Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Zhang Jing

During the 311 Earthquake Response treatment process in 2011, the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear pollution wastewater was generated. Recently, with the completion of the submarine emissions tunnel built by the Tokyo Electric Power Holdings Co., Ltd.The currently stored in the storage tank temporarily, at least 1.35 million tons of high concentration nuclear waste water was discharged into the sea, which caused serious protests in neighboring countries.

Compared with Beijing and Seoul, Taiwan obviously responds to this matter with a strong attitude and is not positive. Not only does it have not been responded to the official goodwill in Tokyo, the Japanese government has even continued to deliberately operate.Experts from the Department assisted in the test that Tokyo Power also claimed that the Fukushima nuclear waste water was treated, and the relevant radioactive substance concentration industry had been reduced to a relatively safe level.

In response to this situation, in all, as long as they have not invited Taiwan nuclear energy safety experts to participate in nuclear waste water safety inspection operations, the Taiwan government should insist on standing. Do not listen to the Japanese government or Tokyo Electric Power unilaterally or any guarantee.Secondly, if there is no international organization with credibility, especially the United Nations International Atom Energy Agency, it proposes a professional inspection and certification endorsement.Taiwan also responded to Tokyo to discharge high -concentration nuclear waste water into the sea to protest, and even resist the import of agricultural and fishery products that may be affected by imported Japan to maintain people's health.

I must realize that the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea will threaten a number of marine economic activities and specifically stifle the vitality of the marine industry.Specific measures to respond to specific measures are not only disregarding national interests and people's livelihood. In fact, it will also allow Japanese society to see Taiwan Bay as a bullying soft shrimp. It is absolutely impossible for Tokyo to respect Taiwan's position.

In fact, for how to refute Tokyo ’s discharge of nuclear waste water into the sea safety, unilaterally proposed various guarantees, the most effective means of response should be required to be requiredAfter the ocean industry is discharged into the sea in nuclear pollution wastewater, it may cause operating risks, coupled with the health and public health threats that the surrounding marine settlement community will face, it should be responsible for arranging the Japanese insurance industry to propose various insurance products and be negatively negativeThe attitude of responsibility is to be impacted by the country and actively pay insurance costs. In addition, in case you have to claim, he is responsible for supporting each insurance industry and assumed the final settlement of all insurance claims.

To be honest, in order to solve the doubts of all parties, regardless of the Tokyo government officially proposed any guarantee, it is definitely not comparable to being able to show sincerity and true confidence.The insurance contract of real gold and silver for claims.

Why do the Japanese government supervise the Japanese insurance industry providing insurance products by requiring the Japanese government in order to prove that discharging nuclear waste water into the sea is indeed sufficient safety factor to produce the health of the marine ecology, destroy the marine industry, and harm the health of the surrounding social groups of the ocean.What about the risk?For those who pay most attention to risk control and evaluation calculations, who will be compared with the insurance industry to design insurance products, must they have a standard procedure for the amount and premium amount of the actuated claims?

If the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power repeatedly guarantee it, the discharge of nuclear pollution wastewater into the sea can reach considerable safety standards and will not cause negative damage to the social groups around the marine ecology, marine industry and the coast.The industry is willing to come forward to design insurance products and create insurance income.However, if the insurance industry believes that it is necessary to bear the risk of high rational claims, it will naturally refuse to undertake such insurance business or provide any insurance products. OtherwiseIn fact, after the discharge of nuclear pollution wastewater into the sea, the degree of risk of the extent will it be of the risk of human society.

Therefore, if the Japanese government is really sincere, it should take the initiative to provide such insurance mechanisms such as neighboring countries, and use its national financial resources and commitments to bear its final claims and settle liability, and support the Japanese insurance operatorsSettlement to replace any empty commitment will be more convincing than providing the people of the people, making it difficult to understand the scientific inspection data.But from another perspective, if even Japanese insurance operators are unwilling to travel to this muddy water, if Tokyo still insists on discharging nuclear pollution wastewater into the sea, how can I trust the international community?

(the author is a senior researcher at the Taiwan Chinese Strategy Society)