Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: You Yulan

"Be preparing for the war to stop the war". Under this slogan, Taiwan has become the largest target of military sales in the United States. The administrative plane coming to Taiwan not only contains parliamentarians, but also military fire merchants and crickets!

But Ukraine's preparations failed to stop the war.Ukraine began preparations in 2014 and broke out in 2022.

The United States has failed to stop the war.The United States is the world's first power and prepares every day. In December 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

France has failed to stop the war.France began to build the Magino defense in 1929 and was completed in 1940. On May 10 of the same year, Germany invaded France. Four weeks later, Paris fell and began to stop fire with Germany.

Poland has failed to stop the war.Poland has prepared for decades and signed a common defense treaty with the United Kingdom and France.In Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, five weeks later, Poland fell.

Danish preparations failed to stop the war.On April 9, 1940, Germany started the war against Denmark. Before the war, Denmark claimed that he would vowed to resist. Denmark surrendered 4 hours after the war.

Japan has failed to stop the war.At the end of World War II, Japan launched a "100 million Jade Broken" mobilization plan. The whole people are preparing for war, and there are insufficient weapons.Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs in the United States.

Preparing for war is the fact that it is repeatedly proved by history.Preparing for war is to prepare for the start of war.What can really avoid the political strategy is not preparing for war.

Sun Tzu's military law pointed out that "Soldiers' conspiracy, followed by firing, followed by soldiers."Sad!People in Taiwan.

Because they want to cut soldiers, all members are preparing for the battle.Use the weapons provided by the United States and the brooms manufactured in Taiwan to fight with mainland China.What will happen to the end?Need to ask?

Because they want to cut soldiers, they refuse to negotiate or communicate.The Democratic Progressive Party used the slogan of "love Taiwan" and "preparation to stop war", which drove the people to the battlefield and make unnecessary sacrifice.The Democratic Progressive Party knows that even if the whole people are soldiers, they cannot win the mainland, so they introduce American weapons and American soldiers.However, the United States never promised to send troops to assist in Taiwan when something happened.

In order to sell arms to Taiwan, President Biden repeatedly said that he would help Taiwan in a state of disappointment and let Taiwan rest assured.

Rest assured? The United States insists on not one troops and one soldiers in the Russian and Ukraine War.The DPP government told the people of Taiwan: No, no, Ukraine cannot compare with Taiwan.Taiwan is the heart of the United States, and the United States will definitely send troops.

If the United States will definitely send troops, why not sign the "Taiwan and the United States Common Defense Treaty"?The United States signs with Japan, signed with South Korea, signed with the Philippines, and signed with the EU countries. Why not sign with Taiwan?Isn't the Taiwanese's life?The United States insists not to sign, but the DPP government insists that the United States will definitely send troops.what happened?What do you say?

Turning up war is very simple.Began to talk to the mainland and start communication.The mainland should rise peacefully, and of course, we hope to solve cross -strait issues peacefully.It is okay to interrupt the peaceful rise of the mainland in the United States. It is a matter between China and the United States.What's more, the United States does not want to fight against China.What the United States wants is a competitive fence.

The Democratic Progressive Party knows that independence cannot be achieved peacefully. The U.S. military did not come, but it attracted the martial arts of the mainland.Taiwan must take care of the lives of their own people.Don't be used to be used by a few ambitious houses, and you have to help count the banknotes.

Preparing for war cannot be stopped.Turning up to rely on dialogue and communication, and wisdom.

(the author is a Taiwan legislator)