Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hang Ziya

Modi visited the United States. The United States gave all the courtesy that could be given and signed a lot of clear bilateral agreements.Please note that the author uses "the United States" instead of the Biden government. Because of strengthening cooperation with India, it has given India's all -round support to India's development of politics, economy, science and technology, military and humanistic exchanges. It is a cross -party consensus in the United States.With the help of the United States support, strive to become a more dynamic economy and a more powerful country in the geopolitical cracks of the Sino -US strategic confrontation, it also has a wide consensus in India.

Unfortunately, whether the United States strengthens cooperation with India, or India ’s strengthening of the United States, it is ordered or secretly pointing to the same“ strategic enemy ”. Yes, it is a strategic enemy, China.

Whether China wants to be the "strategic enemy" of the United States and India, can it avoid becoming the "strategic enemy" of the United States and India.Talk about China, and plans the various cooperation between the two countries at the strategic level.As long as we adhere to the spirit of truth, it is not difficult to find such a basic reality.

Because India has a large gap with China in terms of national strength, and the Chinese side has achieved crushing victory in the process of fighting in the process of fighting, many people have psychological advantages in India.The future will not pose a fatal threat to China's security and development.

Other people have deduced from the position of independence, independence and independence of India's country, and the positioning of the country's positioning. It is concluded that India will not become the role of Japan, South Korea and Australia, and will not form a real bilateral military alliance with the United States.It is too vigilant to cooperate in the United States and India.

These views are optimistic, and also cater to and meet the psychological needs of most netizens.However, these views have been mistakenly read India, but they also read the intentions and prospects of the construction of the US -India relations, and underestimated the universal and hot anti -Chinese emotions within the United States and India may have the impact of the three -sided ground game.Looking back at history, it is not difficult to find that in the Cold War to curb the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when the establishment of diplomatic relations with China that also had the need to curb the needs of the Soviet Union and the needs of the Soviet Union was also filled with similar emotions at that time.

Because of the poverty and weakness of China in the past one or two hundred years, they defeated again and again during the fight with Tsarist Russia. Later, in the process of revolution, war, and economic construction, the Soviet Union was aware of the Soviet Union.Even more people's perception of India today is even more unbearable.

Many elites in the Soviet Union at that time also believed that China ’s status and cherishment of independent status, the history of exchanges with the Soviet Union’ s positive and warm exchanges, and the very different political system, ideology, and war memory of the United States, the two countriesIt is impossible to form a military alliance that threatened the Soviet Union at all, and there is no need to invest too much attention for this.Such an analysis was full of contributions to the Soviet Union at that time.In terms of paper logic, the analysis of the Soviets is right, but in terms of the development facts of Sino -US relations and the huge energy efficiency released by this, the Soviets are completely wrong!

China and the United States are not military alliances, but they are better than military alliances. Bilateral cooperation not only cuts the Soviet Union's external expansion path, ended the Soviet hegemony, but also constructed the most favorable international environment for China's reform and opening up, developing the economy, and technology.EssenceAfter the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Sino -US relations not only did not collapse, but continued to develop into a "comprehensive strategic partner", and China has also developed into the world's second largest economy.

Therefore, the US and Indian cooperation that is based on the premise of lighting India is an analysis of China's security and development. No matter how reasonable it is, how pleasant it sounds, and it is essentially not desirable. It is recommended that these people recommend these people.In addition to excitement, see the history of China -US cooperation at that time, and study the domestic elites and the people at that time. At that time, it seemed to be quite reasonable at that time but was verified as ignorant and optimistic emotions.

Maintain a optimistic attitude in international games, and strategically despise opponents. It is right at any time.However, at the practice and psychological level, it must be attached great importance to responding as a negative factor!Today's China, the United States, and India relations meet all the structural elements of the Cold War between China, the United States, and the Soviet Union.The only difference is that China is not the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and it is impossible to embark on the road of the Soviet Union that year.

So what lessons should be taken from the Soviet Union when China ’s cooperation in response to the cooperation of the United States and India and when reviewing the history of the Cold War?

First, the Soviet Union was defeated on the external expansion and the enemy on all sides.China cannot embark on the road of expansionism, nor will it embark on the road of expansionism. The Chinese nation is not a nation with expansion genes. It is different from the prevalence of the somber gene and expansion.The world shared development dividends, do not seek to expand the territory.

Second, the Soviet Union was defeated on the bureaucracy and corruption of the Soviet Communist Party of China.The ruling party must strengthen its own construction. Anti -corruption and anti -special rights must always be on the road, and the struggles of all kinds of corruption and bureaucracy and formalism cannot be relaxed for a moment.The ruling party must strengthen the relationship with the masses and the relationship between the masses.

Third, the Soviet Union was defeated by the people's livelihood and the legitimate rights to the people.China must take development as the first priority, centered on economic construction, and continue to improve people's income and economic living standards, so that everyone can share the development results of economic and social development fairly.Create a free and vibrant social space for the people. The rights of citizenship stipulated in the Constitution and law can be landed in governance practice and effectively protected.

Fourth, the Soviet Union was defeated by self -proclaiming its own industrial and military strength, and everything was empty.China should be careful to deal with all internal and external risks. While self -confidence, we must also see the problems and deficiencies. Don't believe in the touting of the horseshighs. You cannot be as arrogant as the Soviets, and think!