Recently, Apple has released a new product Vision PRO at the Global Developer Conference, which has caused sensation and attention in the global technology product industry.After reading the introduction of the main speech of the conference, intuitive telling the author that this is not just a head -wearing display, but it is likely to be an epoch -making product that changes the habit of computer use.

headset display (referred to as head display) has been used in military as early as the 1980s. For example, the helmet of a fighter pilot was equipped with head display to help the pilot more quickly grasp the various information of air flight and cracking targets.In 2016, consumer heads are mainly virtual reality and mixed reality glasses (VR/MR glasses) to allow users to play games in their situation.

The existing VR/MR glasses are mainly used as extended products for video games, because most of them cannot be used independently and must be connected to the computer or video game console.Apple's Vision PRO has essentially surpassed simple VR/MR glasses, which is a head -wearing computer, so Apple calls "Spatial Computer".

The computers that people are familiar with today are mainly composed of the three major parts of the host, input and output end.The host is the core part of the computer, mainly includes the indispensable components such as central processors, graphics processors, memory, sound cards, and hard disks.The screen, keyboard and mouse are the interaction interface between people and the host, that is, the channel for interchange information between people and computer.The keyboard and mouse are the input terminal of the user to the host; the display screen is the result of the host after the host is calculated to display the output end of the user.

From the Vision Pro released by Apple, it also has three components: host, input end and output end.Its host is mainly composed of two chips, namely the M2 and R1 chips independently developed by Apple. The former is a single chip system that integrates central processors, graphics processors and memoryGraphic processor.In the input terminal, there are many cameras and sensors on the Vision Pro to capture the real environment in front of the user, tracking the user's eyeball movements and hand movements. It is the input terminal of the user to give the host.The two 4K screens in Vision Pro are output.

Users put on Vision Pro to see both the real world on the screen and the system interface floating in the real world. This is the so -called hybrid reality.Users can instructions to the computer through their eyes and fingers. When the eyes look at the icon or any of the system interface, pinch with their fingers, pull it left or back or back, and then use the mobile phone to click and use those floating in front of the eyes like the mobile phone.application.In other words, this header -dressed computer has abandoned the physical keyboard and mouse, and users can interact with the computer with their eyes and fingers.This is different from many heads on the market, and they still need to be used with controllers.

In the experience of migrating the air in the mixed reality, it is like the 2002 science fiction movie minority report (Minority Report), and the objects on the display on the display screen; or like the Marvel Movie Iron Man (IronMAN) When designed his steel power service on the computer, he threw the unwanted accessories into the trash can and combined the required accessories.This new product of Apple makes the plot in the movie a reality.

Apple decided to design chips independently more than 10 years ago, which is the key to now being able to build head -wearing computers.Early Apple used the chips such as Intel and other suppliers to produce mobile phones, computers, etc. Later, it designed its own chip Apple Silicon, such as the A series chips used by iPhone and iPad, M series chips used by Macin Tower computers.

Apple insists on designing the chip by itself in order to create a better closed -loop Apple product ecosystem with a user experience.Although some people criticize this type of exclusive approach, it is undeniable that Apple has indeed established the foundation and strength of future scientific and technological development through self -accumulation.

Huawei, which is facing US sanctions, may be negative textbooks.Since Huawei does not have enough time to build its own chip design ability, it is now completely beaten.The U.S. government ordered the global chip merchant to customize the water -offs of Huawei, and Huawei became a clever woman who had no rice.

Of course, at present, it is difficult for a header to become a product like a mobile phone.After all, it is very different from watch glasses. People are used to wearing watches or glasses for a long time, and they can wear them anytime, anywhere.It is another thing wearing a computer. It is heavy and cannot be worn like glasses.It should be a weird thing to see the fruit powder wearing Vision Pro on the road.If it really becomes an electronic product that people use while walking, I am afraid it will create more hidden dangers.

However, semiconductor technology is changing with each passing day, semiconductor devices are getting smaller and smaller, and chips are highly integrated. In the future, small and lightweight, wearable computers like glasses, and even contact lenses can be fully integrated into life and used for a long time.Such a wearable computer may soon be available.