Once the chef of the dictator is suspected, the end is likely to be a person's head, and those who can survive have a set of life -saving techniques.

The well -known Polish reporter Witold Szablowski, a well -known Polish reporter, wrote a chef for the dictator in writing. Each has its own incomplete stories. Under the dining table is the relationship between food and power.

The Chinese version of the dictator's chef and the Cremlin table was published in Taiwan in February 2021 and 2023, respectively.When the manuscript was paid, the Russian and Ukraine War had not been played, and the Wagner soldiers who shocked the world were not staged.

But history is always amazing.

Shatabelffsky interviewed in the field, and pushed the dictatorship in history from the chef's private perspective to record the subtle interaction with the strong man.In contrast to the breakthrough of "Putin's chef" Pricigen and Putin, there are various associations on the power relationship of "Shuangpu" in an instant.

Everyone can deceive the dictators. Except for the chef, his taste buds are naked in front of the chef.The accompaniment is like a tiger, and the stomach is grasped. The chef must first let the master eat the loyalty of food, followed by nutrition and delicious.One governing country and another man who manages the kitchen, ordered the world in their respective fields.The dictator was worried that the chef was poisoned, the chef was afraid of the dictators, and the two cried each other, fell in love and killed each other.

Shatabelffsky is the chef to complete the dictator, crossing the four continents and interviewing the five chefs.Their master has passed away: Iraqi President Saddam, Uganda President Amin, Albanian leader Hocha, Cuban leader Castro, and Khmer Rouge leader Bobo.

Bobo's chef Yongfang is the only woman. The relationship with the master is the most special. No matter how she asked, she only said that Bo Bo said good words, and the love of worship was overwhelming.The writer played the true nature of the reporter and left the sensitive issue at the end.Yongfu answered: "You ask me not love him. After hearing these afterwards, you said, can anyone not love him?"

Amin's chef Ou Tongde relied on calm life.Once Amin's son had dinner, his stomach hurt to roll on the ground. Amin was furious and determined that someone was poisoned.Ou Tongde took a child to drive from the back door to the hospital. The doctor massaged the child's belly, and it would be okay after putting a few farts.Ou Tongde sighed: "If I didn't keep calm at the time, I would have to take my child to the hospital, I might not be there."

Huocha's chef K Mr. K is meticulous and is the only chef who requires anonymous.K knows that after a chef committed suicide and disappeared before him, he thought about his life and decided to start from Hohar's sister.He knew Huo Cha missed the dead mother and learned to be Huo Cha's mother's dishes with her.Sure enough, a hometown dish made K become Huo Cha's favorite chef. When the senior officials were lined up one by one, he retreated.K said, "I spent it, thanks to my talent."

Poligon who launch a mutiny is not the real chef of Putin, but the relationship with Putin is not like a chef, and it is better than the chef.

Mr. K is more like Mr. K.Starting from selling hot dogs, the former prisoner shook as the owner of high -end restaurants in St. Petersburg. The guests include the institutional elite, including Putin.After winning the trust of Putin, Pricigen became a food supplier of the Kremlin, and stepped up to harvest the interests of approaching the elite circle. The delicate mind can be imagined.

Purigen is different from the chefs in Shabolfsky's writing.EssencePutin acknowledged that Wagner's salaries were all provided by the Russian government and paid more than 86.2 billion rubles (about S $ 1.3 billion) within a year.

Western media analysis said that Pryo was appointed as high -level power of the Ministry of National Defense in the system.

President White Ross, Lukashenko, said that Pryigo accepted his mediation and ended his mutiny in exchange for criminal filed cases to withdraw.Although the soldiers ended, the follow -up impact on Russia and abroad has greatly surpassed the incident itself. Now it is still a suspense drama with unsolved mystery.

The only thing that is determined is that the dictatorship only talks about the use of value and loyalty for all relatives, white gloves, chefs, and staff members. Neither of them are destined to be abandoned, and even cause the killing of the body.

If Perigon, who is exiled to White Ross, can continue to save his life, he has the opportunity and willingness to fully support it. It must be the most exciting chef story of this century.Looking forward to a chef who kills goose and smashing the pot, to all the dictators and relatives to sound the alarm bell, and it is also alert to the world. No matter how much disturbance it will bring, it is always better than the dictatorship of bleeding.