A visible social phenomenon is that more and more people, especially young people, chose "lying down" or even "lying" attitude and ways of "lying down" due to excessive competition pressure, such as reducing life expectations, reducing or even even evenGive up hard work, not getting married, not fertility, and so on.The so -called "lying flat" or even "lying concave" refers to the phenomenon of abandoning some reasonable life goals because competition and inner rolls have intensified to a certain extent (that is, excessive competition). This is actually a "suicide".

If more and more people have given up some reasonable life goals, society will lose their vitality and vitality and gradually shrink. Such a society is a "suicide society".In fact, "suicide society" is not a local phenomenon, but a global phenomenon, such as Japan's "low desire society".However, in recent years, this phenomenon has increased rapidly in China.

The change of technological progress on human survival status

1. The change of technical progress on labor

Looking directly, the cause of "suicide society" is that the competition is too fierce, which leads to an intensification of the inner volume, which leads to increasing returns and efforts.People are unwilling to continue their efforts (that is, pay costs) and choose to give up.It can be seen that although there are many factors that affect competition and internal volumes, the replacement of technological progress on labor is the most important reason for competition and internal volumes.Moreover, it seems that this replacement will only become more and more serious. Therefore, the phenomenon of "suicide" will only be more and more. Unless there is a major breakthrough in technology, it will completely change the operating logic and methods of human society.

Technology is both liberation of people and abandonment of people. Both are manifested as: labor demand is inversely proportional to technology advanced.Since the Industrial Revolution, the labor force required by the unit's labor has decreased rapidly, and this phenomenon is the technology squeezing the labor force.Depending on different needs, the degree of technical replacement of labor can be divided into different levels. Here are only two major stages: the first stage is the previous artificial intelligence (AI) stage. The characteristics of this stage are: technological progress performanceIn order to replace low -level repeated labor with high -level repeated labor; the second stage is the stage of artificial intelligence. The characteristics of this stage are: technological progress is manifested as replacement of repeated labor.

The replacement of repeated labor is the revolution of artificial intelligence.

2. Technical progress has caused competition to become more and more intense

Economist Keynes predicts that by the 21st century, due to the very developed productivity and the increase in social wealth, people will live very rich and leisurely.Kanes's prediction was half the right and half wrong.Although social wealth has increased significantly and the level of living has also increased significantly, not only did people not become leisurely, they became more and more busy and fell into increasingly strong competition.

Keynes' prediction lacks the concept of game, and does not implement the assumption of human selfishness to the end.It can be considered like this: If humanity is selfish and with technological progress, labor opportunities are becoming scarce, so what strategies will capital be adopted in a game with labor?Including absolute decline and relative decline); or improve employment standards (engaging in the same job, higher than previous requirements, such as academic qualifications).Even more serious, even so, employment problems cannot be fundamentally solved.

Third, the impact of technological progress on human survival

Due to technological progress, the game between capital and labor has several basic changes and trends, and it has an important impact on human survival.

First, the role of technology in wealth creation is increasing, and the role of labor is getting smaller and smaller.

Second, the game's game capacity is usually stronger than the labor force. In addition to the reduction of labor force and the expansion of effective labor objects.

Third, the gameplay in the distribution of labor is getting lower and lower, resulting in relatively reduced income, and social wealth is becoming more and more concentrated.This means that the "28 Laws" of Italian sociologist Pretto (20%of the people master 80%wealth) are no longer applicable, but develop in the direction of "1: 9" or even "1:99", because it ignores itThis variable technology.Because technological progress has compressed the labor force required for the unit's labor object, which reduces the scarcity of labor force, the game ability of the labor force is getting lower and lower, and then the proportion (not absolute) in the increase in social wealth incremental distribution is getting smaller and smaller.The proportion of capital is increasing.

Fourth, due to technological progress, the increase in effective labor targets cannot keep up with technological progress, so the scarcity of labor force is reduced, and employment opportunities are increasingly scarce, resulting in increasingly fierce competition.

Fifth, fierce competition has led to the increasingly worse in society and showing two trends: comprehensive and rapid.Comprehensiveization refers to the increasing aspects of the inner scrolls, and the rapidness means that the speed of the inner volume is getting faster and faster.The daily meaning of the inner volume can be understood as: from one point of labor and one point, it has evolved to two points of labor and one point, and three -point labor harvests ... This is the decrease in the marginal return on labor.

The comprehensive manifestations of the social in -society first manifested as the employment and the internal volume of the wealth distribution.The former manifested that the total wages of many countries accounted for the ratio of GDP (GDP), which is declining, that is, people usually say that the growth rate of wages is lower than the growth rate of GDP;The higher the coming, so the investment in education has increased significantly, but the work income is only slightly increased or even not increased.

In fact, most industries do not need high education, which leads to redundancy of education or knowledge, and this situation has already occurred in developed countries.The internal scroll of the academic qualifications is the terminal performance of the inner roll of education. It directly leads to a larger range and an earlier inner volume in the way of force, that is, the front -end educational internal volume, from prenatal education, early education, preschool education to elementary school, middle school, education investment, all of which are all educational investment.Continuously.Due to the strengthening of competitive concepts, children in many countries have been forced to learn prematurely and excessively, and there are almost no happy and natural childhood.However, increasing education investment has not significantly improved the income (ie, academic qualifications and positions), but greatly damaged the child's physical and mental health and endangered the child's construction of the meaning of life.

Although there are also internal rolls in ancient society, the speed is very slow, and the inner volume of modern society is fast.For example, since 1980, the degree of internal volume of Chinese society has been deep.For another example, according to related research, from 1970, the speed of the United States has also increased significantly.Although the per capita income has increased significantly, the median household income has only increased slightly, and the biggest benefits fall into the rich.

Sixth, the internal volume of life experience is manifested as a living pleasure including gain, self -recognition, and social recognition, which is becoming more and more difficult to obtain.It can be defined in this way: the lower the cost of gaining a income for the actor, the higher the life pleasure of its living; the higher the cost of gaining an income, the lower its life pleasure.In addition, life not only cannot change the inner volume, but will accelerate the internal volume (see Deng Xize: Ma Yun's "lifelong learning theory": fairy tales or tragedy? Lianhe Zaobao March 26, 2018).

The characteristics of "suicide society"

When competition and internal volumes intensify to a certain extent, when the competition is over -competitive, the marginal return rate of labor value will drop to a critical point, and the labor force will not continue to increase investment, but will choose to give up the goal.This is a common social phenomenon.This critical point can be called "abandoning point" or "life goal abandon point"EssenceAs a result, a qualitative change from the inside to the abandonment occurred.The difference between the internal roll and the abandonment is that in the inner volume stage, the perpetrator will continue to invest in labor, but the marginal income is reduced; the abandonment is that the actor no longer puts on labor, so he will not be rolled in the inside.For the (life goal) abandon point, it can be defined in this way: If the actor abandon a certain goal, the marginal yield of the labor is at a certain value, then the value is the actor's abandonment point on the target.When the actor's expected labor margin yield is equal to or below the value, he no longer continues to add labor and choose to give up.

The more the competition between a society and the inner rolls, the serious, the earlier the individual's abandonment.If a person gives up reasonable life goals, especially employment and educational goals, his life is the life of abandonment and "suicide sex life"; if many people in society have prematurely given up reasonable life goals, such a society is like this society is"Suicide society".In addition, this "suicide" has nothing to do with the specific living conditions when giving up.Even if a person becomes a rich man at the age of 30, as long as he gives up some reasonable life goals because he rolls internally, it belongs to "suicide".However, if you give up (such as a monk -like desire), it is not caused by the internal roll, but it does not belong to the so -called "suicide" in this article."Suicide" is desire but has to be passively given up; monks -style clear desire is that there is little desire and takes the initiative to give up.

"Suicide Society" has two performances:

First, "suicide" in the generation: reduce the goal, reduce efforts

Internal "suicide" refers to the continuous decrease in labor marginal income caused by competition and inner volumes, which leads to a person's goal prematurely, thereby reducing some reasonable living goals in prematurely, choosing to chooseReduce or even abandon your efforts and behaviors.However, because modern productivity is much higher than ancient times, the absolute living standards of "suicide" in the repare "suicide" are usually higher than ancient times.

Second, intergenerational "suicide": reduce or abandon fertility

Intergenerational "suicide" refers to the continuous decrease in labor marginal income caused by competition and inner volumes, which leads to a person's life pleasure, including gain, self -recognition, and social recognition.Life is not worth enjoying, and believes that its offspring will repeat the same or even worse living conditions, so as to choose a strategy and behavior of reducing or abandoning fertility.

For "suicide" and intergenerational "suicide", some incentive policies may have a relief effect, but it cannot be changed fundamentally.Therefore, how to solve the "suicide society" is not solved for the time being.

(the author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University)