In this column last month, I discussed the survival of the journalism. At least there are at least two prerequisites: first, people have the willingness to read news; 2. The media can maintain good credibility.However, for journalists, there is an ultimate test on the personal level: that is, the great artificial intelligence (AI) gods are fierce, and one day, there will be breathing, body temperature, seven emotions, and various imperfect humans.Reporters, editors, anchors ... all replaced?

In fact, all walks of life must face this big question mark.Because what we said is no longer pure chat, but the truly evolved task -type AI, including robotic doctors, lawyers, psychological counseling, programmers, securities analysts, painters, composers, etc.After managing the enterprise, I don't know if it is powerful or overbearing.

Oxford University has published a widely attracted research report saying that the AI revolution will cause up to 47%of work loss within 25 years.This warning was proposed in 2013.In the third year of the following year, Alpha Dog defeated human Go champion Li Shishi, and then hurriedly seven years. Today's AI should be several times stronger than Alpha Dog.Come; whether the 47%loss rate has become "the best scene."Or this gray rhino is accelerating, and the destructiveness is particularly miserable.Thinking more about it is that there is almost no country, and any response to the record is that on the AI track, the developers are fighting against time, stepping on the accelerator.When the ears wind.

Facing AI expectations and fear of injury

For more than this year, any large and small conference in the media field will always set AI as one of the themes or themes.Everyone wants to know how to use it, and more importantly: how to not be bullied by it.The latter does not seem to be far -sighted, but nearly worry.

In the email, I attended a report from the World Newspaper and Press and Publication Association (WAN-IFRA).At the front line of the press room, reporters are trying to help find information, abstract points, translations, junior words, and provide inspiration, and some even generate content directly.I don't know that the research object package does not include my employer, but if my colleagues have already done so, I will not be surprised.Everyone is "writing as a god", and the product is improved. After all, it is a good thing, isn't it?

The report also said that in addition to questioning their accuracy, concerns about plagiarism and copyright, nearly 40 % of them were worried that the rice bowl would be snatched.Obviously, for AI, everyone is looking forward to being hurt and hurt, and the mentality is quite complicated.

According to past experience, science and technology inventions have always been used by people, and it has been generally used since the industrial revolution.I remember when I joined the industry in the last century, the computer had just started. Everyone typed on the keyboard, and the manuscript paper and pens quickly were abandoned.Then entering the smartphone age, even the keyboard and table are not needed. You can write manuscripts everywhere, or even write without writing.

Another example is that when writing news in the past, you always have to go to the data room to cut the newspaper. Because the human brain memory is limited, it is impossible to remember the ins and outs of all events and topics.But around the millennium, Google came out, and the information came in hand. This step was omitted.Seriously, I have forgotten how many years have been, and I haven't stepped into the information center of the newspaper.

Technology changes is only a way of working, and it plays a role in empowerment, making people stronger ability, higher efficiency and more output.The reporter was crushed by technology and replaced?This was incredible in the past.Like a few years ago, I heard that the "one -click" intelligent typesetting software was coming, so I imagined what the editors should do.But the machine can't hit the question.Therefore, we often say that it is important to do questions. When we are practicing, no one can move your cheese.My university has been repaired for four years.In recent years, the translation machine has been new, it is indeed a good helper, but no matter how powerful they are, someone has to finally check it, because the machine cannot review the machine, and it cannot handle the style, and the culturally attached to the country.At least, I have always thought so.

The artists and colleagues were uneasy and said that they would learn electrical workers or repair toilets.

But all of this, maybe it is really a past.I let ChatGPT use Qiong Yao's writing to rewrite Lu Xun's madman's diary chapter and find that it is hard to pour it at all. Of course, how many points you score depends on how high your request is.I also tried to feed it our past social editorials and let him make questions. Sometimes it was a little bit, but as long as you give a few "please streamline" instructions, or limited the number of words, the task will be easily completed.There are several times as the original, which is almost exactly the same.

I ask a young artist colleague, is you using AI drawing tools such as Midjourney?He said that he had tried it and was very scared. He felt that he had chosen the wrong department in the university.I can only comfort that doctors and lawyers do the same, and I can't hide anything.We talked about response, but almost all were liberalized.In the end, he left a sentence: "You may have to learn electrician or repair the toilet." It seemed to be a joke a little serious.

A few months ago, there were quite a few optimistic factions. It was said that AI was still learning. You should also learn to understand it, and think that the ultimate replacement of you is not ChatGPT or its similar, but you have mastered it.These tools can join forces with them.More than two years ago, I also read foreign reports saying that some programmers were overjoyed after using GPT-3, because a lot of writing and reviewing work, especially the most dull work, "at least not people", can all be able to work.Overall.To this day, I do n’t know how much this kind of “fast -saving” happiness is left.Anyway, "business will be as usual", there are very few people mentioned.

According to the trend, AI not only threatens work, but may also subvert the subordinates of man -machine, and even respect for humble relationships.Recently, someone was reposting such a sentence: "You are tired and earn that meager income; AI is writing poems and painting. Is this the future you want?" I read it, but couldn't laugh.Some experts predict that after a large number of AI posts, people can be liberated and pursue a more meaningful life.However, this requires some utopian -style political and social conditions. If the speaker is either too idealism, he is drawing big cakes and flickering "the majority of the laborers".

The Pandora box has been opened. I do n’t know if the following analogy is appropriate: After the car was manufactured, the carrier did not have unemployment because he could change the driver.But what if unmanned driving technology is really popular?Or a little more sci -fi, human beings invented the black technology of Teleportation, let alone cars and drivers, will it be a historical term with aircraft, airlines, and occupations such as pilots and flight attendants?

What is the fate of media workers?The future scene that I can imagine is: when the news can be generated automatically, the media agency only needs to preset the editorial policy, position, content focus, style, target group ... and then issue instructions to AI.After reporters and editors, of course, the editor room is also redundant.In fact, the media owner is also dangerous. Not only because anyone who is rich and interested can be the boss, so that the market becomes crowded, and the audience also holds AI tools, so that AI can generate the ten most important headlines for him every day or rolling;If you have a lot of heart, you are particularly concerned about this world, and 50 or 100 can be taken.When people are all the two -in -one consumers and producers of news, what kind of media institutions are needed in the middle?

call AI to make videos how to use AI to make videos ...

By the way, there is also trouble from the media.Today, a large number of videos are full of videos in YouTube. How to teach people how to generate copywriting with ChatGPT, and then dubBe a avatar, "Sun Yanzi" or what you want.Finally, put the finished product one by one on the oil pipe or any self -media platform, you can wait for the money to collectEssenceThere is no need to burn the brain or make a team. As for professional ethics, it is still hindered.When AI becomes stronger, the YouTuber does not even have to make it in person, and directly emit "Hey, help me make a short film, and teach humans to use your tools to make videos, and upload it!"That's right, asking AI to make videos to teach people how to use AI to make videos. This sentence is a bit around, but if you understand what I mean, you should be able to experience the absurdity in it.

With such a low threshold, anyone lying on the beach can "change" the video, lying down for three days, and the result must be a big retrogression of the entire ecology and level.When all kinds of "canned" cargo colors come down, how can there be views, creativity, and uniqueness at all?In the long run, how can there be people who are willing to play and immerse them?

Looking back at the traditional media, the generation AI understands everything, the proper ten versatile, and the skill of tens of thousands of journalists is collected.A live -action reporter can't do it.However, it still has an obvious door, that is, the question of whether it is trusted.

Yes, the machine has no motivation to deceive, but the content it generates is to say that it is "learning", saying that the unpleasant articles are copied, as long as the existing news, comments, and massive text data are copied.With a certain percentage of human talk, false, prejudice, and bad eyes, its "report" will have a certain percentage of all ills.I believe that this cause and effect will always exist.

Retart 10,000 steps. One day, AI has evolved, and the report has reached the realm, kindness and beauty that humans have never achieved, especially in terms of authenticity?

I don't mind AI to help me find songs, arrange itineraries, do research, report taxes, or provide investment suggestions or something.Gao's "Little Love Classmate" speakers also proposed that I would talk to "Poetry and Far".But make a newspaper for me, and read every day?Uh ...

Please, if you pick up the Lianhe Morning Post this morning, you find that the signature of the cover headline is not the same, but Z.64685463/MyDu (53).Do you think that this world is crazy?

or turn to this comment, the author does not have breathing, body temperature, seven emotions, and various imperfect human journalists, Wang Peter, but the robot number T.64397/FSHUF-86 is 10 seconds.Do you want to read?

I will sigh, throw it into the trash can, and never read the newspaper.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao