Source: United Daily

Author: Jian Yongxiang

TSMC will set up a 2 -nanometer process in Baoshan, Zhongke and Kaohsiung in Hsinchu, and also proposes to the government to establish a 1.4 nanometer production base in Longtan, Taoyuan, showing that it will still be Taiwan as the global advanced wafer foundry worldwide.The production of service.Faced with the support of both Samsung in South Korea and Intel in the United States, TSMC surpassed geopolitical risks to construct a complete semiconductor cluster ecosystem in Taiwan, which can still maintain the leading position of global wafer foundry.

TSMC will concentrate the advanced process almost all of the processes. Due to the pressure of the White House, it plans to spend 40 billion US dollars (S $ 52.8 billion) to build two 12 -inch factories in the Arizona factory.However, the second phase of the project production of the 3 -nanometer process has launched the operation of the entire land and basic factories.This means that the United States may be the only base for the overseas advanced process in TSMC. To some extent, it is in line with the US policy of rewarding the wafer process, and it also meets the requirements of customer requirements to decentralize the political risks of dispersion.

However, TSMC plans to set up 2 nanometers and 1.4 nanometer processes in Hsinchu Baoshan, Zhongke, Kaohsiung, Longtan and other places in Hsinchu. In addition, compared with the production capacity of 5nm, 4nm, and 3m in Nanke.The center of gravity is almost all in Taiwan.

The top three major semiconductor equipment vendors in Japan announced at the end of last month that the Hitachi apex technical development center was established in Taiwan. In the interview with Hitachi, Hitachi emphasized that this was the request of the big customers (referred to as the Taishi Power).Lin Jincun, Zhang Xunming, Deputy General Manager of Research and Development, Lin Huanzhe, Director Chen Zhaocheng, Deputy Director Zhang Mingqing, and Zhang Junlin, senior manager of materials management, came to congratulations to see that Stack Power's Semiconductor Equipment Factory that supported TSMC construction was located in localization and rapid strike troops.thanks very much.

Liu Deyin, chairman of TSMC, said that neither the United States and mainland China cannot have TSMC, geopolitical issues are much larger than semiconductors, and different levels are not causal.Taiwan's semiconductor industry has a stable role in the world's geopolitical tension. If Taiwan semiconductor is better, the United States will think more.In addition, TSMC did not set up factories under pressure from the United States, but for the chip produced by customers for national defense and military purposes, so I hope to produce these chips in the United States.

TSMC's supply chain revealed that TSMC is calling on the top ten semiconductor equipment vendors and materials and chemical factories in the world to set up a production base in Taiwan. The current layout is to be strong in Taiwan and look at the world, combining the global semiconductor ecosystem to play the World Cup.

TSMC mass production of 3 nanometers last year, 2 nanometers produced in 2025, and 1.4 nanometers produced by 2026 to 2027. The key to the trio of the trio of the fabral factory, equipment factories and material factories due to advanced processes.The supply chain is set up in Taiwan.

Since November last year, major international manufacturers include Merck Group, American Business Colin R & D, Integer, Esmore, Hitachi apex technology, etc. have successively announced their investment in Taiwan;It is announced that the establishment of advanced process equipment training centers in Taiwan is to build Taiwan into the world's long -term trusted supply chain partners in the world's most advanced manufacturing.

TSMC wants to complete this plan, and will also face many challenges such as talent shortage, power shortage, and lack of land.