Source: Hong Kong 01

Hong Kong 01 comment editor room

Li Xiguang, the president of the National Development Bank Hong Kong Branch, is not much new in the latest issue of Bauhinia Magazine.First, of course, the National Development Bank can finance the construction of the construction of the northern metropolitan area and the artificial island of Jiaizhouzhou. In the past, it has supported the financing of the airport three running and the maritime liquefied natural gas receiving station.

Second, President Li suggested that the Hong Kong government properly increases the liability ratio of public institutions and accelerate the supply of land and houses in an orderly manner. This can also be said to be the direction of the current government.Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, has announced this year's budget that it will issue a debt of 65 billion yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about S $ 11.2 billion) to support labor engineering and infrastructure.

What is "control of public utilities"?

Third, the most concerned is that when Li's theory and Hong Kong's electricity prices rose sharply, it was suggested that "the SAR government planned to control public institutions on public utilities."The key is what is "control".In a broad sense, the Hong Kong government has signed a control plan agreement with the two power companies to regulate the return and financial arrangements of the power company. The power supply is by no means a "king -free" in Hong Kong.However, it is different if the agreement can fully protect the well -being of the people's livelihood.The price of Eight Electricity can still increase the price when it is profitable, and it can be seen that the government's "control" is obviously insufficient.

This is the greatest significance of the Li's article to the Hong Kong government.In response to the purpose of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Hong Kong Government officials and Li Xiguang also stated that they should better combine the high -efficiency market and the government, but the policy discussions presented by the two have certain differences.For example, in the face of the influence of electricity bills affecting people's livelihood, Li Xiguang mentioned that the Hong Kong British government had intended to acquire CICC, and believed that the SAR government can also use Chinese -funded forces to control it, but Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Environment and Ecological Bureau, only said "You can only respect the spirit of the contract. "

Use the market and improve people's livelihood as the mission

In fact, whether it is the "development finance" mentioned in the title of the article or the State Crossing itself, it reflects the significance of finance to the central government as a means to promote social development and the well -being of the people's livelihood.As a product of the reform of the financial system of mainland China in 1993, the National Kaikai Bank marks the new process of reform and opening up after the Jiang Zemin era and Deng Xiaoping's southern tour., Water conservancy and other infrastructure construction.

Different from socialism in mainland China, Hong Kong pursues the capitalist market economy, but it does not mean that the government has no role in public utilization and infrastructure.It can be seen from the development of new town to profit control, even if it is not in Hong Kong and Britain.However, Hong Kong officials did not fully think about how to better use market forces to promote the overall interests of the society.From the listing of MTR to the sale of the Village Mall, the Hong Kong Government had to "give it to the market" a single routine, which eventually caused the MTR and the Western Tunnel one after another.

Hong Kong only took the first step to try

Development finance, as another path to combine the market and the government, is simply speaking, it can be said that the dominant power is still in the hands of the government, and the market or funds is only a means of use.In fact, the government's establishment of Hong Kong Investment Management Co., Ltd. aims to further use financial reserves to promote the development of Hong Kong's economy and industrial development. It can also be said to be better in combination with the market and the government.It seems that it is just a meeting.

In any case, no matter how the northern metropolitan area is raised, or how the government controls the power market, how to better combine the high -efficiency market and the government to promote social well -being, there is no doubt that it is to solve the trouble of Hong Kong people's livelihood, social contradictions, and even development.Key means of bottleneck.It is a pity that many members are still noisy in the Legislative Council just to oppose the construction of the house to build a house, instead of putting their minds and energy on "the development of Hong Kong development from the long run and in the long run, and" the relationship between the government and the market "and" the relationship between the government and the market "This may be the crux of the dilemma of Hong Kong.