Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website

According to the internal documents of the Government, the German Green Party Chairman Robert Habeck has been appointed by the German Economic Minister since the end of 2021, and the government guarantee amount invested by German enterprises in China has reduced 5 billion euros (In the same, about 7.38 billion yuan).The newspaper examples have a new application case, pointing out that the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs has rejected the total investment guarantee request in China with a total of 101 million euros in China. Among the other four cases, the total investment guarantee of the total number of four companies in China is 554 million euros in China.The extended application was also rejected.In addition, a total of about 4 billion euros of German enterprises have not been accepted at all in China. There are also about 282 million extension applications.

In 2013, the Federal Economic Affairs Department of Economic Affairs of Germany approved a total of 37 German companies to invest in China.Mingjing Weekly pointed out that by 2022, the Ministry of Economic Affairs only approved a total of 9 items, and only 5 items in the first half of this year.For about a year and a half of the Economic Minister, Habeck has only approved a new application for investment guarantee in China and an extension of 1.1 billion euros in China.

Benefit orientation or value orientation?

Mingjing Weekly believes that this is part of the efforts of Habeck and the Green Party's efforts to reduce the economic dependence on China.At the open level, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Habeck and the Federal Economic Affairs of Economic Affairs emphasized that over the past few decades, the government provided by the government has excessively concentrated in China, leading to "excessive concentration of risk of federal budgets."However, all this is most likely because of the ideological orientation of the Green Party: the ruling party strives to promote the foreign diplomacy and economic and trade policies dominated by values, and is no longer dominated by economic benefits.

The Green Party's Policy orientation of the Green Party has formed differences with the Social Democratic Party, which is also a ruling party.Just this week, when the German Prime Minister of the Social Democratic Party, the Democratic Prime Minister Tsurtz said that "both countries benefited from mutual trade and investment" when they received the visiting Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, and praised each other to invest in each other "to create economic growth, employmentJobs and progress in climatic neutrality. "

Compared with the Green Party, the Social Democratic Party is more inclined to Germany's industry and trade union organizations.Mingjing Weekly pointed out that many voters of social and Democratic Party are worried that if Germany and China relations worsen, it will cause their employment positions to be threatened, so "human rights should rely on necessary when necessary."

Continue to give birth to China Strategy

Mingjing Weekly also noticed that the differences in the German government's policy on China have long attracted the attention of the Chinese government.While Li Qiang said in Germany, he expressed Habeck that he hoped that the German would not adopt "discriminatory means", otherwise it would only damage the "healthy economic development".

At present, the German government's new China strategy has not been released.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Prime Minister's Palace and the Green Party still have major differences in many issues.Sources in the government circle said that the long -awaited document was unlikely to be released before the summer vacation.