Source: Wind Media

Author: Zhang Zheming

The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War has exceeded one year or four months, and the war brings harm to Russia, Ukraine, Europe, and even global damage.According to the analysis of the Washington Think Tank "Strategy and International Research Center" (CSIS) on March 1, 2023, in the first year of the war, the Russian army suffered about 250,000 casualties, of which 670,000 were killed.

On April 13, 2023, Reuters pointed out that on the Ukrainian battlefield, Russia and Ukraine had as many as 350,000 soldiers were killed or injured.The war may last after 2023; in addition, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the total number of Russian casualties is about 189,500 to 223,000, of which 35,500 to 43,000 are killed.15,000 to 180,000 people were injured.

Due to the lack of fair and objective sources, the correctness of the above statistical data is difficult to obtain verification, but it is difficult to estimate the damage that war brings to the world.According to the China Television News report on February 24, 2023, the first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War could be said to be a global economy.Russia and Ukraine are all major grain exports. The war of war detonated the food crisis. Germany, which relies on Russia's natural gas, was the hardest hit area. The electricity price soared. The research of the German media "Rhein Post" pointed out that Germany lost 100 billion euros in 2022.The economy lost more than 1.6 trillion US dollars in 2022, and it will lose 1 trillion US dollars in 2023.

World Bank (World Bank) to (2022) said in October that under the war, Ukraine's 2022 economic materials will shrink by 35 %.The Kyid School of Economics estimates that the amount of infrastructure loss of Ukraine was as high as US $ 138 billion (Same as S $ 186.7 billion) in January, and the losses of the agricultural sector exceeded $ 34 billion.The joint assessment of the Ukrainian government, the European Union Council and World Bank found that the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war will cost about $ 349 billion.

The war has caused millions of refugees, and the UN Refugee Agency said that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, more than 8 million Ukraine has been forced to escape from the motherland and became the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.There are more than 5 million displacements in the territory.

The pro -American Western countries led by the United States, after the war in Russia, immediately imposed the most severe international sanctions on Russia in history.In the part of the financial sanctions, in addition to the top major banks in Russia from participating in SWIFT, the United States has also frozen Russian Central Bank of Russia for a total of 300 billion asset reserves.In addition, nearly 80 % of banks' bank assets in Russia have been frozen by European and American governments.

After more than a year after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, OOSGA's official website pointed out on May 2, 2023 that with the outbreak of the war, Russia also entered a 3.4 % decline in 2022. The IMF predicts that further decline in 2023 will decline in 20232.3 %.In 2024 to 27 years, due to factors such as a series of sanctions, lack of investment, and transfer of trading partners, their economy has entered a low growth, which has led to the frustration of the domestic economy and the confusion of domestic politics, which has increased Russia's future.Determine, whether the war will expand, whether the strategic nuclear weapons will appear, etc., will affect the entire European and even global anxiety.

The war is cruel and unkind, peace is the universal value

War is cruel, and the launch of war will undoubtedly bring great pain to people, including the loss of loved ones, the destruction of the family, the defeat of the country, and even the destruction of the environment.However, these shallow and easy truths have never been awakened by the countless wars in history. Can't we learn lessons from it?The Russian and Ukraine War, which is still staged this time, is undoubtedly a bloody example. How can it be inspired by the world's recognition of the next strait on both sides of the Strait that is most likely to occur?

According to reports from this weekly magazine on May 2, 2023, about 57 % of Taiwanese people support maintaining the status quo and not war.If most people are unwilling to see war, then we have to ask why there will still be war?Usually, large -scale wars between the two countries have traces to follow, which means that when the war broke out, or when the war is possible, if you can communicate and prevent preparation as soon as possible, the occurrence of the war can be occurred by the war.Avoided.

Before the outbreak of the Russia -Ukraine War in February 2022, there were already signs of revealing. However, under the lack of sincerity, the war eventually caused the war;If you want to use the war to defeat the enemy nations that are opposed to it, and deliberately adopt inaction; or on the surface condemnation and secretly funding the other party, eventually leading to the occurrence of war that can be avoided.

Taiwan should not be the "blue pills" that the United States maintains global hegemony

There are many places similar to the Taiwan Strait of the Russia and Ukraine. This article is intended to discuss from the inherent, endogenous, and from foreign aspects.

I. Inherent:

Russia and Ukraine are derived from Kievros. Therefore, from the perspective of Russia, Russia and Ukraine belong to the "Greater Slav Rongguang" circle. When the younger brother of Ukraine has a deviation behavior, the elder brother Russia has learned the reason.The situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is also quite similar. From the perspective of China, Taiwan is an indispensable part of the "Greater China National Relief" circle. Therefore, Taiwan is a problem of Chinese internal affairs.It is an unbearable thing and will also become the bottom line that leads to war.

Two, endogenous:

Since Russia and Ukraine are both Slap, they naturally have the relationship between "blood than water". Although Ukraine and Russian are two different languages, they have many commons in each other.However, in the past 20 years, Ukraine has always swayed on the position of "pro -Russia" and "pro -beauty"; by 2014, as the Ukrainian government fell to the Western political camp, it became obvious, and Russia launched military occupation to obtain the Crimean Peninsula.At this point, the dispute between the two countries has become increasingly severe.

This situation is not too much on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The two sides of the strait belong to Chinese culture. Most Taiwanese are descendants of mainland immigrants."Independent" and other issues swayed, especially after the DPP's administration in 2016 deliberately operated the issues of "pro -beauty" and "revenge", which made the possibility of cross -strait on the Russian and Ukraine War gradually increased.

Three, from outside:

The cause of the outbreak of war is not limited to the grievances between the two countries.Scholars Lin Jianfu once wrote that the development of the Russian and Ukraine's crisis exceeded expectations. Ukraine was not only the main battlefield, but also the wrestling field of various countries. The peace talks could not see the dawn.It is also far away; energy issues and war risks have led to a great increase in European industrial costs and fugitives, which have severe internal injuries.The United States has promoted the European industry to the United States by high subsidies to promote the U.S.

As French President Macron said, "the consequences of the bill are that the United States may solve its own problems, but add Europe."The United States and the European Union should cut off European and Russian economic connections, from space to aviation, from chip to oil and gas, from the financial chain to the industrial chain, and let Europe fall to the United States, so as to make the American banking and petroleum tycoon earn a lot of money.

American historian Paul Atwood once pointed out that the United StatesThe birth, growth, and even becoming a global super strong, are achieved by war, slavery, and massacre.In the 240 years since the United States announced its independence, in the 248 armed conflicts around the world, the United States launched up to 201, causing more than 800,000 people to lose more than 800,000 people, and millions of people's departure.

In the Russia -Ukraine War, in addition to the frozen foreign exchange reserves of Russia, Russia was also isolated in the global supply chain, and it was not effectively obtaining production resources such as capital and technology to support domestic economic activities.In the long run, the Russian economy will continue to decline, and the comprehensive national strength will not improve in the short term. Su -Russia, a world power that has been sitting with the United States, will fall into a long -term loss due to the Russian and Ukraine War.

Due to the "pro -beauty" and "hatred" of the DPP government, the United States uses Taiwan as a pawn against mainland China to obtain the Taiwan government.The degree of five cents ".In recent years, the United States has been piercing in China. In order to ensure the global hegemony of the "United States", how to prevent and defeat China has become its priority. Taiwan is a "blue pill" that can help the United States to complete this wish.

"No Battle, Not Fear of War" is the experience that Taiwan should learn from the next president of Taiwan from the Russian and Ukraine War

The stone of other mountains can be wrong.This article believes that the lesson that Taiwan can learn from the Russian and Ukraine War is:

First of all, war is not a way to solve the problem.There is no winner in the war, and the war is a civilized catastrophe.Under the huge lethality of modern weapons, whether it is victory or defeat, the Warring States will face problems such as a large number of personnel casualties, deepening of hatred between the country, and the need for post -war reconstruction.If a war occurs on both sides of the strait, no matter who defeats it, it will inevitably laid the seeds of hatred between the people on both sides of the strait. The process of resolving hatred will be difficult.

Secondly, you must do everything you can.The wars in history are often caused by the fire of the gun. For example, the First World War was caused by a assassination incident. The incident occurred to the two major camps that were originally nervous (the associate country and the allies) quickly spirated. In the endYou can only meet each other.

Recently, the aircraft of Mainland China crossed the midline of the Strait, and the neighboring area of the 24 nautical miles has become a "new normal".In this tight situation, there is actually a national defense think tank scholar ignoring the main military and ships to frequently take close or "ghost cuts", to provoke and resist the "free navigation" of the US military around the Taiwan Strait.Establishing another kind of "new normal" is completely "lifting oil and saving fire", raising the chance of wiping guns and getting angry.

Today, where is Taiwan's Wuyun densely set?In recent years, with the encouragement of the United States, Taiwan has continuously increased buying military reserve from the United States and increasing national defense expenditure.

At the same time, the government also continuously advocates the idea of "anti -China -China", repeatedly brainwashing the people, and promoting the Taiwan Strait. The United States and Japan and other AIA will support it.end.However, what the DPP government does not tell us is that even if Taiwan eventually "wins", most of the land will be turned into scorched soil. The casualties of hundreds of thousands of military and civilians and the displacement of millions of people will inevitably.

The ancient people Yun "big things are small and benevolent, small things are great."The governors must always be in a heart, and make the right actions at the right time at appropriate time, so that the people can live in peace and career.The party chairman Ke Wenzhe proposed the strategic guidance of the defense strategy of "not fighting, not afraid of the war". It is different from the Democratic Progressive Party's "seeking war" with the Kuomintang and the "fear of war".Back to the backing, insist on cross -strait peace, and never ask for war, but in case we have to fight, we will never be afraid of war, make all the preparations for war, and do our best to defend our homeland.

At the same time, cross -strait relations are dealt with with a scientific, rational, and pragmatic attitude. The negotiations should be negotiated during the negotiation. The cooperation is in cooperation. The confrontation is confrontation.These are the experiences that the next president should learn from the Russian and Ukraine War.