When studying history in middle school, one test question was once tested: What is the slogan of the French Revolution in 1789?I replied, "Bread! Bread! Bread!" This answer was of course wrong.The correct answer is: freedom, equality, and love.

The answer I wrote wrong at the time was not without trace.Prior to the French Revolution, the war, coupled with crowds' apology, caused the bread supply to plummet and the prices soared.This is equivalent to their lives for the poor French who take 95%of the calories at the time.So the Paris crowd broke the street protest, asking the municipal government to give them bread, and even ran to the Palace of Versailles to discuss bread from the king Louis 16.It is said that when Queen Mary heard that the common people in Paris did not eat and starved, they actually said, "Then eat cake." Of course, she could not escape the doom of the broken side.

Through street demonstrations, the masses express their dissatisfaction with those in power, which seems to have become the tradition of the French.

Today, many people like to use the word "peace demonstration" to fight for rights.It is said that it is "demonstration", how can it be peaceful?Even if the original intention of launching a demonstration is to really want to express the demand peacefully, who can control the subsequent development?Who is responsible?Who can guarantee a person with a heart or a traitor, will not take advantage of the fire or destruction?Look at the chaos of the evolution of the demonstration of the parade in France in the past few weeks.

In 2006, Singapore hosted the International Monetary Fund -During the World Bank Conference, street protests were not allowed. Only foreign non -governmental organizations were allowed to "demonstrate" in the delineated indoor space.Promote in writing.This approach is naturally criticized by human rights elements as freedom of speech.

If you really want to express his demands, isn't it just to hear and respond to the person in power?In this case, why not need to achieve the best effect?Of course, this rational thinking is from the perspective of "very Singapore".In fact, in many places, if the public does not give some colors and does not cause international concern and puts pressure on, those who are in power may do not reason at the original reasonable appeal.Such a method of governance leads to a vicious circle of "riots -soothing -riots".

Politators may get some inspiration from the classroom management of children's teachers.The kindergarten class is full of unlimited surprises every day. At the same time, disputes and conflicts may occur at any time, or they are unwilling to cooperate when they encounter children.Preschool teachers who discipline should be well versed in Reinforcement theory, a psychologist.Children "use" each behavior with intention.If the child often needs to get attention, the teacher should pay more attention and praise when the child does a good behavior; and when the child tries to attract attention when the child uses a bad behavior or a temperEssenceAs long as you persevere and do not repeatedly cause information confusion, you can encourage and guide children to achieve their goals in a constructive way.

I said that, of course, it is not implying that politics is pediatric, or how to restrain freedom of speech.Only the talents of the family know how difficult it is to be diligent and frugal. Each family member has considerations from the interests from their respective perspectives, and each has its own demands.At home, it is definitely impossible to always come, nor should they only respond to children with the largest volume.How to make balance and judgment test the wisdom of the manager.It is still so difficult to manage a family and a class, let alone manage a country?

The slogan of "freedom, equality, and fraternity" shouted for more than 200 years, and has not been fully realized in modern society.The ideal society that Confucianism advocates "one is not less" — the old age is the end, the strength is useful, the young man is the director, and those who are lonely and lonely are raised -no matter what kind of political system, it is still in the construction of constructionWork-in-PROGRESS state.According to the Bible records, Jesus always feeds the hungry people, coexisting with the people who are abandoned by the society, heal their diseases, and then tell them the truth.Taking the welfare of the people as the primary task should be the most basic mission of all power.

Today, the "freedom, equality" of various "freedom, equality" of news and social media is better than singing. How many people can be treated with different opinions with the spirit of "Bo Ai"?In addition to loudly, how many people are really practicing "freedom, equality, and love"?

Now, I just look forward to the French riots calmed down as soon as possible, and locals and tourists can "safe, safe, and safe."

The author is a local educator