Source: First Finance

Author: Guo Jinhui

Since the beginning of this year, the growth rate of Chinese private investment has continued to slow down, and the endogenous driving force of the private economy has become one of the key to "stable growth, employment, and stabilizing prices."

On June 5th, the 5th National Youth Entrepreneur Summit, hosted by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Chongqing Municipal People's Government, opened in Chongqing.Yang Weimin, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, said at this summit that although the private economy expectations have been improved recently, it has not completely reversed.Improve the expectations of the private economy and enhance the endogenous motivation of the private economy. One of them is to help the private economy solve the problem.

Nan Cunhui, chairman of Zhengtai Group Co., Ltd., believes that private enterprises feel that difficulties and challenges are in the front line.It also brought pressure."No matter how the outside changes, the key to speed up the business environment, the best business environment is the rule of law environment."

The executive meeting of the State Council held on June 2nd made deployment of optimizing the business environment and the development of new energy vehicle industry, further stabilizing social expectations, boosting confidence in development, stimulating market vitality, and promoting the continuous rise of economic operations.

Private enterprises are facing seven major problems to be solved

The industry generally believes that the Chinese economy is facing the problem of insufficient demand, which is largely due to lack of confidence in private enterprises.From January to April, private investment increased by 0.4%year-on-year, and the overall investment growth rate was 4.3 percentage points.

Yang Weimin said that in the past few years, private industrial growth has been faster than national industrial and state -owned enterprises, but new changes have occurred after 2022.In December last year, the private industry increased by 2.9%, 2%in March this year, and the growth rate continued to decline by 1.9%in April this year.The growth rate of private investment has also slowed in quarter by quarter by month. January of this year was 0.8%, 0.6%in March, and 0.4%in April.Judging from the above two indicators, although the private economy expects to improve, it has not completely reversed.

Yang Weimin believes that improving the expectations of the private economy requires comprehensive policies. One of them is to help the private economy solve the problem.The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has done a survey to sort out 100 issues facing private enterprises. These problems have seven aspects.

Specifically, one is that there are still stealth barriers such as unsuitable camps and triple doors in terms of market access; the second is that enterprises are involved in corporate charges.The financing environment; the fourth is the arrears of accounts; the fifth is too much supervision and inspection; sixth, the new and old policies and the non -connection between the policies between the departments are occurred.Seventh, the protection of property rights, there are still situations that violate the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs.

Recently, the central government has been taking corresponding measures for these issues. Last year, the Central Economic Work Conference requested to remove the invisible barriers;question.

The Executive Meeting of the State Council held on June 2 clearly states that in terms of relaxation of market access, promoting fair competition, protecting intellectual property rights, and unified markets, etc., in batches to accelerate the launch of policy measures with strong targeted and high gold content.And through deepening reforms in the key areas of the business environment, the effectiveness of the policy is effectively enhanced.

Yang Weimin said that China is currently restoring economic growth, endogenous dynamics are not strong, and demand is still insufficient.On the one hand, the demand for expanding investment and imports is insufficient, and on the other hand, consumers are insufficient.Therefore, in the next step, we must focus on strengthening the endogenous motivation of market entities and consumers.This is not only the key to the current economic return and the fundamental improvement of the economic situation, but also the key to the long -term good economy in the Chinese economy.

Enhanced the vitality in the enterprise is the top priority of employment

The private economy has the status of "56789" in the Chinese economy, that is, the private economy contributes 50%of the Chinese economy's taxation, 60%of GDP, 70%of technological innovation results, 80%of urban labor employment, and 90The number of%of the enterprises also contributed more than 50%of industries, more than 50%of investment, and more than 50%of imports and exports.

Yang Weimin believes that the most difficult for "three stability" (stable growth, employment, and prices) is the stable employment.It is even more difficult to stabilize the employment of young people, especially the employment of college students.

The National Bureau of Statistics shows that in April 2023, the national urban survey rate of unemployment recorded 5.2%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from March, the lowest level since 2022.Youth in the age of 16-24 investigated the unemployment rate of 20.4%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points from March, and more than 19.9%in July 2022, the highest statistical in 2018.

Yang Weimin said that solving employment problems requires short -term policies, which basically enhance the endogenous motivation of more industries.In the past 10 years, industries with more new employment in cities and towns have been the construction industry, information technology service industry, and platform economy, finance, real estate, education, medical care, etc. At presentEssenceTherefore, the key to macro policies is now to enhance the endogenous motivation of more industries.

On April 26, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on optimizing and adjusting employment policies and measures to promote the development of benefiting people's livelihood, focusing on the key points and difficulties of employment fields, and expanding employment capacity around multiple directions, promoting college graduates such as multi -channels, multi -channel promoting college graduatesEmployment and entrepreneurship, multi -layered people's livelihood bottom lines, etc., have made comprehensive policies, and have played a combination of combined fists for the optimization and upgrading of employment policies this year.

Nan Cunhui believes that although the development of private enterprises is facing challenges and difficulties, there are new opportunities.For example, the development opportunities of new energy and the new opportunities for digital economy in the new era of industrial Internet brought by digital construction in digital construction, and there are many innovative development opportunities brought by information technology reform.

Yang Weimin believes that the digital economy is the main form of future economic development, and the platform economy is the core of the digital economy.China should also continue to enhance the endogenous motivation of platform enterprises to achieve the role of platform economy in leading economic development and expanding employment, especially expanding the employment of college students.