Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

While the US Secretary of State Brills visited China, Prime Minister of the State Council of China Li Qiang opened his first visit after he took office in March.Compared with the strong political colors of Brinken China, Li Qiang's European trip highlights the nature of economic and trade. In the trip, frequent exchanges with the industrial and commercial circles of Germany and France.However, these economic and trade exchanges do not leave the political background. Li Qiang in Germany's so -called "de -risk" popular in Europe pointed out that "not cooperation is the biggest risk, not development is the biggest insecurity", emphasizing that "de -risk" should be enterprisesIndependent economic behavior is not government behavior.In Paris, he praised France as a "big country with an independent spirit", and attended the International Summit held by Macron's initiative to support its strategic autonomy.In addition to maintaining the security and stability of the global industrial chain supply chain and expanding exports to Chinese goods, it has also promoted "seeking common ground while depositing differences and aggregating the same difference" with Germany and France, and responding to the uncertainty of the international situation with the stability of China -Europe relations.

"Depending on Risk" cover up "decourse"

Difficult to resist enterprises invest in China's general trend

The so -called "derisk" is the concept of the European Commission's chairman Feng Delin. It has now become a replacement word for Western countries to cover up the industrial chain, supply chain and China "decoupling".As Li Qiang visited Europe, the European Commission announced the "new trade proposal" last week, which is the latest layout of the EU's "risk" to China.During Li Qiang's visit to Germany, German Chancellor Tsutz also repeatedly emphasized that Germany did not intend to "decide", but hoped to "risk".

The "risks" of European countries have become strong, and it has caused harm to China -Europe economic and trade cooperation.According to the investigation report released by the EU Chamber of Commerce in China last WedneIt must not be ignored.According to German media reports, Robert Habeck, the deputy prime minister in charge of the economy, has been in office for about two years since taking office.The German government has refused to invest in Germany's investment in China 4 times. The total value of 454 million euros of 4 post -delay applications have not been approved, and the new application for review of 4 billion euros has not been accepted.Under such a policy atmosphere, the confidence of Chinese companies is difficult to be affected.

Even so, the Independent Think Tank European Foreign Relations Committee (ECFR) showed that more than 6,000 people in the EU countries at the beginning of the month showed that most Europeans still regard China as a "necessary partner."The results of the German Chamber of Commerce in China also showed that more than half of the company's plans to increase investment within two years, especially automobiles and chemical companies, and still want to stop in the Mainland market.Recently, Siemens once again announced that it has increased investment in China, including China Intelligent Manufacturing Base in industrial automation products in Chengdu, China Intelligent Manufacturing Base has invested 1.1 billion yuan.According to data from the German Federal Bank, Germany's investment in China reached 11.5 billion euros last year, a record high.Last year, China -Germany's bilateral trade reached 297.9 billion euros. China has been the largest trading partner in Germany for 7 consecutive years.

It is the general trend of economic and trade cooperation. Li Qiang and Shuorz co -hosted the seventh round of the China -German government for consultation. Habeck and German foreign minister Berbek, who had a tough position in China, attended.Entrepreneurs' exchange activities hope that the Germans will keep the market open and call on the leading power of "de -risk" to the enterprise.Once upon a time, calling on the opening of the market and respect for the autonomy of the enterprise is the West's demand for the Chinese side. Now it is a similar appeal to China to reflect the vicissitudes of the sea and change the world.In his speech, Li Qiang pointed out that German cars used to "take the lead" in the Chinese market. In some places and even "unified the world". During his five years in Shanghai, the car was Volkswagen, which was jointly produced with Germany. "I don't think there is any risk. We go to the hospital to do CT examination and nuclear magnetic examination. They are all from Siemens. We are not safe to lie there. It is safe! We think these should not be a risk. China has never been.There is no so -called de -risk of these issues. "

Autonomous strategy of attending the summit support

The supply chain of property supply stabilizes the overall situation of Central Europe

Different from the previous leaders' visit to Europe, Li Qiang did not hear any buying and selling orders this time.On the one hand, the government departments come forward to sign a contract with the enterprise.Sino -Europe relations have a subversive fluctuation.

Li Qiang visited France, focusing on encouraging European "strategic autonomy" while maintaining the security of the China -Europe industry chain supply chain.After the French President Macron visited China in April, he called on Europe to avoid being a "American follower" and was once "besieged" by European and American public opinion.He hosted the "Summit for a New Global Financial Pact" to promote the establishment of a "new consensus" in the north and the south to cope with global goals such as poverty reduction and climate.Lun attended, Li Qiang attended and delivered a speech, which was China ’s expression of support for Macron.Li Qiang praised France on many occasions as "a big country with an independent spirit". China and France "have a common strategic view and overall view". I hope that the French party will continue to exert its influence and "promote Europe to form a more objective and rational cognition of China."And policy".

On Thursday and Friday, the leaders of EU countries will hold a summit in Brussels. Economic security and policy to China will be the main topic. According to reports, the draft statement is roughly consistent with the content of the seven -way Group (G7) summit last month., Evergreen and "Risk Risk".It should be seen that under the current international pattern, regardless of France or Germany, it is unable to reverse Europe's two -sided attitude towards China. Economic and trade as the "cockpit stone" of China -Europe relations, the industrial chain supply chain is stable, and China -Europe relations can guarantee basically.Stablize.