Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Pan Huasheng

Recently, the stocks of two companies have attracted attention one after another.The first was Huang Renxun, who had just come to Taiwan, and Musk, who had just visited Lu.The success of these two companies is combined with the trend of science and technology, or more precisely, it is a leading manufacturer who leads or causes the current situation.However, there is a more important point, which is the pragmatic of geopolitical balance.

At present, the only countries that can do the last competition in the frontier of the two technology of the Internet technology and artificial intelligence revolution are the United States and China.Therefore, the purpose of the United States to launch a chip bill a few days ago is to block China's continued progress in advanced semiconductor and artificial intelligence.90%of the graphics cards used in Chinese artificial intelligence come from Nvidia.Although the blockbuster measures in the United States seem to be strict, US companies still know the importance of participating in the Chinese market.Therefore, Huang Renxun said in an interview that "China occupies 1/3 of the US technology industry. As the source and product terminal of semiconductor parts, the status is irreplaceable."He warned U.S. officials to think deeply when improving further sanctions in China, which may have a huge damage to American technology."If we are deprived of the Chinese market, we have no emergency measures. Theoretically, we can create chips outside Taiwan, but the mainland market cannot be replaced. (The world) has no other China and only one China."

Ru Yingwenda's high -end GPU, its advanced computing power can be used for artificial intelligence and possible military use, and is banned from shipping in mainland China.However, Nvidia immediately developed the A800GPU of the frequency reduction version, and it is expected that the US Department of Commerce allows the export of mainland China and is suitable for all Chinese customers.This is the company's rational strategy behavior of continuing to participate in the Chinese market in order not to violate US control measures.On the day of the news, TSMC, Nvidia and the foundry GPU, rebounded immediately.

Because some manufacturers have found a channel that can avoid the ban, circulate a channel to the mainland, it has also made a benign demonstration for other chip companies.A few days ago, Shenzhen Baode released its self -developed processor "Core", but according to the detailed information of the CPU model, it seems that this chip is actually a special version of Intel.Therefore, global semiconductor stocks have been able to remove at least some haze and start to rise.

Tesla's Musk visited the mainland again after three years. Tesla's stock price rose sharply and helped Musk return to the world's richest man.Mainland government departments also attached great importance to Musk's trip. State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, and Minister of Commerce met Musk.There are three main purpose of Musk's visit to China: First, after the Shanghai Tesla Super Factory, I want to build a second super factory in China; 2. Promoting Tesla's fully autonomous driving system in China; 3. ThirdShanghai creates a super -energy storage plant to produce its own super energy storage battery.It can be seen that although there is a ban from various US governments, the risk of incorrect politics.Musk still chooses to continue to participate in China and use China's strong productivity.

The CEO of an enterprise in a country's statement increases the investment in that country and the market, and increases the integration of the industry in that country. It is a major information disclosure.fluctuation.The key is the logic of the capital market behind the capital market. How do you understand that this message is positive or negative.

The rise and fall of Tesla and Nvidia's stocks is the voting choice of global capital "de -risk" US government lines on the Chinese market, as well as the pragmatic line of "compliant development".On the contrary, Chinese officials have recently required to stop purchasing Micron's products on the grounds of "hidden dangers of network security"; and Nike and Edida have been collectively resisted by Chinese consumers because of the Xinjiang cotton incident, which has led to its performanceSeven consecutive quarters declined, and the stock price did not restore.A few days ago, Nike's CEO finally officially stated: "The Chinese market is very important, and we must abide by local rules."

In the end, the skyrocketing Tesla and Nvidia, behind the decline in Micron and Nike, are the market logic of global industrial capital."More correct choice.There is a saying that the shadow government behind the United States is a capital group that affects politics.If this is true, maybe the gradual and slow control of Sino -US confrontation is worthwhile.