In the past week, all sectors have closely tracked State -owned Assets and Social Policy Ministers, Shang Daman, to announce the president of the president. Many people may ignore him on the morning of the same morning before resigning politics and government positions.The chairman of the bureau, an important speech published on the issue of climate financing at a event.

However, for those who are concerned about climate issues, as well as the Asian banks and financial institutions, Shangdaman's speech at the Ecosperity Week this time deeply expresses Singapore's climatic goals and net in SingaporeIn the zero emissions, how to adjust further to ensure that the bank takes necessary and timely measures to maintain a consistent pace with the national decarbolism policy, and accelerate carbon reduction financing.

In his speech, he carefully stated that in solving the problem of climate change, the National Central Bank of China, as a national independent real authority that is not affected by short -term political trends, has played a key role in the formulation and supervision of financial rules.This believes that it has a reference significance for central banks in Asian countries.

Although Shang Daman cleverly uses the metaphor of "carrot" and "big sticks", on the way to Asia's decarburization, it is still necessary to actually implement the mechanism of rewards and punishment in parallel, but many people should pay more attention to the central bank at this time.The mission is expanded to the "big stick" effect that can be arisen in the field of climate change.

Especially when a lot of banks are still providing "transformation financing" that define unclear carbon emissions households, the author believes that the Singaporean Monetary Administration is expected to be promotedAn idea of carbonization of enterprises.

Shang Damman also explained that if climate change brings catastrophic results, the world needs to accelerate climate actions. In the process, the most effective, rational and most consistent with policy logic tools are carbon carbon carbon.The tax mechanism, and the carbon tax must be much higher than the current level; but the implementation of carbon tax also involves very complicated political and economic issues. Therefore, not only in Asia, but many developed countries around the world also avoided the effort of raising carbon taxes.The work, and "carrots" such as subsidies to guide the decision -making of financing institutions and enterprises, but these effects are limited.

Shang Damman believes that this prompt policy makers to discuss the formulation of financial management and regulatory rules outside the carbon tax, and promote financial institutions and enterprises to recognize that adopting climatic actions can not only focus on the balance sheet of asset liabilities, and focus on avoiding climate risk.And you must change your mind and reduce carbon.

However, he pointed out that although he understands the moral Imperative behind the decarburization, he also knows that today the younger generation deeply feels that what must be done as soon as possible and solve the problem, but this is "unrealistic idealism"" ".

He said: "We really need to act quickly, and we need ambitions ... But now many discussions around climate action are more extreme.Action, regardless of all choices, do not take the middle route between the two thoughts, and both roads will bring catastrophic results. "

The development of Southeast Asian energy consumption in development is currently growing rapidly. Although sustainable energy, such as solar energy and wind, develops considerable, many coal -fired units are still very short. It is not easy to eliminate coal -fired power plants.It is imminent to solve the problem of climate change. In recent years, major banks in Singapore have adjusted coal and electricity financing measures, but most of them stop at stopping new financing of coal -fired power plants and coal mining industry.

The chief sustainable development officer of the Financial Management Bureau, Ke Liming, was first interviewed in a new post at the end of last month. It was revealed that the official was conducting a public consultation for the Singapore-Asia Taxonomy, and the directory would attach to how to gradually eliminate it.Extraction of coal power plants.For local banks, to a certain extent, it is a stepping. It reminds them that they must increase their efforts to carry out carbon reduction measures and cannot continue to provide financing for coal -fired power plants.

Ko Liming pointed out that without doing so, countries around the world will not be able to achieve a net zero target within 20 years.

The so -called green classification directory is a classification system that defines which economic activities are "green", which is qualified to get funding.In Southeast Asia, the classification directory formulated by various countries in Asia is currently adopted by the "red, yellow and green" red and green light classification method, as is the Singapore Asian classification catalog.It can obtain sustainable financing activities with green definition. Red is a harmful and unqualified event for the climate environment and is not eligible for financing. In the two, it can obtain transformation financing.

The recently announced and released information of the HKMA proves that if there is determination to eliminate coal by Asian countries, it is not feasible to eliminate coal. However, the process needs to be cautious and clear and transparent guidance.Of course, in the context of the rise in energy prices, increased living costs, and concerns about the interruption of energy supply, many financing regulations that affect corporate costs will allow the government to bear certain political pressure, but believe that the legitimate and trusted supervision of supervision willRegulations will help alleviate this problem.

The author is regional environmental media and consulting companies

Assistant Director of the Editor Department of Eco-Business