The Singapore presidential election ushered in two very different intentional candidates. If the qualifications of the two are approved to form a straight -line duel, this will be a very interesting election.

A native Indian family, graduated from the School of Political Economics, London, and also obtained a degree in Cambridge and Harvard. The traditional political elite with a large diploma, the deputy prime minister of the official to one country, is well -known in the international stage.

The other is a immigrant from Morilan, Malaysia. The family is poor at the family to go up the mountain to cut the trees and live. At the age of 15, they dropped out of school to make a living in Singapore. Entrepreneurs who started by their own in vain, they once controlled seven listed companies.

66 -year -old Shangdanman and 63 -year -old Wu Zhenhua can be said to be the control group of the victory group in life.The biggest thing between the two is the interpreter of the story of Singapore.

If Shangdanman is a writer of a successful story of the traditional version, then Wu Zhenhua's life chapter is actually more in line with the new version of the owner of the new version of the story that the Action Party government has actively advocated in recent years -only to measure it should not be used with a single standard., Do not define the narrow definition with a paper diploma.

The difference between the two is very different, and the race, family background, and life experience are very different.Shangdanman is a long -term political veteran, and his popularity is the most powerful proof of the voter king.Coupled with his high reputation, great achievement, good image, non -Chinese ethnic factors, I believe it will not become an obstacle to sucking tickets in the presidential election.

A poll in 2016 showed that Shangdanman was the successor candidate for the most supporting respondents, and his support was better than several heavyweight Chinese ministers.The prime minister's real power is much greater than the president. If the polls are representative, the non -Chinese prime minister can accept it, not to mention the president.

Shangdanman, who has devoted himself to the public service department for many years, is definitely a person who comes out of the system.Although Wu Zhenhua is not in the system, he is at least a person recognized, otherwise he will not be the Ambassador of Singapore in Morocco in 2017.

From Malaysia to Singapore to work hard, Wu Zhenhua can have today's achievements. In addition to his own efforts, it also benefits from Singapore's political and social system.Singapore gave him a chance. Even if he was not in the system, he would not do it against the system. The businessmen who had done a big business would not understand politics.

Xinma is a family, and the culture is very similar. Among many foreign immigrants, the Malaysians can integrate into the local society the most seamlessly.What's more, Wu Zhenhua is still an old immigrant. There is no problem of choice between voters to choose between local and non -land.

The most obvious division line of Shangdanman and Wu Zhenhua is: the road of success and non -traditional success.One is the traditional political elite that has been educated and talked about elegant, and the light of thoughts and wisdom flashes everywhere.The other is the corporate leader who has been hooked by the seal in Social University.

Compared with several challengers in the past presidential election, Wu Zhenhua, who dropped out of school, will be the first candidate to be completely unable to touch the traditional elite if he is qualified.

He went to the Election Bureau to receive a watch, and on the day of the collective interview with the media, he spoke English, Chinese and Malay in the face of the camera.There are more than only a friend who is better than Chinese than Chinese. After watching the video, I read the evaluation: "English pronunciation is not good enough" "English needs to be improved" "President wants to receive foreign guests and visit abroad. English cannot be spoken well."

Friends are not a elite mentality, I fully understand what they mean.However, behind the evaluation of "English needs to improve", the meaning of traditional elites and non -elite contrasts.

After receiving guests and visits, there are two main roles of the president: one is the symbol of unity of the people, the other is to supervise the use of national reserves and the appointment of important public positions.It doesn't matter how good these two positions are in English.However, from the not good enough, voters will further associate. How deep is his understanding of international politics?In the turbulent time, can it play a role in a fixed anchor for the country?

At the end, can voters accept political amateurs in non -traditional elite circles and serve as the highest position of this country's important symbol?

Since the country wants to expand the definition of success and advocates a more inclusive society, should non -traditional elites also have the opportunity to compete and even be the head of state?Or, this really and false country's important position should be sitting by traditional political elites, especially at home and abroad, which is increasingly challenging at home and abroad?

Elected presidents should be over politics and party, and they are not responsible for supervising government decisions. However, I believe that there are still many people outside the system who do not want to want to vote.In addition to the dead and anti -system factions and loyal system supporters at both ends of the political spectrum, what is noticeable is how the middle voters will vote in their hands?

Looking forward to a meaningful election, observing the election process is far more enlightening than the results.It may consolidate the impression of Singaporean voters tending to conservative attributes, or it may refresh our cognition.