Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

According to foreign news reports, the US government expects to propose new control measures for mainland Chinese companies to prohibit them from using AI cloud computing services provided by American businessmen such as Amazon and Microsoft.If this ban is implemented, it means that the United States' high -tech control measures in China will further expand from the fields of chips, semiconductors and other fields to cloud application services, and the US -China scientific and technological warfare will be more comprehensive.

In order to curb the development of the high -tech field in mainland China, in addition to the custody of Huawei and other specific Chinese enterprises such as Huawei during the Trump administration, during the Bayeng government, on the one hand, it expanded the entity list and increased the companyOn the other hand, on the other hand, the ban on advanced semiconductor equipment and software, high -end GPU chips, etc., prohibit the export of relevant equipment and chip products to mainland China.

In addition to restricting China's semiconductor production capacity expansion and technological research and development, the purpose of the United States is to control the control of Huida and AMD high -end GPU chips in October last year. It also refers to the artificial intelligence technology and application of mainland China.The GPU chips controlled by the US government are mostly applied to high -end artificial intelligence servers, providing artificial intelligence model training.

However, due to the improvement of network bandwidth and the progress of cloud technology application, if enterprises or study and research institutions are training, it is no longer necessary to build a high -speed operation environment for artificial intelligence models.In the way of leasing, use its cloud computing services through the Internet to build and train artificial intelligence models.

In order to prevent Chinese enterprises from getting relevant artificial intelligence computing resources in order to avoid Chinese companies bypassed, in addition to expanding the scope of GPU chip product control for artificial intelligence, it also plans to control Chinese enterprises to use American industry artificial intelligence computing services to further suppress China in artificial intelligence in artificial intelligence in artificial intelligenceDevelopment.

However, the control method planned by the U.S. government may have a immediately and obvious impact on its large technology factories.Taking the GPU chip used by artificial intelligence as an example, the US -controlled high -end GPU chip of Huida and AMD was originally controlled by the United States, while Huida reduced chip efficiency as a response to avoid control and continued to sell GPU chips in mainland China.However, after the U.S. government intends to further expand the scope of control to the low -end GPU chip, Huida's market in China may be directly frustrated.This is why Huang Renxun, CEO of Huida, believes that the United States' approach will promote China's self -R & D and manufacture, leading American companies to lose the market of mainland China.

If the US government's regulation expands from artificial intelligence GPU chips to related cloud computing services, it will also impact on Amazon, Microsoft and other suppliers.In particular, the original Huida has taken the cloud computing service and launched the cloud platform DGX, which provides customers to rent its computing power through the cloud platform to conduct artificial intelligence application development and model training.However, in the future, Huida may also lose the potential market of the large artificial intelligence cloud computing power in mainland China due to the US government's ban.

Of course, the U.S. government has not yet officially announced its ban. Perhaps it is engaged in collecting opinions from the media or other channels to evaluate the possible impact on the United States itself.However, from the reactions of Huida and other operators, if the United States expands the control of artificial intelligence -related software and hardware supply chains, under the global artificial intelligence application, a large number of eruptions have exploded and developed rapidly, the US government's ban may be like the seven in Jin Yong's novels.Boxing is generally injured, hurting the enemy with seven points, and hurting himself three points.

For the Taiwan industry, not only has a perfect semiconductor settlement, but also the leading position in the world in semiconductor foundry manufacturing, packaging testing and chip design.It will benefit from the trend brought by this wave of ChatGPT.Whether it is an artificial intelligence GPU chip and server, it will become the industrial growth driving force for the second half of this year and even the next few years.However, whether the US government's ban promulgated and implemented has become the uncertain factors for the subsequent development of artificial intelligence -related software and hardware supply chains in Taiwan.Once implemented, it may affect the operation of the relevant industry in the short term, and it is more likely to drive the mainland government to bet on more resources to develop its local artificial intelligence supply chain, and thereby forming competitive pressure on Taiwanese operators.Therefore, any measures for the US government to regulate mainland China need to observe closely, and they should also plan possible response measures in advance.