Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

Since the US New Corporation Open AI published a chat robot ChatGPT at the end of 2022, in the past six months, in addition to accelerating the global high -tech AI R & D competition, it has also triggered the side effects of the world's worry about the development of AI.Governments of various countries have also accelerated the pace of legislative supervision.The latest development is that on the 14th, the European Parliament passed the Epoch EU Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Law (EU AI Act) on the 14th to complete the legislation.At the end of last month, more than 350 scientific and technological experts and leaders, including Outman, founder of Open AI, CEO of Google DeepMind, Kazakhstan, and Taiwan Digital Development Minister Tang Feng.It may lead to human extinction, and then emphasize how to reduce the risks related to AI technology is the top priority worldwide.

In fact, Outman, CEO of Open AI, warned on May 16 that AI can be strong enough to change society in an unpredictable manner, so he calls on the potential danger of AI technology.Shortly after he resigned from Google at the end of April, he was called "AI Godfather", and he stated his focus on human threats to human beings than climate change.

In addition to the appearance of those in the field of science and technology research and development, Jenasler, chairman of the US Securities Fair (SEC), also said at a meeting of the Financial Industry Supervision Bureau (FINRA) that the next financial crisis may be because companies may use AI to use AICaused by the potential "systemic risk" of related enterprises.

At the end of March before that, Musk, the chief CEO of Tesla, who had always spoken, had a public letter led by the "Life Future Research Institute" and the connection of thousands of business leaders and industrial experts.Expression is difficult to control the potential risks of AI. Therefore, in addition to calling on all walks of life to establish AI -related use agreements, and in actual implementation and supervision, we will continue to continue the research and development of advanced AI technology to avoid excessive development of AI.As a result, the AI R & D activity that is more advanced than GPT-4 should be suspended for six months.

However, although experts 'warnings are more serious than once, it seems that so far, no relevant scientific research units have made a public announcement of "suspension", which reflects the "speakers' lingers".Cruel reality.

In addition to the ignorance and shortness of the sentient beings, the more severe thing is that it highlights the selfishness of human selfishness.Taking the research and development demand of advanced AI advanced technology as an example, in fact, after OPEN AI took the lead in developing the GPT-4 innovative model, other large technology factories naturally did not want to be weak.In addition to OPEN AI's major shareholder Microsoft announced the Bing search engine to join the AI search function, Google is also preparing to launch its own AI chat robot.And other areas outside the United States, including the European Union, Japan, and how China can sit and see the development and market occupation of the generated artificial intelligence, only the American technology manufacturers are monopolized and monopolized!

In addition to the actual consideration based on market share, another risk variable that cannot be ignored is the risks and crises that may be possible for AI to develop in the future.Corporation and keeping together will not be extreme.However, for the "people who are out of the world" in the world, that is, the criminal group that is profitable is a criminal group.Technology, to deceive the ignorance of Internet users around the world.

In addition to the traditional scam techniques, through the continuous evolution of AI, multinational fraud groups can eat all over the world, and another negative impact that cannot be ignored is the fake information transmitted by AI. In addition to confusing confusion, it is confusing.In addition to the cognition of the audience, the more severe is the country and regions that implement the democratic election system.In recent years, every election, whether it is a political party or candidate, in order to win the election, instead of proposed political opinions, in fact, through the release of fake messages, it has become a "new normal as a new normal in recent years."" ".In particular, it is not necessary to ignore that this kind of operating method of unscrupulous selection for victory will not only become the "murderer" to destroy the democratic guardrail, but more severe, this "negative" election method is usually like infectious diseases, and it is usually fast like infectious diseases.The spread, so that the democratic election system is deteriorated or even disintegrated because of the strong penetration and diffusion effects of AI!

Summarize the crisis that may bring about the disorderly development of the current AI. Although some people have continued to propose early warning recently, and the global environmental damage and climate change brought by the past industrial revolution, it is also a promising "Learning Learning", but human beings often are often human beings."Do not see the coffin without crying." If you do not face its seriousness, the "ultimate trial" that may bring in AI disorderly development will approach step by step.