Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhao Lin

After the US Secretary of State Brosky, after visiting Beijing a few days ago, China and South China China Sea Machinery and ship confronted us.U.S. President Biden recently met with Indian Prime Minister Modi's strategy, but did not dare to speak for China.Rosen Berg, chairman of the United States Association (AIT), made a special trip to Taiwan earlier this month to talk to the three -party presidential candidates in the Taiwan election, emphasizing that the United States maintains neutrality and never elected.

The briefing above: The United States will adopt the policy of "cold -like" in China, and the practice of "neutrality" for Taiwan will be tried.At least, this is currently on the surface.

The anti -Chinese policy of the United States has gone for 5 years since the Trump era.The bumpy along the way has not brought any benefits to the United States, but it has caused a broad and serious impact on the global political and economic situation.As for Taiwan, which played the former US and Malaysia, the government of the Tsai government abounds.Therefore, the United States supports the DPP's position, everyone is well known.

Now the United States has begun to fine -tune the above -mentioned policies. Why?

First of all, the United States' geopolitical considerations in the world: Although the military expansion day of mainland China in the South China Sea is urgent, the United States has made military resistance and believes that divisions are famous.However, East Asian countries do not necessarily buy it, and believe that China's influence has gradually surpassed the United States.

There are two important research results in Asia a few days ago, and no Taiwan media reports have been seen.The Lowy Institute for International Policy (Lowy Institute for International Policy) In the report of Asian Power: China and the United States in Southeast Asia, the regional influence of the two countries has made four types of regional influence: economic relations, national defense networksForeign influence and cultural influence.The conclusion of the report is that the United States "has lagged behind all four aspects in the past five years."Similarly, the Singapore ISEAS-YUSOF ISHAK Institute also found that most Southeast Asian interviewees believed that China is now the most important economic and political strategic forces in Southeast Asia.

In addition to Asia, other regions also see spillover effects.The Russian and Ukraine war melted the original support for the United States in European countries. The former instead hoped that China would mediate the Russian and Ukraine war.In the Middle East, after China promoted the resumption of diplomatic relations between Isa, Xi Jinping also said that he was willing to work in the old account between Israel and Palestine.Coupled with the recent visit of Musk, Cook, and Gates, they have negotiated "postpartum cooperation."In all parts of the world, China quietly rose with the attitude of "peace and economy", making President Biden's words "back to the United States" when he took office, which seemed particularly ironic.

Aesthetic saying: "if you can n’t be beat them, Join Them).The United States is not enough to cooperate with China, but the "anti -China policy" of Biden's government is applauding in the United States and not global, but can it be more unchanged?Besides, another important role in the US election Trump is also watching the good show he attracted!

Secondly, talk about Taiwan: With the defeat of the nine -in -one elections last year, the old stalks of "anti -China -China" and "dried mango" are no longer effective.Lai Qingde's campaign slogan was changed to "Peace Baozai", but the effect was not good. The basic market of the Green Camp dropped from 40 % to more than 30 %.In view of the "high -end" behavior of government blocking vaccines during the epidemic, a large number of young voters in Taiwan have shifted to support Ke Wenzhe.On the Kuomintang side, after Hou Youyi was called, due to the shortcomings such as the insufficient national politics and politics, the polls fell.Coupled with the party's internal practice of "holding strong and fascinating to weaken", the rumors of abandoning insurance and anti -brick again.

These changes in the United States are in the eyes, Rosen Berg's polls after leaving Taiwan several times, showing that the Taiwan election in 2024 will form a "three -footed governor" with a small gap.The United States has publicly stated that it is not selected. In addition to continuing the diplomatic tradition, it is also observing Taiwan's reality and clarifying responsibilities earlier.

In the past century, US foreign policy has always been adjusted in the changes in the World Bureau, and it has only been short -term regardless of principles.The attitudes of Germany and Japan before and after World War II, and the "limited war" of the Korean War and the Vietnam War was a distressed memory; let alone the early intercourse with Taiwan and the recent Afghanistan withdrawal.

Today, when the Bayeng government faces internal and external pressure. When anxiety and anxiety, both "cold" and "neutralize" are right measures.Taiwan does not have to be too much to play, but must be checked and observed.After all, when the presidential candidate in Taiwan was interviewed by AIT officials, it was also the "Taiwan people interview the US government"!

(the author is associate professor of Tsinghua University in Taiwan)