Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Beginning with a series of sexual shows in the Democratic Progressive Party, for half a month, it has burned three parties, politics, academic circles, famous mouths and performing arts circles.The Democratic Progressive Party recently led by the chairman Lai Qingde to take the "sexual flat" course;Several characters involving sexual Sao cases, such as Li Zhenghao, Lin Feifan, and Chen Baiwei, announced their withdrawal from the election.These treatments are basically political operations, which are crisis treatment of "victims", and do not care about the pain of the "victim".Such a hasty response reflects that Taiwan's social awareness is still as thin as paper.

Wounds of sexual show or sexual assault are difficult to heal, mainly because the victims are unable to sound because of power, culture, society and other factors, and can only choose to forbearance; but the shadow will not dissipate, which will affect its future behavior and relationship.In recent years, the "#Metoo" movement has risen worldwide. It is hoped that through self -exposure, it will establish a friendly culture and society of sexual victims.On the opposite view of the platform version of "#Metoo", most cases stopped after opening, and became a public relations operation. So far, it is difficult to tell what to advance.

After the first Democratic Progressive Party worker complained to the director of the cooperative team and was sexually favored, leaders Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde apologized many times.Lessons; the Executive Yuan proposed the practice of "three laws of sex".The Kuomintang also made a move and requested to deal with it in advance as political offensive and defense.This reflects the indifference of a pan -political society: under the election, priority, and the overall situation, the issue of equal rights will always be forced to wait.

Looking back at the past and half months, although the news broke out, most cases ended after being opened.The accused public figures include apology, interpretation, or reflection of counterattacks, and often flow in public relations to stop bleeding operations, and reserve foreshadowing for the future return to the stage.The response of relevant units is also the same, and the person who is accused will be resigned to calm down, but all the investigation procedures are omitted.This kind of handling of pain regardless of the truth and regardless of the victim's pain seems to be decisive, but it is actually rough, which is equivalent to letting the victims who are brave to expose to continue to say three and four under the table, and there is no substantial justice.

In the #Metoo in the United States, another victim has appeared, and people who have been accused of sexual shows are reduced to alternative sexuality victims.This is known as the "Weaponize", which refers to the use of allegations as "weapons" to attack people with a higher position or a high reputation.At this time, if a proper investigation mechanism is lacking, there will be cases that are difficult to distinguish between authenticity and splashing.This is also an important reason for the investigation mechanism.

In the final analysis, how to establish social consensus and value is the key.Sexuality is so frequent, the core factor is that the power is not equal: the victims believe that they can use their own power to force the victims to be as follows; and the victims are stressed by the pressure of power and social culture."Will be different from others", you can only choose to forbearance.What is even more painful is that under the power of power and social pressure, it is neither upright, but we must also put on the mask to interact normally with the victims, and smile.After many victims exposed themselves, they were questioned "Why don't you say before?" "Why interact with the victims?" It shows that Taiwan has not faced the core spirit of the #Metoo movement.

For more than half a month, a group of brave victims have said the painful experience of the long backlog in heart, so that more silent victims know that she / they are not alone, and the possible victims know that they can no longer be ableDo so.However, after all, these cases are only the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority of the sexpowers are self -exposed even on the #Metoo waves, but the consequences are still pessimistic.The symptoms are there, and there are many harassing people who are covered by power. Many rigid organizations are still unmoved, and many people still see the wind direction.

Taiwan's #Metoo is still at the beginning of the initial start. It only stops in formal exposure. It is still limited to political offense and defense, and the value of gender equality is still ignored.What is urgent to do is: generally set up support systems to create a low -burden of victims and investigation mechanisms, so that the society will consensus the support of the victims, and ensure that the accused is avoiding wrongdoing.More importantly, breaking the context of power and intimidation and constructing a friendly environment for harassment can Taiwan can be regarded as progress.