Source: Ming Pao

The heat waves are gradually becoming a new normal under the warming of global climate, such as SEVILLE in southern Spain City and California in the United States, or drafted the heat wave hierarchical system to take appropriate support measures and support measures and support measures.Improve public alertness.

The term "heat wave" originally refers to the capital activity cycle. In the 19890s, it was used to describe extremely hot weather.According to the definition of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the heat wave is the highest temperature of 5 ° C or more during the same period of 5 consecutive days or more.In the past 30 years, Europe, America, and Asia have successively reached a hot warning. For example, the Hong Kong Observatory issued a hot weather warning for the first time in 2020 to indicate the temperature of 33 ° C or above.35 ° C or above.

In recent years, Facing the frequent Seville in the heat waves, the world prerequisite in June last year, implemented the 3 -level warning system of heat waves, and even imitated the tropical cyclone naming system of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.Named heat waves.In the past year, the third -level heat wave warning has been issued twice to the high temperature of more than 40 ° C, namely the heat wave "Zoe" (Zoe) and the heat wave "Yago" (YAGO) from June 26 this year.

Aid plan to take measures to evaluate fatal possible

The Sevilla City Government said that the formulation of heat waves and naming helps the city to plan and take measures when encountering heat waves to help the most affected people.The special responsibility department in the city will be divided into levels from light to 1 to 3 at the temperature and humidity of the day and night, as well as the potential impact and fatal of the weather on human health, and implement corresponding measures at different heat wave levels, such as opening up the municipal swimming pool andOpen the air -conditioning center, send medical staff to visit the elderly or risk persons.

Several Greek cities also launched the heat wave level last year, but did not name it.The United States Los Angeles, Miami, Milwa, Kansas City, etc. have also begun to test similar plans. California led the national heat wave level mechanism law in September last year, requiring the California Environmental Protection Agency to formulate heat wave level mechanisms before New Year's Day in 2025.

The ARSHT-ROCK Center of the Washington Think Tank Atlantic Council reminds the heat wave to be a "silent killer", which can cause invisible destruction and losses of life.Its danger "is seriously underestimated and seriously misunderstood", and formulating levels and naming can help improve their alertness.