Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hang Ziya

The answer to this question is hidden in a recent news that the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC).The NBC reported on July 6 that the United States had met with Russian officials secretly in the past, including the participation of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov at a time, in order to laid the foundation for the end of the Russian and Ukraine War.

The report quoted sources as saying that the two sides met the informedness of the two sides (the White House later referred to the unauthorized meeting of the White House). One of the goals of the reporting of the talks was to keep the communication pipelines with Russia unblocked under possible circumstances.It has laid the foundation for possible negotiations, compromises and diplomatic spaces in the future.

Report also pointed out that one of the April negotiated Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was present, and the US think tank "Foreign Relations Committee" chairman Has participated.The number and frequency of these secret talks is unknown, but the news is held in Russia.

Ukrainian office said they will not comment on reports of unknown sources, but their overall position is still unchanged, saying that the negotiations without Ukraine cannot determine the fate of Ukraine, and the negotiations should be specific and disclosed.of.

From the above reports, you can know that deciding that Russia and Ukraine are the switch between war and harmony.The United States is the real boss who controls the situation behind.Russia is very clear about this and has been in secret with the United States.

The United States has also been cleverly grasped the border of war. On the one hand, it has continuously strengthened sanctions against Russia, vigorously supports Ukraine, and supports Ukraine to recover the lost land of Ukraine.It is required that Ukraine is not allowed to use US aid weapons to attack Russia, thereby avoiding direct conflicts with Russia and maintaining elasticity for US -Russian relations and interventional negotiations.

In fact, since the start of the Russian and Ukraine War, although the United States and Russia have been talking harder, the two sides have also maintained contact through special pipelines to prevent the war from getting out of control.Public news shows that the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, and the senior officials responsible for the Intelligence National Security have all conducted telephone conversations or secret meetings, including but not limited to Russia, the United States and Turkey.

The reason why Russia is still fighting is that neither Putin nor Zeelianzi has no retreat (one abandonment of the territory occupied by the country is collapsed, and the other is a national sinner to give up the recovery territory).One of the important reasons may be that the interests of the US Arms and Energy Group in this war have not been satisfied, and Washington's wider geopolitical goal has not fully achieved.

However, there must be at the beginning of everything, no matter what kind of war, there will always be a day of ending.With the advancement of the war, Russia and Ukraine (at least one party) will eventually have a day that cannot be supported, and the interests of the United States will be consolidated in interaction with Russia, Europe, Ukraine and other interest sectors, and achieve a new geographical balance.Maybe that day, the peace talks can be placed publicly on the table, and the war will finally calm down.

Prior to this, persuasion and talks are a moral issue, representing a value orientation of yearning and opposition to war, not feasible technical issues.Including China, Brazil, India, and some European countries, they hope that the war can be suspended as soon as possible, and they are working hard for this, but when the war subsides, it depends on the inherent factors of the control of the war, not external mediation efforts.