Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Gao Yuanliu

Taiwan's blue -green split, you have died for decades, and you can hardly see what consensus or commonality of both politicians on both sides can have.Unexpectedly, through the serial explosion of sexual harassment, it was discovered that Taiwan did not distinguish between blue and green, regardless of the party, regardless of the party, industry and classes, and there were inferior commonality that did not respect the opposite sex and lacked gender equality.

It is said that blue and green are common in sexual harassment, which refers to the commonality of blue -green politicians when getting along with the opposite sex and exchanges with the opposite sex.EssenceThese problems are purely personal behavior and behavior.

It is worth paying attention to that when facing and dealing with sexual harassment such as sexual harassment, the blue -green camp has no commonality, no consensus, or maintaining a "proper" blue -green division.Green Camp has repeatedly passed on the case of sexual harassment, and the incident of not respecting the victims of the sexual show; and the blue camp is not distinguished to me, and it is approved in one.

When it comes to sexual harassment or sexual assault, there is no political color.Green politicians will be committed, and blue will also be available.Today, our society condemn the DPP, not referring to the DPP politicians, nor is there a lot of green camp politicians who think of sexual harassment, but that the DPP is accused of the DPP's complaints about their party workers.Narvity treatment attitude.

Let's see how the DPP deal with sexual harassment.A former party worker of the DPP broke the news. In the past, he was sexually harassed by the co -director "Hui Ge" during the application of the project.come out".

Occasionally, there are a former DPP female party worker accused of being sexually harassed by colleagues. After Cai Mulin, who was the director of the then youth department, was reported that Cai not only had a concealed flat incident, sheltered the harm, but also on the grounds of affecting the atmosphere of the department.Forced the victims to apologize, and then the words and deeds were insulting and even alarmed the high -level.

When the DPP Women's Department director Xu Jiatian received a complaint from the party worker, if he really asked the sexual harassing female party worker "why not jump", "Why don't you call it out", etc., this is equivalentIn the face of a sexual harassment or sexual assault, criticizing or blame the victims, why wearing clothes is so exposed, why he raises his hands and is so sexy, causing a disaster, and hurting the victim secondary harm.

From these two cases of sexual harassment, it can be clearly seen that the Democratic Progressive Party is no longer only one person does not know how to respect the opposite sex, nor is not only one person who does not know that there is a sexual harassment prevention law in Taiwan, but not within the DPP.Divided into men and women, generally there are party officials who ignore, allow, or even cover sexual harassment.This is a terrible phenomenon.In particular, the DPP is still a comprehensive ruling party.

Like the past, when the DPP faced the condemnation of the society, in addition to bowing and apologizing, they blamed their liability for mistakes on the law of the law.The amendments to the "Sexual Pingxin Law" such as Gender Education Law and the Prevention of the Sexual Harassment were sent to the Legislative Yuan for consideration to avoid any damage, so that everyone who was hurt can be protected safely.

This is the Democratic Progressive Party -sheltering sexual harassment is not the fault of the DPP, but the fault of law.However, as long as the content of the three laws is slightly viewed, it can be determined that as long as the DPP senior party workers need to handle the incident of sexual harassment by the party workers' complaints according to the current regulations.

Mencius has a famous saying that "the law can not be self -proclaimed." It is said that the laws and regulations will not act, and someone must be executed to take effect.The existing three laws of sexual flatness have a detailed regulation of cases, group project review meetings, and protection of victims for incidents such as sexual harassment and other incidents.

The problem issued by the Democratic Progressive Party today is that the people of the party are sheltering sexual harassment in their ideology and behavior.EssenceThe Democratic Progressive Party does not want to be inverted and deceived voters.

(the author is a senior media person in Taiwan)