Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The sexual fragrant storms within the party's entry into the party have been extended after more than 20 days. In addition to expanding the Taiwan government agencies, art media and academic circles, recently detonated the nuclear bomb -level disaster in the film and television industry;, It is unbearable.A government called "gender equality", except for the birth of a female president, has made a contribution to the equal rights of female compatriots in Taiwan, which is really disappointing.

Although many unveiled cases are old cases, many cases that occur in the DPP and government departments are not too far, and the victims of the victims are still new.Among them, there are chiefs' sexual show, colleagues sex colleagues, gold owners or supporters sexual show party workers.The most angry part of these cases is not the extent of the sexual show incident itself, but the "universal eating case" of the internal processing process, which eventually disappeared.

In fact, many of the female victims in the Democratic Progressive Party immediately appealed, but party cadres received reports to delay or do not handle it, and even scared the victims to bully and cause secondary harm.This is obviously different from the long -term forbearance of the victims of other cases.For the DPP, the "sex show" has become a standard operating process, which also highlights the DPP's "very good at saying, not doing it".

The Democratic Progressive Party advertises that "gender equality" is its value belief, but in the operation of maintaining equal rights, its actions have far behind other political parties.In recent years, the DPP has dealt with their own public officials and officials involving an affair and sexual show. Most of them are negative to ignore or even sit at each other.The so -called "flatness" has become a text over time.

For example, the DPP's key members have "double pillows", such as Zhang Junxiong, former dean of the Executive Yuan, and Ke Jianming, which is well known; Wang Bicheng has not only been punished, but also step by step.The head of the Taiwan Language Center in Germany involved sexual show, and the parties retreated all over.Others such as the affair of the legislators Wang Dingyu, Luo Zhizheng, etc., the party's side, but the party never handled it.A few cases such as Ding Yungong's sex scandal and Xie Xiaoxing's sexual show case had to be dealt with because of the pressure of public opinion.

It can be said that the DPP has always faced a gender case attitude, which is to cope with the principle of "being able to cover up," it can be covered, and it can be faded if it cannot be diluted.Including an emotional extortion of ideology to the victims, the officials of the person in charge are protected by the officials, and the victims naturally have no fear, so as to form a commissioned result such as "sexual show, one dragon of one dragon".The President of the Court of Court, Li Bodao, was a subordinate of the female ministry of sexual sao. It took place in March this year. After being complained, retirement retirement in advance to keep the pension, which is a typical official protection.

Faced with the external doubts, there are two defense techniques of the DPP: First, the Cai government promotes the multi -personal level bill, including the diverse family, and the other is that President Tsai is the first female president.Implement gender equality and promote women to participate in politics.None of these two reasons can stop.The multi -family legislation is based on the interpretation of the judges and the DPP active?As for adultery, the external evaluation is different.Therefore, the achievement of the self -promoting tie the law is completely swollen.Although Tsai Ing -wen is the first female president in Taiwan, the Cai government has set a record of "the lowest ratio of female cabinets".In the past seven years, the proportion of women's cabinets is only about 10 %, the lowest or even less than 5 %; far lower than the 10 % to 20 % of the Bian government and the Malaysian government.

The election nomination is the same.After the nine -in -one election last year, although the proportion of the mayor of the female county exceeded 40 %, it was the crown of the years; but the Democratic Progressive Party was only one person, far lower than the Kuomintang.That is to say, the DPP exaggerate the gender equity. Except for the achievement of Tsai Ing -wen's "first female president", other aspects will not retreat in all aspects.

The reason for the reason is that the DPP never regards "sexual flatness" as the core value, just as a tool slogan to obtain the power; once the sexual flatness is conflict with the power of the power, the DPP will choosethe latter.This time, Lai Qingde thought that the "big sword" handled the sexual show incident was actually because of election considerations, and there was no centered thought.After this sexual show storm, the DPP's "Sexual Political Party" aura has disappeared.