In 2023, there were 12.91 million graduates from participating in the college entrance examination, and the number of people was hit, which means that after four years, the employment pressure of these college students will also reach a record high.As a result, the juncture of employment anxiety is inevitable.At this time, the selection of universities and majors is particularly important to candidates. Once the directional errors occur, not only can not go to the university that suits them, but the "money road" will be affected in the future.Therefore, personal interests, hobbies and future career development have to let all the universities in what kind of universities and choose to find a "top priority" like a job.

The author's province has a weird thing this year: a student who participates in the art test is very excellent.This admission line.It is said that 985 universities within the scope of the country can be allowed to pick it up.Unexpectedly, the student's last choice was a normal university in the province, which made all the followers shine.Although this normal university is not bad, the life has a better choice.But if you think about it, it is relieved: Maybe it is because the Normal University recruits the orientation of public expenses. Four years later, the teachers of public primary school teachers in public primary schools have no suspense, and there is no difficulty in finding work.

More students are dazed about how to choose.The study of hard work and hard work of Chinese middle school students is famous, but the narrowness of the vision is also very "famous."In the atmosphere of the exam -oriented education, the so -called learning is to be immersed in the history of the history of mathematics and mathematics.Any practice in life (there is no time to contact), and even some basic knowledge of society is very scarce, and the understanding of all walks of life can not be mentioned.Even when you fill in the volunteer, many majors have never heard of it, and of course they cannot fill in the report.Cons the teacher, the teacher is concerned about how his students can be admitted to the prestigious school (that is directly associated with the bonuses of their or them), which basically cannot provide valuable information.Let parents help fill in, but parents are also confused in this regard, especially those who are located in remote counties and towns in the remote counties and towns.

Therefore, in Chinese society in recent years, it has spawned occupations such as "volunteer filling in planners".In the hot test season and application season, such consulting agencies are also unprecedented.According to incomplete statistics, there are 2,600 relevant consulting companies in China, and individual planners have even become famous online celebrities, with high charges.For example, the national unified price of a famous celebrity teacher and its team is: one -to -one volunteer filling service, 9999 yuan (about S $ 1860) in high school, 8999 yuan for non -high school, is by no means to bear the poor families.

The guidance of famous celebrities has also caused a lot of controversy.If there are parents asked, the science 590 points can be reported to the news. The other party answered: "If I am a parent, the child must report to the news, I will faint him, and then report to him." There are still scoresIf a small student wants to report philosophy, the other party replied, "Do you have any preparations for being unable to eat in the future?" Therefore, it is too utilitarian to be criticized by some educational people.However, the celebrity master said from the perspective of whether he can work smoothly. The so -called businessman, who can say that his opinion has no reference value?

Some people have accused the celebrities of being anxious in selling.But anxiety is common, do you still need to sell it?Of course, anxiety is indeed a bad social mood. Excessive anxiety will inevitably lead to impetuous parents. The impetuous decision -making will inevitably eliminate the child's interest and personality, and even kill the child's potential.It is really useless to spread this anxiety and impetuousness to the long -term development of the country.So, how can we effectively avoid such anxiety?

I think that the fundamental solution is probably to start with accurately expanding employment.For example, how to choose to report volunteers is the task that middle school should take; how to conduct employment guidance for fresh graduates of university is the deserved meaning of college education; how to predict and judge the future employment trends should also be related education.Institutions' research topics, but now whether it is middle school or university, and the corresponding teaching and research institutions, are not grounded, and they lack corresponding professional talents and are unable to undertake such tasks.On the other hand, because of this, it has also opened up some other good employment development.

In addition, isn't it that "the masses are real heroes"?Didn't you say that "those who know the house are under Yu, who knows that the government is in Cao Ye"?This year, it is said that it is the year of investigation and research in China.Why can't you open up and think about it?For example, the author has an article that China should start three types of schools, which involves how to teach and expand the corresponding social employment aspects according to their aptitude.Although it is a family, there will be no reference value.I have been sleeping in my computer for more than a year, but I can't publish it in some professional newspapers.It is very puzzling and confusing.

The author is a professor at Xi'an University of Science and Technology