Source: Taiwan United Daily

The President of the People's Party President Ke Wenzhe recently tossed the issue of ECFA and the service trade agreement, causing the DPP camp to attack, and you come and go."Card", Hou Youyi, a party president, cannot lose the right to discourse cross -strait.

Ke Wenzhe has recently risen polls and frequently attacked, resulting in anxiety disorder at the grassroots level of the blue camp. Now that Ke attacks on both sides of the strait, is considered to be a deep blue ticket, but ECFA and the service trade are obviously the Kuomintang's past claims.Political opinions have also triggered the majority of discussions, which are alert for the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi.

The Kuomintang revealed yesterday that the election had locked three cross -strait cards, from green lights, urban exchanges in agricultural and fishery products, and relaxation of Lu Shenglu; Hou Youyi also advocated that the service trade agreement and economic and trade cooperation should be quickly unfolded, showing the Party Central Committee, showing the Party Central CommitteeRealizing the problem with the competition office, there are already deeper collaborative operations.

Cross -strait cards are no stranger to the Kuomintang. In the past, Ma Ying -jeou played an important role among former President Ma Ying -jeou's two elections, but it is worth noting that the Kuomintang presidential candidate Han Yu also played cross -strait and agricultural economic and trade exchanges.The election results are very different from Ma Ying -jeou.

Tsai Ing -wen, who said that "summarizes" these cross -strait "sugar -coated poison", instead elected high votes. From this point of view, economic and trade development and dividends are not opposed by the public.At this stage of the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi, many claims that the public should not oppose the "claims", but through what "methods" and "channels", they need to be clear to the people.

The Democratic Progressive Party used to "anti -China -China Taiwan", and now "Peace Insurance Taiwan"; Ke Wenzhe adhered to the "four mutual" in the "one -five new perspectives" and "a family on both sides of the strait" and the opposite bank.In the past, the Kuomintang advocated the "1992 Consensus", but was discredited and distorted by the Democratic Progressive Party and lost the hearts of the people. Since it is determined to play the cross -strait cards, how to create more topics and clearly execute methods will become important for the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi next.test.