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"From politicians must have rhino -like skin, and lion -like heart."

Mu Renli Mu Renli, Mu Renli, Wednesday (July 5th) in Congress. At that time, the " Abolition of the setting of the settlement constituency system ", and I think of the relevant internal affairs minister and the Minister of law, Shang Mogan, and Dr. Victorians of the Foreign Minister, who rented the black and white house.debate.

Black and white houses have been on the stage for two months. They debated in Congress for six hours. The two ministers were spread out to discuss some of the more personal and family issues. Among them, personal financial planning had to be explained.In Singapore, a society that has always given public figures a little more privacy, such discussions are not a comfortable thing for the parties.

After listening to Zhang Zhixian, the state -owned government, Tang Zhenhui, the Minister of Culture, Society and Youth and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and the statement of the two ministers, people accepted the incident of the minister to rent the black and white house.Reasonable and legal, even the opposition leader Bi Danxing also said that this has nothing to do with corruption, but the problem of observation.

Singapore has never paid much attention to the "political show". We are also used to this relatively rustic and pragmatic political environment. This allows politicians to focus on doing things rather than "showing shows", and it does not need to be excessively short -term interests andIf the views are around, you can make a plan that is beneficial to the long -term.

The political leaders of Singapore maintain a rustic and pragmatic style. Not only must they be affirmed in governance, but even if they cannot guarantee zero flaws in behavior and morality, they will also strive to reduce flaws.

I often think that the people in white are pursuing the political moral characteristics of "whiter than white", and that may only be a pursuit.In reality, it is difficult to keep the white things in diligence. It is difficult to relax or ignore, and a bit of flaws will look particularly conspicuous.Even if it is not harmful, it will become a problem of poor perception.

Politically, losing the perception is the momentum, and Most Morgan, who has always been ignorant, although it has been proven to be reasonable and legal in the rent of the black and white houses, because he accepts members of Congress in Congress.When inquiring, you have to be more careful to avoid losing more points in the perception.

When he was interviewed the next day, he also acknowledged that he ignored the observation of the black and white house he rented. He knew that he insisted that he would not want that large additional land.

There is a saying in English: Think Out of the Box, which is to encourage people to break routine thinking.Minister Shang Mogan is familiar with the law. Anyone who has seen him knows that he dares to escape the conventional services in the legal framework, and therefore helped many people and groups to solve the problem and strive for what he needs.

The minister intends to sell high -quality houses and rented black and white houses. I think it is also a reflection of breaking the general thinking. However, this time it is not just a routine.The housing and land issues that people care most have committed the taboo of public opinion.

I went to Ridout Road last week to turn around, and the extra open space is indeed a slope that is not used by a large number of tenants.I think if it is not the minister who rents this house, he just helps the tenant to apply for the land administration to take care of the slope land. In the end, the fence was still built. Everyone may think that this breaking conventional approach is very creative and human.

Think out of the box helps others, it is a good thing, and even if you are a little bit.Simply put, politicians can only benefit people and cannot be regarded as self -interest.It is not enough when the leader does not do wrong, and you must also keep in mind that "Guatian does not accept the performance, Li Xia is not the crown", and use the undisputed maximum standard to discipline himself.

Those who benefit well know that bad things know that the world knows that it is necessary for ministers to have political achievements.But I do not deny the importance of the perception, and even think that social perception is an important line of defense to prevent corruption of power.It keeps power humble, in case of the borders, it can be adjusted.

Social perception has its positive effect, but it has to be lost after use.

The perception is biased towards intuition, and the excessive emphasis on the perception may flow on the surface, resulting in more politicians to do more things, and even just to look good or become populist.

In this way, people who can do it and the elites in society would rather stay in the public sector to work behind the scenes, or continue to earn world talents in the private field, buy famous cars and high -quality houses, and live in a low -key life.In this country that feels safe in the world, jump into a dangerous political fire pit.

I saw someone worried about it on the Internet two days ago.He said that in the 2011 election, the public domain included the army including five heavyweight candidates, including two current deputy prime ministers Huang Xuncai and Wang Ruijie, Congress Congress Chen Chuanren, Minister of Education Chen Zhensheng, and the first election defeat.Elected Minister of Health Wang Yikang.

In the 2015 election, after the ministerial election, Huang Zhiming, who had unloaded the chief of the three armies.The general election in 2020 is even worse. Not only do you have no ministerial candidates from public service, but also Huang Zhiming, who is defeated in the Bangs Gee Collection District.Fortunately, a manpower minister Chen Shilong attracted from the private corporate community will not appear "negative growth".

Of course, not joining the ruling party to serve the people. The opposition party can also attract talents with dedication. One day, it may become in power.If society makes people feel discouraged, we will not have a good government.

In the end, I still have to cheer for people who do things.Whether it is the ruling party or the opposition party, politics is the highest good karma, politicians must grow rhino's tough skin, as well as a lion -like firm heart.This is not easy, as long as it is done, the people will give you a fair.