Source: Ming Pao

Japan previews the nuclear waste water at the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station this year, causing doubts about neighboring countries and regions.Among them, South Korea was arranged for a local inspection last month. Senior government officials held a press conference the day before yesterday to accommodate the expert team's inspection that the Japanese side has been used to purify nuclear wastewater eight times in 2013.It has been dealt with, and the content of the crickets is still more than 20,000 times that of the Korean standard. Whether the above devices can be safely operated for a long time are yet to be determined.

The first Chang Pu Shi Ran of the Korean State Adjustment Room stated at a press conference on Friday (16th) that since 2013, eight failures have occurred in the "multi -nuclein removal instrument" (ALPS) of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.The South Korean government expert inspection delegation from the 21st to 26th from the field inspection obtained from the site that ALPS had two equipment corrosion failures from 2013 to 2014.Discovered another failure last year.

The group of Korean Atomic Energy Safety Technology Institute (KINS) is mainly based on detailed analysis, in accordance with regular inspections, equipment maintenance and management, to understand the security and persistence of ALPS's future operation.

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In response to the restless discharge of Fukushima nuclear waste water, the Yin Xiyue government will hold a press conference to release relevant information in the morning from last Thursday (15th).At the first press conference, Park Shiran mentioned that the concentration concentration of the StronTium (the StronTium) concentration of the nuclear waste water was tried by ALPS.It is 21,700 times per liter.However, he added that the Japanese side promised that the radioactive concentration of nuclear waste water was purified by ALPS until the standard was reached.

The issue of nuclear wastewater has become a big focus of attacking in South Korea.The daily reporter of the Yin Xiyue government in the wild camp will be as "endorsement for the Japanese government". The largest Democratic Party in the Wild Party held a rally against nuclear wastewater discharge yesterday in Incheon, bombarding the ruling camp "fooling the people".Park Shiran pointed out that the opposition was "insulting."

There are currently more than a thousand nuclear waste water storage cylinders at the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station. The Japanese claims that 30 % of them meet the conditions for discharged into the sea.The Japanese government claims that ALPS can remove 62 kinds of radiation. In addition to its purified nuclear waste water, the radiation level will be lower than the Japanese regulatory standards.

Experts: Old sample exceeding the standard is not the IAEA sampling cylinder

The head of the delegation above and the chairman of the Korean Atomic Energy Safety Committee Liu Guoxi, Liu Guoxi, went to Congress on Thursday to be questioned, showing that the Japanese nuclear waste water could not reach the sea.He pointed out that the above -mentioned excess value is not a storage cylinder from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but a storage cylinder collected from the "previous stage".

Japan Yomiram newspaper and South Korea and South Korea ’s joint polls published on Thursday showed that 84%of Koreans opposed Japanese discharge nuclear waste water.