There are two investigations and rankings related to living expenses this week.One is that the market research institution YOUGOV released a survey on how inflation affects people's consumption habits.The impact of expenditure , 70%of Singapore adults expressed their care or very concern, especially among adults from 35 to 44 years old, more than one -third (35%) is very concerned about their future expenditures.

Overall, more than two -fifths (43%) of the disposable income of Singapore consumers has declined in the past 12 months, 29%indicates that there has been no change, and 16%have increased.In other words, the consumption pressure caused by high inflation is still great.

Another survey is 2023 The global wealth and high-end life reportA>, Singapore jumped from fifth in 2022 to the first place in the world's most expensive high -end living cities.The report said that although the average price increase in Singapore is not the highest in the Asia -Pacific region, half of the 20 high -end living index projects are ranked among the top three in the Asia -Pacific region.The reason for the top of Singapore's top list may be due to its general high living costs, such as rising real estate prices and high car costs.

The high -end living index tracks 20 luxury goods and high -end service price trends in 25 major cities around the world, including residential, business class flights, cars, jewelry, laser ophthalmology surgery.In this index, the residential weight has the greatest weight, followed by cars.

The Business Times reported on June 22 that local luxury restaurants were also affected by high inflation and economic slowdown. In addition, when there are public holidays or school holidays, people travel abroad to travel abroad.Also reduced.A person in charge of a luxury restaurant interviewed vividly explained that more and more high -end foreign personnel have been leaving new; many money originally dedicated to luxury taste buds has been invested in the rent.

If high -paying people have changed their consumption habits due to rising living expenses such as housing, the pressure of ordinary citizens can be imagined.Although the government supports the basic living expenses of the middle and lower levels and families in the basic living expenses, as well as the expenses of housing, education and medicine, some psychological pressure and emotions, especially the tangible and intangible pressures compared with others, must be added more.Following it, people who will not be trapped on the one hand, on the other hand, there are more split fault lines in society.

This comparative pressure comes from students, family, between friends, between peers, and even between citizens and new citizens.When the distribution of prices and resources becomes a greater factor that determines whether there is a chance or a conditional possession, the affected stakeholders will inevitably have dissatisfaction or anxiety.For example, various auxiliary educational expenses: tuition fees, auxiliary curriculum fees, visiting or exchange fees at home and abroad, etc., the middle and lower families will feel that they must try their hands and mental stress that they can participate in the pockets and mental stress that children can participate in.Essence

Schools or various holidays during the high inflation period also have greater pressure on middle and lower families.All countries have opened the border after the epidemic. Tourism has taken for granted and vacation choices for many families.From adults to children, each person's hearts of the rankings of life and spiritual needs are often affected by the surrounding environment and personnel, and then the rankings of others are their own, giving themselves unnecessary pressure on themselves and children.

Although the recent mid-year examination has been canceled this year, parents have registered for their children Simulation test class News reported that what I also thought of immediately was that low -income families probably have to worry about how to make children go up, and make additional preparations as other children.

So the "5C" that Singapore Society said or pursued in the past -cash, automobiles, apartments, credit cards and club members, it is now more complicated.If the rankings in your heart are not managed well, and only focus on each other, there will be more imbalance and dissatisfaction, and the support of the country and society will always be considered fur.

Vice Premier and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai and Minister of Education Chen Zhensheng, when speaking at the forum at the 35th anniversary of the Singapore Policy Research Institute last Monday (June 12), all reiterated that Singapore has been emphasizing and hoped to establish in recent years.Deeper successful definition and significance. These values and concepts of reshaping the spiritual or social contract of Singapore or social contracts may feel like a chanting, or just a tall theory full of philosophy, but as long as you recognize Singapore to enter an aging society, recognize Singapore, SingaporeIn a regional environment that is becoming more and more complicated and unstable, the definition of success and talent must be more tolerant and expand. Only by using the system to pay more attention to social flows and giving back to the society, as well as the establishment of sustainable development and lifelong learning culture.It is the social motivation that supports Singapore to welcome the future, not just the concept of tall.Without the consensus and backing of these social engineering, the economic competitiveness is not sustainable. Any crisis is coming, and Singaporea society will be vulnerable.

In other words, the future economic toughness of Singapore must be used as a "psychological defense", not just a long -term economic strategy.The construction of culture and humanistic care must be placed in front of the country's construction like economic construction, and it is developed and enhanced by the whole society and various fields.

All walks of life and everyone can still have the rankings that they want to pursue -as long as they know that this is what they want, not the list of people.Only by correctly looking at the rankings of society and individuals, can we achieve according to the actual situation and objective conditions of the individual, and to achieve appropriate steps to reduce the repeated stress and imbalance of the vicious circle in society.

Huang Xuncai said that we should pay more attention to the meaning behind success, rather than seeking success.Lianhe Morning News reported in June that 86-year-old Aya learns digital technology to improve life , learn electronic payment and appointment and appointmentReview.This is her success, and this success reflects what attitude and social care and support should Singapore have to achieve an inclusive digital society.Such a digital goal and success -whether or not it is on the ranking of the world digital process, it is meaningful.That is the tolerance ranking we want.