Source: Bloomberg

Author: Debby Wu

In the past year, Washington has given Beijing several decisive blows in suppressing Chinese technical ambitions.First, Nvidia was prohibited from selling the most powerful artificial intelligence (AI) chips to China, and then persuaded Japan and the Netherlands to agree to restrict the export of high -end chip manufacturing equipment to China.After doing these, I thought Washington should stop.

The facts prove that I was wrong.

Obviously, no matter whether Beijing is threatened or really takes countermeasures, the Bayeng government intends to increase its efforts to curb China.I remembered what the US Guoan consultant said again and again in September last year. He said that in certain technologies such as semiconductors, the United States should maintain as much as possible.

Think about the following scene: After the A100 chip is prohibited from selling it to China, the United States may limit more Nvidia AI chips to China.Washington is reportedly considered to restrict Chinese companies using American companies' cloud service training artificial intelligence models.At the same time, the United States also plans to allow the Dutch optical machine giant ASML to further tighten the export restrictions on China's chip manufacturing equipment (ASML's light carvings are indispensable for advanced semiconductor manufacturing).

Indeed Washington seems to be eager to improve the relationship with Beijing, including a group of officials, including Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen, visited Beijing.On the issue of China, the United States carefully uses "de -risk" instead of "decoupling",

In this way, the largest companies of Amazon, Microsoft and Nvidia are in dilemma.It is surprising that the US government seemed to be very tough in the ASML Dutch company, and eventually forced ASML to make concessions and agreed to join the US chip to be surrounded by the United States.

Bynden government officials seem to be in the practice of imitating Trump and trying to achieve extensive goals through unilateral measures.According to Reuters, Washington considers a rule that foreign equipment suppliers are prohibited from exporting any equipment containing American components to China.

This approach has been proven to be effective in the past. It may be the best explanation of Huawei's experience. At that time, the Trump administration's export restrictions on Huawei's exports were exactly the same as the export control of chip companies.

For so many years, the Bayeng government has been trying to clear the boundaries with Trump's unilateralism. Will these measures against China violate this goal?The White House tried to put pressure on allies and persuaded the latter to accept the US worldview, first use diplomatic means, and then issue a stricter administrative order.The latest measures of the United States in the chip industry may lead to alienation from some countries.

In some people's opinion, the chip war may have reached a fierce degree, but in fact the situation may still worsen.The current restrictions on the United States have not yet reached the ability to make low -end chips in China, and South Korea has not yet made a firm commitment to joining the Washington camp.

My intuition tells me that this battle has not reached the final stage of the final battle.