When Russian President Putin ordered the Russian army to invade Ukraine last year, he should have a bamboo speed to win Ukraine, and vowed to achieve three goals: one is Ukraine de -militaryization; the other is to go to Nazi; the third is that Ukraine is not allowed to join NATO, and Ukraine will become to become a Ukraine to become a NATO, and Ukraine will become a need to become Ukraine.Neutral country.Due to the differences in the internal opinions of NATO, Ukraine cannot be added to NATO in the short term. Putin's third goal is temporarily achieved. The first two goals have not been achieved. It can be regarded as Putin's "special military action" goal in Ukraine!Why is the combat effectiveness of the Russian army so bad and fail to realize Putin's desire?The main reason is:

1. The name of the teacher's right to be right is the battle of non -righteousness.The Russian army played the battle of justice and justice, not to protect the country, so the Russian army could not show the strong momentum and powerful combat effectiveness of the Soviet army's stubbornness to resist the Germans.For more than a year of war, the Russian army did not achieve much decisive victory. In addition, there were certain anti -war public opinion in Russia, and the war will and capabilities of frontline soldiers would inevitably decline.

Second, the former brother's blood relationship affects the spirit of the Russian army.During the Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine were adjacent to joining republics under the Soviet Union. They were brothers' relationships with the same text and blood. Ukraine Kiev was the birthplace of modern Russian civilization.Some people have bloody relatives and good friends in Ukraine. Russia's non -righteous battles will make some Russian army emotionally fluctuating, their willingness to fight, and their ambitions are a bit low.

Three, the high -level corruption of the army affects the combat power of the Russian army and the effect of military reform.The two defense ministers before the Russian Defense Minister before Shaygu were born in non -professional soldiers. They implemented military reforms that were "century -old military reforms" from depth and breadth, reduced the establishment and merger of the merger, and abolished 10 military officers.Units and about 200,000 experienced officers.The Minister of Defense was the son -in -law of the former Prime Minister of Russia, Schurjukov. He was lifted by Putin for suspected misappropriation of 3 billion RMB public funds.Essential soldiers simplified administration and large military reforms angered vested interest groups, thus being fiercely criticized by some of the wealthy, causing internal turmoil in the Russian army.The military reform was completed, but the upper beam was not right and the lower beams were crooked. The severe corruption of the high -level military of the army undoubtedly weakened the spirit and combat effectiveness of the Russian army.

Four, the economic downturn, which seriously affects the pace of modernization of the Russian defense military technology.Since 2013, Russia's GDP (GDP) has been in a downward trend, and military expenditures have declined all the way until the Russian and Ukraine War has risen.The 11th GDP in the world is to support the world's second -ranked army. A considerable part of the limited military expenditure is used to maintain the world's largest nuclear arsenal, the world's second strategic air force and underwater strategic strike forces.The cost of equipment manufacturing will undoubtedly decrease.Especially in the development of new military equipment and military precision electronics products, the progress of the development of Russian electronic industry has lagged behind Europe and the United States. In addition to Western sanctions, some weapons of the Russian army also use old electronic components such as transistors instead of integrated circuits.Instead of using and improving the inventory weapons manufactured in the Soviet era.

The slow economic development has led to Russia without the efficient level of military manufacturing and scientific research in the Soviet Union. The mercenary leader Perigo has repeatedly complained that the threat will be threatened and will withdraw from the battlefield.It is rumored that Russia purchases ammunition from North Korea and purchases a large number of drones from Iran, indicating that its military production capacity cannot keep up with the needs of the battlefield.Of course, it is not ruled out that there are tricks with confusing opponents.

5. Strong political leadership, the spirit of the Anti -Japanese War is very precious.Under the strong leadership of the President Zelei, the Ukrainian Army united the anti -Japanese war to defend the country. He has strong will and ability to combat the country. He has both multi -troops and combat capabilities, but also the ability of small stocks to fight back.The flagship Moscow has dumped the Black Sea.Because the strength of the two sides was too disparate, the Ukraine did not have the ability to drive the Russian army out of Ukraine. It was a good record to stick to the tug -of -war war for more than a year, and the spirit is worthy of praise.

6. NATO military aid Ukraine has a decisive impact on the Russian and Ukraine War.According to foreign media reports, since 2014, there have been professional soldiers in the United States and NATO to teach Ukraine to teach professional military combat knowledge and conduct skills training and drills, and guide the Ukraine to crack down on anti -government militants in Wudong for many years.The army has accumulated a lot of practical experience.At the beginning of the Russian and Ukraine War, the United States, the European Union, and NATO provided a large number of US dollars, and supported the Ukrainian troops such as more advanced weapons, ammunition, star chain network communication services, and media reports reported that many national mercenaries participated in the battle against Russia.The Western military aid Ukraine has a decisive impact on the war between the two sides for more than a year, and it is also an important key factor in the poor results of the Russian army.

war between the two countries is a very expensive, cruel and realistic mutual destroyed game. Ukraine has the momentum of the enemy and the strong will to fight against the country. To win the victory of the war, you still have to rely on economy, military technology, and military.Industry is a comprehensive national strength with a strong material foundation.As for the military power and comprehensive national strength of Russia, Ukraine still looks weak. Without the United States and NATO strong support and strong intervention, it is reality to rely on the Ukraine to win the final victory.

For more than a year since the Russian and Ukraine War, some scholars have not performed well based on the Russian army's combat power. They believe that if the United States leads NATO intervention and defeats the Russian army, it will fundamentally defeat the Russian nation.The competitiveness has been basically lost, so it will lose the seat of the permanent council of the United Nations Security Council, and will be attached to China for a long time in the development of political and economic development.This idea is Xiucai talked about soldiers, heaven and night.Why did the US President Biden clearly explicitly stated that he would not send troops to participate in the war?Why does the United States and NATO unwilling to immediately approve Ukraine to join NATO?Because this will lead to a war in the United States and NATO directly with Russia with the world's most nuclear weapons, which can easily cause world wars or even nuclear wars. The risks are too great and the world cannot afford.

So far, the total number of casualties between the two sides has been hundreds of thousands, and a large amount of wealth and material ash are extinguished. Thousands of refugees are displaced. Instead of continuing to support the Ukraine and the Russian army with advanced weapons, it is better to support the collective intervention of world peace forces and help China and so on.The mediation of the national residence allows the leaders of Russia and Ukraine to stop the war, let go of her revenge, and sign an agreement similar to the Korean Peninsula's Korean Counterfeit Agreement in the Korean Peninsula in the 1950s.First of all, the combat of the two countries will allow the people of the two countries to rest and rest, and it is in line with the overall situation of peace and security between the two countries and Europe.

As for the signing of the long -term Russian and Ukraine Treaty, it is another more tricky and deeper problem of European security pattern.With the European category, you can only slowly discuss it.

The author is the Guangdong Enterprise Consultant Manager