Source: United News Network

Author: Zhang Jing

On July 13th, the German federal government under the topic of China-Strategie Der Bundesregierung (Federal Government Strategy on China). At the same timeFor EU member states, it does have a pivotal position, so the policy documents of this sub -sub -sub -sub -sub -sub -sub -dividend have attracted many attention.

Since the Tshuz government in Germany has been on power, it has been publicly expressed to the public that it is interested in the bilateral relations between Germany and mainland China, and by thoroughly reviewing the overall structure, this policy document is placed.At the same time, the German federal government on the writing policy and basic position of this document has revealed the relevant points many times through various channels. Therefore, when the full text is announced to the outside world, it has not specifically announce the latest policies other than expected;It fully shows the stability and consistency of Germany's policy on China.

But from the entire cover of the cover, the German version of 64 pages is 64 pages, compared with the English translation of 40 pages, plus deliberately using the Go layout as the cover, and comparing many countries and international organizations, writing is right.In terms of Chinese policy documents, the German government is indeed unquestionable in writing and editing.

Overall, when the German government writes policies to China, it is clear that he must use high policy discussions to use many points in the relationship between the two parties to use the dialectical thinking of "opposing unity" so thatIn order to accurately locate between Berlin and Beijing, there are diverse and contradictory relationships between partners, competitors, and systematic opponents (PARTNER, Competitor and Systemic Rival).

When dealing with the policy of Mainland China, the German government does not deny that in its strategic calculation formula, there are indeed EU and the United States parameters.In particular, in response to the political reality of Washington and Beijing, when emphasizing the coordinated relationship between each other, it also firmly expresses that it will maintain its own policy position and will not conform to the principle of others.However, for the support of the EU's overall policy to China, Berlin has no reservation or unambiguously to express the consistency of its policy and EU standpoint; from this time, I can naturally understand the basic principles of Germany's policy on China.

Of course, from the perspective of Taipei, the document refers to the content of Taiwan's total of 13 discussions. Although it can understand that Berlin attaches importance to and supports Taipei to participate in the international community, it can also be seen that regardless of its future with TaiwanIn any interaction, Berlin will still adhere to a Chinese policy; and Berlin also expresses twice, which can change the current situation of Taiwan's current situation under the premise of peaceful means.

In this policy document, Berlin does not avoid the discussion with Xinjiang and Tibet twice. In addition to mentioning Hong Kong three times, of course, these discussions will inevitably cause Beijing unhappiness, but if Berlin takes consideration to read the policyThe expectations of different objects of the documents are obviously inevitable, but overall, it is by no means the main axis and tone of Berlin's policy on China.

In short, in recent years, Washington's war drum named Beijing was named, which did affect the European Union's overall and individual power policies.Beijing basically does not want the European Union or a particular country to complete the United States, but from various European countries, it is necessary to respond to Washington's invitation to join the joint line against China, but they are unwilling to open the risk of Beijing and follow the United States unconditionally.From the perspective of its policy endorsement, countries must find ways to integrate such policy contradictions and dilemma in terms of policy expositions on China.

However, after all, international relations are not rhetoric, and handling international policies cannot rely on diplomatic rhetoric to decorate peace.The German government's policy for China is to express its subjective policies, but the real running trajectory of the future relationship between the two parties still depends on the objective environment of the follow -up development. The ideal is that they cannot eat as a meal. No one will joke with the pocket.Therefore, if the war wolf can't really bite the other person's meat, it is useless to call it fiercely.After all, diplomacy depends on strength. If Beijing does not give Berlin some of the capital, this word of words in China will be harder; this is the case of diplomatic reality, and I don't have to use any value alliance to deceive me.

In the future, the United States, Mainland China and the European Union will continue to perform a co -opener in diplomacy. If you want to see through the mystery, you may wish to review the national policy first to find the inspiration to interpret these diplomatic over clouds and rain!

The author is a senior researcher at the Chinese Strategic Society