El Niho is here!El Nino is here!El Nino is here!

From the World Meteorological Organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Forecast Center, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations World Grain Program to Southeast Asian countries, all predicting that the El Nino phenomenon will occur.Right problem.To a considerable degree of agriculture, the Southeast Asian country, which has made money, has begun to be nervous. Even the recent black seed problems that Cat Mountain King Durian appeared was suspected to be caused by the phenomenon of El Nino.Malaysia Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Saab said on June 15th in the House of Communist Party of Malaysia that the recently harvested durian problems have indeed occurred, and some operators believe that it may be related to climate change.The impact of the phenomenon of the El Nino on agricultural products, especially rice, is seriously treated. If there is an urgent need, the official will consider the rainfall in the paddy field.

El Niowe is a climate phenomenon caused by abnormal water temperature in the central and eastern waters of the Pacific Equal. It usually lasts nine to 12 months, with an average of two to seven years, and last time from 2018 to 2019.

The "Heat Stress Guidance Framework" formulated by Singapore's Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment will specify how people are listed on the weather forecast, planning activities, taking necessary protection measures, and deciding on outdoor activities to be suitable for outdoor activities.Dress.The official will announce the details of this framework in the next few weeks.The so -called "heat stress", in short, is not easy to look at dresses in the sky. Do you still need the official formulation of the "guidance framework"?Chaozhou Aya knows "sitting in a cool plot" ("Sit down wherever you get cold").Singapore Changi Airport Group has set up a cool area for the "empty employees" of the airport- "Refresh Pod", so that employees have a place to avoid summer heat.

Sustainable Development and Minister of Environment, Fu Haiyan, said that high -temperature weather will affect the production of food, and the problem of power and water shortage will also be more frequent, so that it will disrupt social and economic activities.The increase in temperature may also cause more casualties caused by heat damage.The official may have attracted the experience of the last round of El Nino, and focused on protecting the health of employees in various fields."Outdoor activity" is obviously aimed at various projects carried out on the construction site, highway, and parks. Labor workers working under the scorching sun are a fragile group exposed at severe high temperatures for a long time.

The common motorcycle knights on the highway wearing black leather jackets may be for a feeling, especially riding on the Harley electric motorcycle. Maybe this is the Knight's standard safety equipment. It is said that when an accident occurs, the leather is the leather.Jackets are more protective for personal safety.This is common in Western countries, but wearing a leather jacket under tropical weather is a kind of life, not to mention at a harsh high temperature.

Some "indoor activities" are not necessarily safe. For example, the working environment of the kitchen is full of oil fume, poor ventilation, and lack of air -conditioning equipment, as if working next to the stove.This is a common problem in local small restaurants. Unusual high -temperature weather will make these out -of -environment kitchen more unsuitable for work.

Officials should investigate the working environment of all kinds of outdoor and outdoor, and obtain consensus with employers of various industries. The "guidance framework" should cover different fields as much as possible.

Reading newspapers recently, I will see information related to the El Nino phenomenon almost every day.According to a report issued by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), which is affiliated to the European Union, the average temperature earlier this month has set the highest temperature since the EU has the same period since the climate monitoring record.For the first time in June, it is more than 1.5 degrees Celsius before industrialization.In addition, the global temperature in early June is more than 1.5 degrees higher than the pre -industrial level, exceeding the upper limit of global warming in the 2015 Paris Agreement.The global climate report released by NoAA pointed out that the global ocean temperature in May this year has reached a high height of the same period.Noaa announced last week that the El Nino phenomenon has emerged and will continue to be enhanced until early next year.

Bloomberg reported on June 9 that due to Singapore's failure to pass the environment, social and governance (ESG) test of the environment, social and governance (ESG) of Van Lanschot Kempen, the company, the company decided to put Singapore's support of assets (State-Backed Assets) List of company ESG blacklist.In this regard, Singapore's National Climate Change Secretariat, Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the National Park Bureau issued a joint statement on June 15 to make a response to this company to pay more attention to Singapore's adopted by Singapore in sustainable development and other aspects.Measures.For example, Singapore promises to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and takes a series of positive measures.

Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia to implement carbon taxes in multiple fields.It covers 80 % of local greenhouse gas emissions, which is higher than many countries including Europe.Lianhe Morning News asked the company's testing and audit standards last week. Fan Lansu's reply said that the test policy is only applicable to some pension funds under the management of the company's trust. These funds involve only the state's support for debt and sovereign debt, and have ESG.Must require."Relevant review is the data of various academic institutions and non -governmental organizations, and research."This Dutch wealth management company's "test" conclusion is comprehensive, and it is simply "how this is the reason". The intuition is that Singapore does not work hard in dealing with the climate.

Singapore does not do it because of elementary schools, many countries are virtual and commissioned.UN Secretary -General Gutres has recently warned that countries have deviated from the perception of the commitment to respond to climate change, and there are also lack of trust, support and cooperation between countries.

This round of El Nino seems to be even more aggressive. If there are no preparations for the arrival of El Nino in various countries, when the world's worst climate disaster will be temporary in the future, it is not what clothes to wear.It's so simple where to sit ".The global sea level rising is not worrying; El Nino is here, nor is it "wolf coming."