establishment of a special economic zone, open 14 coastal port cities, the establishment of Shanghai Pudong New Area, to the establishment of 21 free trade pilot zones, in June 2021, the Hainan Free Trade Port Law of the People's Republic of China was considered to form a new pattern of open opening;The World Trade Organization, propose the "Belt and Road" initiative, promote the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) and other free trade agreements to take effect.Plan; from promoting the facilitation of trade investment, the establishment of the building of the building, the Yizhe Fair, the Canton Fair, the Expo, the Service and the Fair, etc.The take -off and development of a large country's market economy, export -oriented economy, and industrialized economy.

The essence of openness to the outside world is "opening tips", that is, the trick of opening all the people's market economy, the economic internationalization of the economy, and the trick of the rule of law.

The current economic global contraction is a basic fact.Globalization based on rules has promoted the opening of the global market opening, new scientific and technological revolution, and interdependent "Earth Village".Through reform and opening up, China actively participates in economic globalization into the world and becomes the biggest beneficiary of openness.During the same period, the United States enjoyed the global dividend through technology bubbles, financial and real estate bubbles, and eventually fell into a financial crisis.Some extremes in the West believe that the global out of control and China's unfair competition have taken the global dividend.Therefore, it is necessary to promote the globalization of equal fair trade and values -based high -standard trade based on values.

Under such an international environment, China should continue to hold high the banner of economic globalization and promote all -round international cooperation with openness, non -confrontation, and unslaying cooperation.In open conditions, China has practiced a new path of modern Chinese -style modernization.Promote high -level flowing types such as goods, services, resources, and elements, and promote high -standard systems such as rules, regulations, standards, and management, and promote high -level innovation openings such as technology, technology, engineering, and mathematics.At present, China actively promotes the development of RCEP and officially applies to join CPTPP and DEPA.RCEP has three economic cooperation circles, namely the benefits of the free trade agreement between China, China, Japan and South Korea, China and Australia, and New Zealand; CPTPP will promote China's high standards of institutional openness; DEPA will promote the opening of China's digital economic rules to open upEssenceThere is another competitive agreement in this area, the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).This competition is a contest between free trade based on market rules and geopolitical values -based values, and requires us to implement a new strategy of high -quality opening up.

A new round of opening to the outside world needs to solve several new problems: First, how to build a new development pattern to continuously improve the degree of the internationalization of China's international economy, internationalization, internationalization of industrialization, internationalization of talents, and market internationalization.How to create world -class research universities and talents under open conditions, world -class modern finance and multi -level capital markets, world -class rules, regulations, standards, management and other institutions are open; third, how to form division of labor cooperation, misalignment, misplaced positionHigh -level competition and differentiated urban agglomerations, urban areas, and county -regional economic economic layouts that are open to the outside world; fourth, how to cultivate new advantages to participate in international cooperation and competition in the new situation, and build a new pattern of high -level opening to the outside world; the fifth is how to practiceThe new path of modernization of Chinese -style modernization, including the economy, common prosperity, coordination of two civilizations, harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development, and make due contributions to the prosperity of the world's economy and society.