Source: United News Network

Author: Zhao Jianmin

Recently, the Taiwan Strait has been tense and higher. Following the military exercise of the PLA in August last year, the exercise in April this year created a new word for the Taiwan Strait inspection.RecentFarewell.It was reported that the United States intends to produce ammunition in Taiwan, and various news came, which was shocking.

Faced with the new critical situation, the United States actively responded to restore the US -China dialogue.After the nine -in -one election last year, the director of AIT Sun Xiaoya proposed that avoiding war is the common responsibility of all decision makers. The face of the Cai government will repeatedly maintain the cross -strait peace responsibility on the other side of the pot.Essence

Compared with the positiveness of the United States, the old god in Taiwan, which is at the Storm Center, is here. Lai Qingde refuses to answer how the pragmatic Taiwan independence ensures the peaceful questions on both sides of the strait. Although Hou Youyi advocates that the cross -strait must be negotiated and dialogue on the constitution, but so farCan put forward a complete cross -strait discussion.

Faced with the new crisis, the Bayeng government changed the previous dynasty's counter -counter policy. Blinken's injects in May this year said that the world hopes that the United States and China will pass through the "responsible management" of "responsible management"Bilateral relations.

The first purpose of controlling and controlling is the first to avoid the war. To reduce risks, it is necessary to properly handle the most dissatisfied "empty" refers to the Chinese side.Since Biden came to power, the United States has continuously revisited the political foundation of bilateral relations and promised China against Taiwan independence by using various occasions.In the mid -June 4th visit of the Asia -Pacific Assistance Qing Kangda, the U.S. Institute of Asia -Pacific assistant to pave the way for Secretary of State Brills, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman expressed his views on the 13th, saying that "the two sides revolved around the Peak Consensus of the Health Association, promoted the consultation principles of Sino -US relations, and properly properly properly.To deal with important sensitive issues such as Taiwan in bilateral relations, and strengthen cooperation in all levels of exchanges and cooperation in related fields. "

Kangda visited Beijing in Taiwan. No matter what he made, Beijing obviously did not buy it. One day later, Brinken asked Qin Gang to talk to Qin Gang. Xinhua News Agency said that Qin Gang stated his position on the topic of China and other core concerns of Taiwan.On the same day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland announced that Brinton would visit on the 18th.The China finally turned on the green light, and what kind of promise was curious.

Secondly, the Bayeng government tried to minimize the dispute.Recently, Western countries have proposed to eliminate the China -China economy, and the G7 summit has further pointed out that the risk of reducing the economic coercion of the mainland government has been defined as an unfair policy for trade and non -market economy orientation.In response to the Dangerous interception of the PLA and the South China Sea in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the White House National Security Association spokesman Kobe only said "unacceptable".

Once again, the Bayeng government has spared no effort to restore communication, especially the US -China military dialogue. Cerbin claims that Brinken said that one of the reasons why the visit to the visit is "to communicate with high -level military communication between the two countries."

The United States has made every effort to avoid the Taiwan Strait and Ukraine.First of all, the government has made every effort to destroy the political foundation of cross -strait on the Taiwan Straits. Lai Qingde will be the only consensus on the political foundation of the only reconciliation of cross -strait in the 1970s as the loss of sovereignty."Four persistence".

The ruling party not only destroys the mutual trust foundation on both sides of the strait, but also does not allow cross -strait exchanges. For the short -term exchanges of mainland professionals for the years, the short -term exchanges of mainlanders are still prohibited. The Ma Ying -jeou Foundation intends to invite mainland college students to visit Taiwan.It was actually "selected by members."

The world is worried that the Taiwan Strait will become the world. At the expense of borrowing, the Taiwan government's inaction is surprising.Presidential candidates must have the ability to return to the current situation of peace on both sides of the strait, and they must not discuss.

The author is the Dean of the Academy of Social Sciences of Culture University