Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

After two months of chaos, the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi invited the former Secretary -General of the National Security Council, Jin Xicong, served as CEO of the Antarctic Office to operate the campaign.Then, at the event of Huang Fuxing's party department yesterday, Hou Youyi also frame with former mayor of Kaohsiung City, South Korea Yu.Hou Youyi has gradually taken the pace in the rhythm of election campaign, team combat power and blue camp.However, after re -re -team, Hou Youyi must play political party duel in policy demand.

When Hou Youyi was still trying to break away from the feeding of the drug case, the Democratic Progressive Party president Lai Qingde, who was also trapped in the party's sexual storm, has begun to subsidize a private college fee to break through, and the Ministry of Education will increase the Ministry of Education.Coin, forced the youth voting gap.The party's chairman Ke Wenzhe even took a large number of voices.In contrast, in terms of policy issues, Hou Youyi is either slowly half -shot or fuzzy; even on both sides of the strait and nuclear energy issues, Hou's standing with the Kuomintang in the past is one of the main reasons that cannot effectively integrate the blue camp.As far as the influence, the Kuomintang is difficult to resonate even on the policy battlefield of traditional advantages.

Taking the restarting service trade as an example, although Green Camp siege fire, Ke Wenzhe sat in a voices, and Hou Youyi, who followed up, could hardly see the existence.Ke Wenzhe was not this yesterday. Naturally, it was not to support the Kuomintang's claims, but because the DPP governed the anti -manipulating situation and the cross -strait situation was tight. The Kuomintang's past cross -strait policies have gradually been "rehabilitated."Ke Wenzhe, who is about to fight for the blue camp votes, chose to attack on the issue of service and trade and trade.

However, Hou Youyi, who proposed the most proposed proposal, also stated that "the cross -strait service trade agreement should be expanded quickly", but there was no complete discussion.echo.It was originally a topic of the Kuomintang, but instead became the capital of Ke Wenzhe's right to votes and grab the right to discuss the policy.

In terms of energy policy, Hou Youyi is also facing the same dilemma.In the case of frequent carbon reduction trends and the "non -nuclear home" of the DPP's "non -nuclear homes", the Kuomintang's nuclear energy policy has also shown signs of public opinion that the Kuomintang has been attacked in the past.In the past, Ke Wenzhe, who was anti -nuclear, took the lead in proposing the claim of the nuclear second and nuclear tertiary service; Guo Taiming, who was defeated by the Kuomintang Presidential Battle, mentioned the "re -examining the feasibility of the nuclear four restarting feasibility" and was also adopted by Ke Wenzhe.Even Lai Qingde also revised the non -nuclear god card and advocated that nuclear energy was used as "emergency use."

Hou Youyi, who had been able to grab the opportunity to keep the political party, has taken several shots.When other candidates advocate restarting nuclear power, Hou Youyi only said "incorporate options"; after he followed up the topic of nuclear second and nuclear and nuclear three extensions, Ke Wenzhe and Guo Taiming had reached the stage of evaluating the development of new nuclear energy for the new nuclear energy.The Kuomintang's traditional policy has become an additional problem for others, and is also brought to the same group of voters with Hou Youyi.

Other political parties "follow -up" the Kuomintang's claims are not only cross -strait and energy issues.The core national identity issues, the DPP, who advocates Taiwan independence, has come to grab the signboard of the "Republic of China", and even "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers" Lai Qingde, shouting "Republic of China Taiwan" will not be knotted.Although Hou Youyi also said that "defending the Republic of China", he couldn't even speak the "1992 Consensus" based on the Constitution, but lost his right to speak.

Hou Youyi invited Jin Xicong to go to the market, which helps to upgrade and accelerate the integration of the blue camp in the election strategy; especially Jin Yicong was the former president Ma Ying -jeou's confidant, which represents the traditional policy direction of the Kuomintang in the country's identity, cross -strait peace, and energy economy and other traditional policies.EssenceHou Youyi and South Korea's Yu are in addition to handing olive branches and creating a big solidarity trend, which is also symbolic in national identity and cross -strait positions.Although the Kuomintang is still hesitant to these "traditional claims", Hou Youyi should recognize: If the Kuomintang has lost confidence in his claims, how to persuade voters to support?If the Kuomintang's claim is not different from other political parties, why should voters vote to the Kuomintang?Similarly, in other major issues, voters are waiting to see Hou Youyi's claim.The Kuomintang has a positive confrontation with the Democratic Progressive Party and the People's Party in terms of policy.