Source: Voice of the United States

Author: Zhong Chenfang

Antony Blinken, Antony Blinken, started to visit China on Friday (June 16). Before the departure of Brinken, officials stated that the United States will be frank with China on the sensitive and most challenging Taiwan issues.Exchanges, but can Brinken's talks with China in Beijing cool down to the current tension of the Taiwan Strait?Observed people are not optimistic about this.Some experts say that China's recent provocations in the Taiwan Strait are not to prevent the United States, but to affect Taiwan's upcoming presidential elections.

Daniel Kritenbrink, a Assistant Secretary for Asia -Pacific Affairs, officially announced in a media telephone briefing held by Blinden in China on Wednesday that the United States and China will be in a media telephone briefing that the United States and China will be "the most important, challenging and most challenging and most challenging and"The Taiwan issue and the situation on both sides of the strait are frank and frank. Blink will also reiterate "the United States maintains the long -lasting interests of the Taiwan Strait."

Kangda said that he did not expect that the interview would produce "a long string of delivery results", which is important that the United States and China maintain the risk of reducing their contact with misjudgment.

Recently, China has increased its military pressure on Taiwan. Military planes have crossed the midline of the Taiwan Strait many times. Chinese warships have also made dangerous interceptions on American warships that perform free navigation mission in the Taiwan Strait in the form of "unsafe".The mutual accusation between the United States hopes that the two sides can restore military dialogue to deal with similar incidents to avoid misunderstanding of misunderstandings in the future, but China has rejected US Secretary of Defense Llayd Austin at the beginning of Singapore's safe dialogue with China.The request of the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu meeting.

Craig Singleton, a Washington Think Tank Defense Democratic Foundation (FDD) Chinese Affairs Institute, said that he estimates that the results of Blingken's trip may be limited and want to cool down for the Taiwan Strait.Sexual is not great.

"China is unlikely to take meaningful measures to reduce the tension situation of the Taiwan Strait. China's recent provocative operation has nothing to do with Washington, but more to affect Taiwan's upcoming presidential election.The political party investing in Taiwan Cai Yingwen is the fear of the war of votes. "

Sing Gelton only met with the former US Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Vice Vice Vice -Guo Guo Consultant Matt Pottinger.He said in an email that he sent to the United States (VOA) through the think tank that Brintken had a long -term delayed visit this time, "purely form" in many aspects.

"The results of access will not have any impact on the continuous decline in the United States and China. However, despite this, it has the road to the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting (APEC) leaders of the Chinese leader Xi Jinping this fall.The potential possibility, "he said.

Rupert Hammond-Chambers, President of the Taiwan Commercial Association, also said in an interview with VOC that he believes that the discussion on the US-China issue on issues of Taiwan will still talk about each other as before, without intersection.

"I think there may be a situation that they will talk about their own words. Brinken will talk about the US position. China will talk about China's position. China will say that it is your work to solve this problem, and they alsoIndeed, but of course I don't expect Brinken to make any statement or action that may weaken the direction of the US -Taiwan policy. I don't think I will go in that direction at all. "

Some American experts, including Ryan Hass, scholar of the Brukins Society, and Bonnie Glaser, director of the Indo -Pacific Project of the Marshall Foundation in Germany, have recently made suggestions that the Bayeng government should be the United StatesThe "one China" policy has proposed a re -guarantee to Beijing, indicating that the United States encourages cross -strait to solve differences in peacefully, and oppose any party to take unilateral action to change the status quo.However, Han Ruber said that he did not agree with this claim.

"Our policy should just simply say that we acknowledge China's sovereignty, we do not stand in Taiwan's sovereignty, and we adhere to the differences between Taiwan and China must be solved in a peaceful way.No matter what happens, there is no war in the Taiwan Strait. If China and Taiwan can reach a certain agreement, it may be next year, which is fine. If not, then 10 years or 100 years later, "he said.

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released on Wednesday that Brins will visit China from June 18th to 19th.Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked at a regular press conference on Friday at a regular press conference. When he expected China ’s visit to Bronken, the two parties would exchange important international and regional issues on the important international and regional issues that were concerned about Sino -US relations and common concern during the visit of Brinken.Opinions, "China will clarify its position and concern for relations between China and the United States, and resolutely safeguard its own interests."