Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website

The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang will lead multiple ministers to visit Berlin on June 19 to participate in the seventh round of German and Chinese government consultations. The motto of the consultation is "Gemeinsam Nachhaltig Handeln".At present, the "reserves" between Beijing and Berlin seem to be shrinking.This is in the meeting of German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and Chinese Defense Director Li Shangfu's recent conversation in Shangri -La, Singapore.German fighter pilots come to train the Chinese Air Force pilot.Thorsten Benner at the Berlin Think Tank Global Public Police Research Institute (GPPI) believes that the incident shows that "we must keep awake because Beijing will use all opportunities to obtain key technologies and capabilities to strengthen its own industry and its own industry andMilitary foundation.

The fuel that may cause conflict is increasing

Whether it is technology outflow, or in the case of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in Russia, it still adheres to Moscow's "strong friendship", the increasing situation of the Taiwan Strait, and the pressure on China to China: between Germany, in the middle of Germany, in the middle of Germany,The "fuel" of conflict is growing.And further intensified due to the geopolitical competition between China and the United States.

At the same time, China is still the most important trading partner in Germany, which is the seventh consecutive year.In 2022, the total trade between the two countries reached nearly 300 billion euros (the same below, approximately S $ 440.7 billion), of which Germany's trade deficit with China exceeded 80 billion euros.

Therefore, this relationship is not only important, but also complicated.The contradictions of Germany and China relations can be seen from this fact that in the official documents of Germany, China is also described as partners, competitors and strategic opponents.In the past, Berlin emphasized the partnership.Government consultation since 2011 has witnessed this: This high -level intergovernmental dialogue is only carried out with particularly intimate partners.In 2014, German -China relations were even mentioned to the height of "comprehensive strategic partnership".But since then, the atmosphere has changed in the capital of Berlin and other European countries.The focus of the relationship has obviously began to turn to strategic competition.

Berlin wants to say goodbye to "everything is the same"

Barbara Pongratz, a Berlin China Think Tank Merics (Merics China Research Center), predicts that this steering will also have an impact on the seventh round of German and Chinese government consultations.The German -China relations expert said: "The German government wants to say goodbye to everything." Some signals have shown that compared with the past, this government consultation will be rare in large scenes, and there will be no major commercial contracts. "

In the joint ruling agreement of the governing alliance consisting of the Social Democratic Party, the Green Party, and the Liberal Democratic Party, it can already feel the new trend of Germany's policy on China.The agreement was mentioned 12 times in China, which also included in the key word entries of strategic competition and cooperation with European partners.The agreement wrote: "In order to achieve our value and interests in the competition with China, we need to formulate a comprehensive Chinese strategy in Germany under the common European Union's policy framework. We hope to continue intergovernmental consultationAnd make it more European. "

Germany cannot come up with Chinese strategy

Merics experts Pongraz concluded that so far, "so far," in response to Germany's relations with China, Chinese strategy or government consultation, it has not really discussed. "Except for the Chinese strategy announced by Berlin, it has not yet introducedIn addition, the German national security strategy is pushed through again.The Chinese strategy of Berlin is based on the national security strategy, and the latter's repeated delay is also due to the differences between the internal opinions of the ruling alliance.

Eberhard Sandschneider, a political scholar in Berlin, believes that the delay of China's strategy is "relatively favorable" as far as the atmosphere of talks is concerned.The Chinese expert said: "If a document is now published in China, it can be imagined that China's self -esteem will cause government consultation to be canceled." He also said, "Different from the German government is an open secret. China.Know this too. "

Different from the Governance Alliance

This is not surprising, because governors will also argue in public, especially between the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party.The Green Party claims that it is valuable and adopted a tough tone to China, while the Social Democratic Party focuses on economic interests at the same time.For example, when the Green Party Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visited Beijing for public confrontation with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in April, the conservatives of the Communist Party Parliament Party issued a position on Germany's policy on China.Members call for a pragmatic Chinese policy in the document and warn not to adopt anti -China strategy.

Merics experts, Pon Gelaz, said that there are huge differences in foreign ministers Belbock and Prime Minister Tsold, and party politics is the characteristic of the current policy of China."But if you listen carefully, you will notice that they have differences in tone. But the difference between the information they pass is not much," said the expert of China.

The German -Chinese government consultation will be presided over by Prime Minister Tsugs, which may make difficult issues at least friendly.Chinese issue expert Sand Schneider said he did not have much specific expectations for the actual results.For him, the most important thing is that the consultation was held after three years of personal contact.He said: "I agree with those Chinese colleagues who talk to me: everyone reunited together, which is imminent. Not only at a formal meeting, but also in the well -known tea dinner time, communicate with each other. This will change.The atmosphere may make the 'common action -long action' possible, at least in some areas. "