Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Bill Gates, chairman of the Gates Foundation in the United States, visited China and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two sides reviewed the past cooperation examples and looked forward to future cooperation intentions.The Chinese and American governments are fighting.U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said when he came to China that the purpose of this trip was to avoid misjudgment.There are many misjudgments, and government officials cover up their ears.Civil exchanges between the two countries can be calm and recognize the situation, so as to promote normal exchanges between the two countries, it is an essential force. Gates has made a demonstration. China should also take the initiative to let the people organize the United States to "persuade and promote the promotion of promotion and promote the United States.The work of "talk", Hong Kong can also contribute.

Gats Foundation's epidemic sponsors "exercise"

During the epidemic period, donate to China to give charcoal in the snow against the snow

Gates's visit to China just happened to be on the eve of the US Secretary of State Brinkee's visit to China. Is it a coincidence or an intention to analyze it.The media have visited Gates in China and linked with a number of American business giants. However, even if Musk, the world's richest man, did not receive the meeting of President Xi Jinping, and the official report will focus on China's "global development initiative, Global Security Initiative, Global Civilization initiative ", I believe that China attaches more importance to the work and achievements of Gates in promoting the common development of global development, so as to show the world that China is willing to" carry out extensive scientific and technological innovation cooperation with countries around the world, actively participate in and promote the response to the climateGlobal challenges such as changes, anti -epidemic, public health ".

Gates is the co -sponsor of Microsoft, international innovation enterprises. It used to be the richest man in the world. In recent years, it has withdrawn from corporate management and board of directors.The aspect is eye -catching.The most classic example is that on the eve of the global popularity of the crown disease, the Gates Foundation sponsored John Hawkins University to host a exercise called Event-201 plague.How to deal with media and international institutions, and according to the results of the exercise, seven suggestions, including government and international health institutions, should reserve drugs, media should distribute accurate messages, commercial institutions continue to domestic and international normal trade, airlines constantly internationalFlights and so on, although these suggestions are almost all of the period during the epidemic popularity, it has to be said that this large -scale meeting is indeed foresight and unique in vision.

The exercise was held on October 18, 2019. The Gates Foundation claimed that it was based on 200 epidemic incidents in recent years. Experts predicted that the next epidemic would bring great harm to the world.Good response measures.Gates came to China on the 21st of the next month to meet with Peng Liyuan, President Peng Liyuan, and met with the Career Ambassador of the World Health Organization. The two sides also talked about increasing health cooperation. It was unknown whether Gates notified the content of the exercise and related suggestions.

When Xi Jinping met with Gates a day ago, he called Gates as a friend in China.It is friends who have seen the true feelings in the past. After the outbreak of the Chinese outbreak, Gates donated $ 5 million to assist China to resist the disease. The manifestation of charcoal in the snow was not only in money.Not all Americans are blaming China.Gates has visited China 18 times since 1994.

The Gates Foundation supports medical and health undertakings in China's underdeveloped regions, such as AIDS prevention and control projects in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan.Gates himself also uses entrepreneurs to do a role model for charity to infect Chinese entrepreneurs. The Gates Foundation participated in the establishment of the "China Global Charity Research Institute" to study a charity knowledge system, organize activities, promote entrepreneurs to do good companies for charityCitizen responsibility.

The folk "cultivation" calls Americans

Cultural self -confidence is enough to persuade "far people"

As an entrepreneur, the Gates Foundation, as a non -governmental organization, is unknown whether the activities of Chinese government decision -making in China have the intention to affect the decision -making of the Chinese government, but the objective consequences will change the Chinese government's policies.Incorpoted into the category of public diplomacy.Public diplomacy is an internationally traffic diplomatic method. It is not good. China has also promoted public diplomacy in the past. Public diplomatic associations have been established in various places. Howevernot much.

Folk diplomacy is the mutual interaction between the people. It should have no taboos. As long as the two parties have the willingness and channels of communication, there is room for activity. In the past, Tibetan delegations visited the United States every year.Formed, in -depth American universities and communities, and in the appearance and work of Tibetans, they appeared in the statement that although they could not eliminate the misunderstandings of everyone, at least some Americans realized that the Chinese Tibet policy was different from the US government's propaganda.This approach can be about the category of nation, religion, culture, art, etc. Although it may not be able to change the US government's foreign policy of China, but the American folk knows more about China's real side, and will vote with your feet.Commercial and cultural exchanges will eventually become a trend to resist the anti -China policy of the US government.

Hong Kong has contributed to civil diplomacy with its special status and different levels of the United States. In the past, Huang Yongyu, who had just died, visited the United States and Canada as early as 1982 to show the lively side of Chinese art.Dong Jianhua, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, participated in the China Christian Association's visit to the United States in 2006. It exhibits early and different versions of the Bible in many places. Hong Kong people should continue to play a unique role in the future.