Source: Ming Pao

The head of Vagina hired the mercenary group, Priego, was the "Putin Chef", which reflected that he had a close relationship with Russian President Putin.Found.

Putin has been considered to be assigned to the party's high -level political parties for many years to maintain the balance of power. However, after the early failure of the Ukraine, the differences between Wagner and the military -made system are getting bigger and bigger.There are various problems in operation.

Putin is an intelligence official. A group of officials from the National Security and Intelligence System during the Soviet Union were in office, forming the so -called "Siloviki" political interest group.Trushev.Many officials in St. Petersburg during Putin's political period also were promoted. On the representative example, Modvedev, the former president and the first vice chairman of the Federal Security Conference.

Putin also formed an alliance with some officials than him as earlier than him. The current defense minister Shi Yigu (as early as 1991, the Minister of Emergency Situation) is an example.Coupled with the military executives, such as Glacimov, the chief of staff, the political wrestling behind the scenes has always received the attention of the observers.

Pricig is born in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Wagner is established with the support of Guoan and intelligence systems. Although it is considered to have a good relationship with Putin, it has never been considered a real role in Russian politics.Like the beginning of the Wagner's mutiny, Russian issue experts at the current establishment of a political advisory company in Vienna Chacarova commented on Twitter that Pritigo can be sacrificed at any time."The power fighting tools.

Gord Davis, a senior researcher at Russia and Eurasia, in the Institute of International Strategy (IISS), believes that although there are no signs that Putin is losing its influence, "but there are more and more signs of seeing deep functional imbalances, Anxiety, worry about war, and the real problem of effective combat of necessary resources. "