Source: Hong Kong 01

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Gates in Beijing on Friday (June 16), and said that "you are the first American friend I met in Beijing this year."

From the beginning of the year in Mainland China, American entrepreneurs such as Apple Cook and Teslamusk have visited China, but they have not been seen by Xi Jinping.Cook attended the China Development High -level Forum in March and met with the Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao.Musk was in Beijing on May 30, and was met by the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang.As for the chairman of the British -funded Jihe, Ban Zheming Katherick, when he visited China on June 1, Han Zheng, the Vice President of the State and the former Standing Committee of the Politburo, was interviewed.

It refers to Musk's visits to Beijing to receive high -standard reception, but in fact, for example, for example, for example, if he visited Beijing from 2017 to 2019, he was involved in Wang Yang, Wang Qishan and Li Keqiang.It is higher than the foreign minister Qin Gang.On the other hand, Gates visited Beijing in 2018 to meet with the then foreign minister Wang Yi. In 2019, he discussed poverty alleviation and medical care with Mrs. Xi Jinping Peng Liyuan.This time Gates can become the first American friend to meet with Xi Jinping, and more or less reflects Beijing's intention.

The "decourse" named "de -risk" is not feasible

It can be seen from the official announcement of the three units of foreign capital, and Qin Gang, Han Zheng and Xi Jinping also emphasized the modernization of Chinese -style modernization.For Musk and Gates, Qin Gang and Xi Jinping both talked about Sino -US relations.The former mentioned that it is necessary to respect each other, live peacefully, and win -win cooperation. The latter said that "the foundation of Sino -US relations is in the folk" and "hope that the two people will be friendly."

In addition, for Musk and Catherine, Qin Gang and Han Zheng both mentioned the opening of the Chinese market to the outside world, they are welcome to foreign capital and multinational enterprises.Because Gates's identity is the chairman of the Gates Foundation, the content does not involve the market and business, but to respond to climate change and fight against the epidemic.

One of the phrases "China is willing to carry out extensive scientific and technological innovation cooperation with countries around the world", which is particularly worth noting.As the founder of Microsoft, Gates engaged in a foundation, of course, using scientific and technological innovation to solve social problems.However, at present, the United States is targeted at China ’s science and technology to restrict the output of high -end technology. If the United States wants to prevent the development of Chinese science and technology on the one hand, it will naturally become unrealistic about cooperating on climate and environment.

As Han Zheng also mentioned to Catherine, China is committed to maintaining the stable and smooth supply chain of the global industrial chain.Even if the United States does not say "decoupled", the "de -risk" policy will also destroy the stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain, which is not good for multinational enterprises.

Since Qin Gang met with the US ambassador to China on May 8th, the meeting between Wang Yi and Sharvin, Wang Wentao and Raymond has been promoted, and the Secretary of State Brills also visited Hua Shi.The senior officials of the Chinese and American government resumed formal exchanges, but the meeting of Beijing's meeting with foreign entrepreneurs announced the key to the problem.Whether Brinton will meet with Xi Jinping, what will be officially announced, the focus will be the focus in the next few days.