The Russian mercenary group Wagner's rebellion ended dramatically within 24 hours. After the leader of Wagner, Porigen announced that the White Ros will be exiled, the Kremlin and Wagner have been silent for a while, but the Russian Ministry of Defense released the picture yesterday yesterday.Show Minister of Defense Shoju visited the Ukrainian front line, and some analysts believed that it might be a trip before the mutiny.However, at least the situation of further clarity shows that Pricig has previously tried to influence Putin, which has previously influenced President Putin, and Chief of Staff Glasimov, and may not be affected by the mutiny.

For the outside world, such as Western countries, the rapid end of the change not only cannot explain the cleverness of Putin's planning, but also hidden a variety of unpredictable hidden concerns.The small Baltic nations that were about to welcome the NATO summit two weeks later issued a warning, arguing that Pryigo was "exiled" to the Lithuanian neighbor Berlos in Lithuania, indicating that NATO should strengthen the East Wing's arms.

Classification is a serious event in any country. For Russia, which is in a state of combat and has nuclear weapons, it has received worldwide attention throughout the weekend. It mainly shows that the cracks between Russia's control of military power are officially disclosed and revealed that they revealed that they were revealed.Information is Putin's control of the domestic situation, and it may have been powerless.

After losing a lot of troops in the front line of Ukraine, the intention of Russia to officially accept the intention of the Wagner Group, the most sophisticated troops in Russia at the moment. Analysis believes that the Ministry of National Defense requires that the contract with this "private army" expires, requiringThe army soldiers directly signed between the Ministry of National Defense and no longer "privatization". It was the main cause of stimulating Wagner's leader Progo.

Danwgner's troops have not encountered any blocking or even air blows on the highway in Moscow.Consumption of Russian troops and shortage of ammunition.Although the negotiations of the two parties promise not to be held accountable, Perigo's request for "Qingjun side" has not been publicized, and the screen of Shogu on the front line shows that his power should not be affected.All this shows that Perigo cannot change the country's situation, and the dominant power is still in Ke Palace; yesterday, the Russian national media reported that the criminal investigation of Porigen's mutiny was not revoked, so he would believe that Kayong "does not" noThe promise of "investigating", will there be variables if they will put down the Wagner troops.

Pricig's real motivation to openly open Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the ambition of generals such as Hagodo. As a result, the outside world has begun to question whether Putin still can effectively control the final movement of the army.who is it.If the confrontation between Kegong and Wagner continues, will the internal dispute within Russia continue, will it cause more radical military moves against Ukraine to shift the outside world?Some analysts are worried that more extreme military leaders may control the situation, resulting in changes in the front line situation that exceeds the current confrontation, and then stimulates that NATO has more extensive and targeted measures.Instead, the spiral rises.

The international community is paying close attention today. How the "domestic affairs" of the Kremlin "domestic affairs", which has a sharp increase in variables, will affect the region and the world.In addition to military threats, the food production and exports of two large agricultural countries in Russia have been frustrated, and the blow to Africa and many poor countries has also lasted for a long time.

There are reasons to believe that Putin, who has been in power for more than 20 years, cannot automatically abandon power in the foil of the battle.Obviously, he has been dependent on Wagner more than a year after more than a year, but he may have to seek the best balance between Wagner and the generals who control the military power of regular troops, but to tear up his face and become a good balance.In the dilemma, the United States estimates that he will have been cleaned up for several months.However, if he can still control the situation, he should also see that the country has lost due to the loss of the Russian army in the Ukraine, and the dangerous situation of serious damage to him and Russia.To alleviate your own situation, focus on dealing with contradictions in all aspects of the country, and strive to maintain stability, to avoid the power of extreme nationalist traditions in the country when two ends are burned, producing more unpredictable variables.