Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The candidate of the President of the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe, recently thrown out the issue of "restarting the service trade negotiations", attracting big green and small green siege.The Democratic Progressive Party scolded him abominable, irresponsible, and returning to the way; the power of the times approved Ke Wenzhe to grab a deep blue ticket, so that he would distort the solar flower movement.In response, Ke Wenzhe argued that he was "anti -black box and no anti -service trade"; he also called on the DPP to quickly pass the Cross -Strait Agreement Supervision Regulations and not let it lie in the Legislative Yuan.

On the surface, the discussion of "restarting service trade" seems to be very enthusiastic; in essence, it is just a tool for offense and defense for elections, and no political parties are really serious about the pros and cons of the service trade.First of all, Ke Wenzhe did not actively publicize the "restarting service trade" by himself, but that the "national politics white paper" in his drafting was mentioned by the pro -green media. He could only passively recruit.Secondly, Ke Wenzhe has recently ranked first in polls. Of course, the DPP must move the firepower of Hou Youyi to him; the "sales" label that was originally posted to the Blue Camp was also changed to Ke Wenzhe.As the beneficiaries of the Sunflower Study Games, Time Power can only be attached to it.Third, the Kuomintang is actually happy to see the "service trade" and see the day, but also knows that unless it is returned to the governing power, it is impossible to respond weakly.

It is worthy of fun that Ke Wenzhe argued that it was "anti -black box, no anti -trade trade", saying that it sounded cunning;The reason is very simple: First, the Sunflower Study Games that emerged with the anti -service trade that year, in recent years, the aura peels off, and many people have begun to regret not giving the trade opportunities.Second, cross -strait relations have fallen from anti -service trade, and in recent years, they have gone to swordsmanship. Young people must extend their military service. This harsh relationship is not what the people want.Third, as Ke Wenzhe said, the anti -service trade at that time was due to the black box operation at the time of censorship; in the same way, the Tsai government and the United States signed by the 21st Century Trade initiatives did not intend to send the Legislative Yuan for review. It was another kind of "black box".Essence

After multi -day discussions, whether the service trade can restart is still the future.However, under the controversy of "who is more black boxes", the Cai government has finally agreed to change the Taiwan -US 21st Century Trade initiative from the original "checking" to the "review" of the court.This is the unexpected harvest of this argument.In particular, the 21st century trade initiative signed by the United States and Taiwan must be consent in the United States through the consent of the two houses in the United States."Enough."If it wasn't for the topic of "restarting service trade" to evoke the pain in the people's hearts, how would the Tsai government care about what public opinion and "black box"?

Ironically, this restarted service trade issue, which is called "fake news one dragon" by Ke Wenzhe, has been enthusiastically discussed by the parties for a week, and has also settled in many sections of the media;"It is not the focus at all.Sadly, this is a unique way for Taiwan's politics to waste the people's energy: it burn the people's enthusiasm and brain power, but does not pursue results or goals, and let all energy dissipate in the air without thinking.

Ten years ago, Ke Wenzhe and the Green Camp jointly pushed the "service trade agreement" into hell, claiming that the supervision regulations of the Cross -Strait Agreement to establish a supervision mechanism were also asleep.Still hugging.Ten years later, the service trade may still have residual value for speculation, so the green and white parties have therefore fought with great tongue; but who can make up for the time and opportunities in Taiwan?Ten years ago, in accordance with the development of the three -strait development level, the service trade agreement was not the same way that after ten years of extension.It is ridiculous that Taiwan's politicians still have the same set of words; their old mentality and pace can move the way to Taiwan?

That's right, the service trade is still in a political war, but the ten years of Taiwan have been gone.If Taiwan can't even talk about pineapple grouper and open land passengers. The only one may be the rotation of political parties.Otherwise, the public can only continue to look at the expectations and future of politicians.