The death of French teenager Nachr caused protests across the country, including damaging property, setting fire and burning cars and thousands of people.Whether the policeman who shot him was self -defense or accidental killing, the incident was waiting for the investigation report.The same incident is interpreted by different countries by media in different countries, because the society will have different psychological reactions on the understanding of riots, fire, and ethnic equality.

Of course, the riots that last for several days will have a significant impact on society and the economy, but the understanding of Chinese readers' understanding of riots is often more pessimistic than Western readers, and they will think it is terrible and disruptive.Because in China, maintaining social stability (stability) is regarded as the top major in the country, and any small social turmoil will be regarded as "the fire of the stars that can be alarm."People have firmly established such consciousness in countless publicity and education -China cannot be chaotic.

Last year, I chatted with a Chinese immigrant friend. At that time, I criticized the clearing policy of China, and the other party's response surprised me -her face immediately became severe and said, "China cannot be chaotic!" I was at that time.No response: Why do I criticize two sentences, China is chaotic?But this is probably the logic of most Chinese people (even the first generation of Chinese immigrants): criticism will trigger actions such as parades and protests, and may cause riots and even turmoil. In the end, it may be out of control.Therefore, for the sake of not chaotic, even criticism is not allowed, and the source is directly blocked.

What a terrible event in French riots with such logic!Countries may not be country!

But Western society is not such a mentality.

First of all, because of the implementation of democracy in Western countries, the regime can be replaced peacefully, and there is no saying that "the fire of the stars can be can".Because if the government falls, a general election can generally solve the problem. After the fall will not fall, the social order collapse and the tragic situation of thousands of miles.

Second, it is normal for rally, protests, parade, and strikes in the West. Especially France, it is famous throughout Europe to fall in love with the streets.The Fox TV once evaluated the French strike at the time earlier this year. The intention is: "French people work less than Americans each year, but they don't want to work and are still strike." Many public institutions in the UK have been in the past year.Ask for raising wages, and they also went to the streets to march, and even strikes. The British laughed and said that they finally caught up with the French.If you use the logic of Chinese people, the most laziness of Britain and the United States and France is not British, French, and the most diligent in Americans.In short, Westerners are commonplace to these large collective protests. Unlike the Chinese people, a little wind can be pessimistic to infer "the country will not be the country."

Third, Westerners do not have the thinking of "the country cannot be chaotic."The power of the democratic state government comes from every citizen (voter). The daily national affairs are to deal with various people's livelihood issues such as eating, drinking, education, housing, medical care, and transportation.The news that the Supreme Leader hears is often good news reported by subordinates to ask the superiors, but it is likely to be fake news.Following a superior is the motivation of officials, and the issue of people's livelihood is often overlooked.This actually accumulates a lot of people's grievances for society, so the probability of burning at all is relatively high, and criticism of the national policy is severely banned.

There are basically no social stubborn diseases that have accumulated less in democratic countries, and it is very rare when it is touched.For example, this time the French riots, the government first considered not the "stable situation". While dispatch the police to maintain order, most voters believe that the government's response is in line with its own interests.So President Macron said: "I want to express the feeling of what happened throughout the country and the death of the young Naher's death, and told his family's support and the feelings of the country. We have a teenager. This is killed.It is puzzling and unforgivable. "These words can immediately let most people know that the government's position is consistent with themselves.

For the fire, the French are self -contained, and even the British are surprised and unreasonable.

According to French urban riots in France: Why did French young people burn the car if they couldn't move?Report: "When the young French young people were happy, when the festival was celebrated, there was also the habit of" burning cars "; especially on New Year's Eve and July 14th National Day, there were 1,000 and 500 cars.; The average burned vehicles in France each year are between 40,000 and 4200 vehicles, that is, an average of about 115 vehicles per day ... Therefore, the "burning car" behavior of young French young people cannot only be interpreted as dissatisfaction with society.It may also be to prove the autonomy of the young people and the ability to get out of boring daily life; in France, the meaning interpretation of the "burning car" is not just 'riots and' unsafe '".

If the unfortunate French teenager Nachr is white, it will basically only be the news of the day, and it is impossible to cause public emotions to rise rapidly.The era where western society is now is the era of black people who demand equal rights. White people are full of guilt and atonement of the history of slavery in the past.White people must not speak and do any language and actions that are regarded as racial discrimination, but other ethnic groups do not have such harsh political correctly.

I now say that I am a minority in the UK, and it is a proud thing.This teenager is Algerian, and skin tone is an important reason for the riots.So if there is any worries about the fire of the stars in the West, it is not that the black citizens of the country should not happen.The biggest Eya incident is the "I can't breathe" incident during the crown disease epidemic, which triggers a demonstration of the "black life" parade covering the Western countries, but it did not cause the end of the government to end.

Finally, Dr. Li Zhipeng, a researcher at the French Institute of International Immigration, concluded the incident: "The riots after the parade and some Chinese businesses are not targeted, but some accidental events. On the one hand, this is just this is justUrban violence in local areas of France does not have any effect on the social life of most people. And after the France's annual or major festivals, the habit of "burning cars" will appear.Smaller and grabbing 'is just an episode that continues with traditional habits; on the other hand, some Chinese media or self -media are to obtain traffic or attention, with composition that is disconnected and exaggerated, and will mislead (China) domestic. "Essence

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK