
"Passing through a small county in the eighteenth line, I encountered a genuine hi tea." "Our small city has also Naixue's tea." Recently, many Chinese netizens found that Xixue and NaixueThe milk tea brand, just like the rainy after the rain, quietly emerged in the small county seat.

The small county on the eighteenth line will it be the next Nuggets of the milk tea brand?

Small county town open brand milk tea one street

In a small five -line city in the northeast, a Xixi tea shop is under renovation, and there is a recruitment information of the tea regulator in front of the door."It has been blocked since June, and the specific opening time is unclear." The clerk of the nearby stores told CICC that this is the city's forthcoming happy tea shop.

Zaozhuang City, Sanming City, Shaxian County, Puyang County, Pingjiang County ... On social platforms, many netizens from low -line cities and even small counties say that there are or about to open a happy tea shop.

"Our small county town is a mysterious store, Hi Tea, Tea Hundred Tao, Shanghai Auntie, Ah T, Johnia, etc. are all squeezed together."A netizen in Haicheng said that his small city has opened a" milk tea street ".

Under the increasingly fierce competition in big cities, more milk tea brands will invest in the market's attention to low -level cities, including Xixue and Naixue.

In November last year, Xicha officially announced its opening up.Some people in the industry pointed out that the opening of the opening of the opening of tea is to sink to low -line cities."The operating cost of open joining is low, and it is more suitable for the local business environment. It is the best choice to expand the sinking market."

Although Nai Xue said that in the future, it will still adhere to the first -tier, first -tier and key second -tier cities to further increase market penetration rate, but it was announced in December last year to acquire Lele Tea, which is regarded by the industry as a middle -incorrect space.Drive tea market.According to the public account of Lele Tea WeChat, Lele Tea has also been opened to join. Hubei, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, and Chongqing have become its cooperative hotspots.

Sinking behind: high -end milk tea pressure

Behind the fire in the small county town milk tea shop is the increasingly fierce competition in the milk tea market in the big city.

In May this year, the Xicha West Lake Black Gold Store, located by the West Lake in Hangzhou, officially "closed the store".Prior to this, the first stores in Suzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Hangzhou and other places also retired successively.The financial report released by Naixue in March shows that in 2022, Naixue's net loss was 461 million yuan (RMB, the same below).


Under the relevant discussion, many netizens believe that "expensive price", "not before", "insufficient innovation, no freshness" is the reason why high -end milk tea has lost its attractiveness.

Although Xixue and Nai Xue played the brand effect in the milk tea industry, there is no shortage of competitors in the lack of competitors in the milk tea market.In addition to the continuous promotion of the mid -term tea brand, in recent years, the tea face and the world's tea face and the overlord tea Ji also emerged. High -end milk tea people urgently need to find new breakthroughs.

Can high -end milk tea achieve the nugget of small counties?

For today's brands, small counties with a large number of consumption potentials have not yet been fully released are an inevitable choice for expanding the market.Consumers in small counties are more willing to try new things.So, can high -end milk tea be the Nuggets?

Some netizens believe that the unit price of high -end milk tea does not match the consumption level of low -line cities, and it is difficult to compete with brands in low -end markets such as Mixue Bingcheng.

Zhongxin Finance noticed that many Xixi tea launched a 9 yuan cup of discounts after opening a store in Xiaodian County.Some netizens said: "What bicycles do you want 9 yuan." Some netizens questioned: "Taste is still discounting with big cities."

According to media reports, third-party data shows that from March to May this year, Xixi Tea added 278 stores in 3 months, mostly concentrated in third-, fourth-tier cities.According to the data of Huancha, among the franchise stores, the single -day sales volume of Xizhou Wanda Store is up to 3,500 cups, and the single -day sales are up to 60,000 yuan.

The food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng believes that the biggest advantage of the opening of the sinking market is the control of cost for head brands."The advantage of many chain brands is to control costs. If first -tier cities sell 20 yuan a cup, five -tier cities also sell 20 yuan a cup, but the commercial rent of first -tier cities and five -tier cities may be far from." He said that overall, the revenue of the milk tea head brand may be relatively low in the sinking market, but it has a great advantage in cost, and the head brand also has certain advantages in terms of brand tone."But from the perspective of product matrix, head brands need to continue to make efforts in terms of differentiation and quality in the future."