Source: Voice of Germany

Author: Yan Jun

experienced the crazy price increase during the crown disease and the Russian and Ukraine War. Today, the world's global electric vehicles have played a price war in full swing with the promotion of large -scale effects and Tesla's price reduction.German car dealers performed well in it, but they need to face dual price pressure brought by Tesla and the Chinese market.


The latest number released by the German Federal Communications Administration (KBA (KBA) shows that in the first half of this year, the automotive brand in the German electric vehicle market was still Tesla.More than 36,000 electric vehicles were sold.But the Volkswagen of Volkswagen, the old German car dealer followed, is shortening the distance from Tesla.

Although Volkswagen VW, as a single brand from January to June this year, sold about 34,000 pure electric vehicles, faintly behind Tesla.But if the Volkswagen Group, including Audi, Skoda, Siyt and Porsche, calculates together, Volkswagen Group will still be in the head challenge of the German electric vehicle market.

Except for the public, other German car dealers, including BMW and Mercedes -Benz, have increased tram sales in the first half of this year compared with the same period last year.However, if compared with the second half of last year, except for Mercedes, which is an E -class model, the sales of the top five brands in other German market have declined.The main reason is that the German government has reduced subsidies for the electric vehicle market since January 1 this year.Consumers can directly enjoy car purchase subsidies from 6,000 euros (S $ 8898) to 4,500 euros, and the guidance price of new cars must be under 40,000 euros.So in the second half of last year, the German electric vehicle market showed a wave of snap -up.

Sales competition or further intensify

But this climax has now fallen rapidly.Tesla's current output has exceeded sales.A large part of the current orders of German car dealers still come from the time when the German government did not reduce the subsidy of electric vehicles.German automobile industry expert Ferdinand Dudenh? FFER told Germany that in the second half of this year, sales competition may further intensify, thereby forcing electric vehicles to decline significantly.

"The data we see now shows the situation of yesterday." The current delivery mainly comes from old orders.Dudenh? FFER emphasized that the German electric vehicle market is more weak than it seems."In contrast, the new order increase is significantly lower than 2022."

At the same time, the situation of some other brands in the German electric vehicle market is even worse: "Among the brands with many small cars and low -end medium -sized cars, the sales volume has been reduced a lot, because reducing subsidies will have a greater impact on it."Dudenh? FFER explained.This is also reflected in the data of the German Federal Communications Authority: Renault, Aubbao, Fiat, and modern cars include to some extent. These brands also showed strong sales data a year ago, but now they have declined.Dudenh? FFER believes that Volkswagen has recently given more discounts, which is why Volkswagen can avoid the decline in sales.

But this may just start: "I expected to have fierce price competition in the European electric vehicle market." The industry experts said in an interview with the German News Agency.

Price War in the Chinese market

As a major electric vehicle production and sales country, China is undergoing an unprecedented car price war.After Tesla announced the significant price reduction of its main model Model 3 and Model Y in January this year, more than 40 car companies including BYD and Dongfeng followed

Today, this price war has also spread to Europe.First of all, Tesla, as the leading company in the industry, thanks to strict cost control to each production link, its gross profit margin in 2022 still has about 26 %.In the market where most emerging electric vehicle manufacturers are still in the overall loss, Tesla still has room for price reduction, but it has basically no way to retreat from other manufacturers.

Chinese tram price wars spread to Europe

This is also forcing other merchants to produce electric vehicles in China to reduce prices significantly.Today, Chinese electric vehicle brands such as Weilai, BYD, Lingke, MG, Dongfeng have seized the European market today, China's price war has affected the European market.For example, the MG4, which Chinese car dealers acquired British brands, started the price of 32,300 euros before the subsidy of Germany, which is 7,700 euros cheaper than its competitors ID.3 from the German Volkswagen, with a price difference of nearly 20 %.In addition, Chinese car dealers, including Dongfeng Automobile, have begun to occupy the Southern European market, including Spain. According to the local consumption level, a variety of low -cost electric models between 10,000 to 20,000 euros have been launched.

The price advantage of Chinese -produced electric vehicles has also attracted the attention of mainstream German media.A "Tagesschau" (TagesSchau "in Germany recently posted that in the Chinese market, the price of an ID.3 was conversion from about 15,800 to 15,900.The Voice of Germany investigations found that the current ID.3 starting price in the German market was calculated in the subsidy of about 35,500 euros, exceeding the price of more than twice the price of the Chinese market.

Although the reason for this gap is due to the different requirements for the safety performance of electric vehicles in Europe and China, on the other hand, the price reduction behavior of Volkswagen and other car dealers has time, models and quantities in China.At the same time, the production area of this car is also divided into Germany and China.However, the trend of continuing price cuts in electric vehicles in the near future has been obvious.Dutdenhof, known as the German "car godfather", predicts that Tesla currently has 5 % to 10 % room for price reduction.Tesla's future price reduction will also determine the price direction of other car dealers.