Source: Surging News

Author: Shouyi

According to media reports, recently, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government's notice on electric bicycle traffic management measures (draft for comments) was issued and proposed that the electric bicycle was implemented in sub -section sections and sections.Many sections of the city are included in the restrictions. The limited travel time includes all day, 7:30 am to 7:30 pm during the day and peaks in the morning and evening. The limited road sections are concentrated in several central urban areas such as Tianhe District, Haizhu District, and Yuexiu District.The notice caused heated discussion.

The management of electric bicycles has always caused many cities to "headaches".There are many reasons for restricting electric bicycles, and safety hazards are the main aspects.Taking Guangzhou as an example, as of the end of March 2023, there were 3.22 million electric bicycles registered on the board; and the actual preservation of the relevant departments may be close to 5 million vehicles.Under such a huge base, traffic violations such as speeding and red lights must not be underestimated.Coupled with some people who do not wear a car with a car, it is easy to cause casualties if accidents occur; most electric bicycles do not buy insurance, and they are also troublesome after good claims.

These electric bicycles are unreasonable, but can "one limit" solve the problem?

The reason why electric bicycles are popular is also obvious: because it is cheap and convenient, it can solve the problem of "last mile" travel of many citizens.For families far away from the subway station and have no private cars, electric bicycles are the most convenient transportation.No matter how developed urban public transportation, there is always a "last mile" connection problem. In addition, as the urban congestion intensifies, electric bicycles are relatively green and environmentally friendly and improved efficiency tools.This is a real and spontaneous demand for people's livelihood, and the number is huge.

As long as the real demand of citizens does not have a better alternative solution, the government's restrictions on policies to really land must pay high implementation costs, and they may not work in the end.

Many netizens mentioned an example of Shenzhen.Since 2012, Shenzhen has expanded from "banned" to "power limit". Since then, almost every year has launched a huge special rectification operation, such as the use of excavators to destroy thousands of electric vehicles on site in 2013;See 17,975 electric vehicles, detained 874 people ... But no matter how he upgraded the operation, electric bicycles did not have a desperate.By 2022, Shenzhen had to start the work of electric vehicle registration and re -allowed the electric vehicle to legally go on the road.

Guangzhou's current solicitation draft, although different from Shenzhen's previous "comprehensive ban", is limited to sections and time periods, but it is as proposed by the opponents. This distinction can only reduce contradictions and cannot avoid contradictions.EssenceWhat should I do if the families who want to pick up the children and those younger brothers who want to send their children and those who want to pick up their children?Restricting electric bicycles can reduce more and more common problems even if they can reduce some congestion and accidents.

Regardless of environmental protection or traffic efficiency consideration, electric bicycles are actually more advantageous than private cars. Why do many city managers "give preferentially" cars?One reason may be that the current urban road construction is the priority car, the car insurance system is more complete, and the management is more worry -free.

In order to allow electric bicycles to run in an orderly manner, there are many homework to make up, such as building wider non -motorized lanes, implementing more stringent management systems such as mandatory worn hard hats, and promoting electric bicycles for compulsory insurance.

In other words, as long as you think more about management, although the problems caused by electric bicycles can not be said to be completely eliminated, it can definitely be greatly reduced.Some urban managers can save all the troubles by thinking that "prohibiting control" can solve all the trouble, but even if the policy of electric vehicle restrictions in Guangzhou is finally passed, it will take great energy to enforce the law in the future, and in the end, it is only temporarily covering the problem.Rather than walking over the old road elsewhere, it is better to think more about management in management, or the old saying: on the issue of people just need, social management should not be stubborn.

It is reported that Guangzhou is expected to hold a hearing on the issue of electric bicycle restrictions on July 10.Looking forward to the relevant departments can listen to the opinions and suggestions of the people more extensively, carry out more scientific and solid investigations to make public policies more grounded and closer to the public opinion; also hope that Guangzhou can explore electric bicycle management on the basis of taking into account urban management and people's livelihood needsNew road.