Recently, a video of "Suspecting Mouse Heads in a university in a university in Jiangxi" spread on the Internet.On the evening of June 3, the Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College, which was involved, reported that the "foreign body" in the meals was confirmed by the parties as a duck neck.On June 4, relevant personnel of the Market Supervision Bureau of Nanchang High -tech Zone said that they were initially determined to be duck neck.

At the beginning of the news exposure, this was just a food safety incident. After getting a "duck neck" response, the incident quickly fermented."The interpretation became a series of paragraphs and comics.At this point, this incident has evolved from a food safety incident into public opinion dissemination.So, where is the problem?Why don't netizens believe that "duck neck"?

An important reason may be that the key information is not disclosed and the key questions are not explained.For example, what is questioned in the picture is a white strip of mouse teeth. What is it?There are also long -line objects that are speculated by netizens as "beards". What exactly is it?What is the basis for judging the duck neck?Explanation is not difficult.There is a shortage of information in the key point, which will only make people even more confusing.

On the other hand, in the state of the absence of critical information, netizens judge the same thing based on their "seeing the truth" and life experience, and then express their personal views. It is also natural.

What is more "eye -catching" is that some netizens broke the news that the new media center involved in the school issued a notice to the students, asking students to leave a message in the news review area according to the proposed discourse templates, and released screenshots of relevant group chat content.EssenceThe screenshot content shows that the discourse template is similar to the comments under the news report of a platform.This once again aroused public opinion storms.

Is the duck neck not fully figured out? If the so -called message area is also deliberately "manufactured", even if it was originally a duck neck, it would only make netizens feel distrust.At this time, public opinion pointed out that the controversy of "is it a mouse" has jumped out, but pointed to the operating method, thinking and credibility of the school in this matter.

It is not attentive to walk in one step, and every step in the back will be passive.And if you go wrong step by step, the sense of dislocation caused by it will be "accumulated and difficult to return", and the negative impact will be difficult to eliminate.

In the era of social media that deeply integrates into the Internet in the public, the satisfaction of the right to know the right to know the right to know the right to know.Obviously, the hot events of the public onlookers cannot be responded to just a simple "result", but also to present the process, details and evidence of the investigation.It should be a dynamic reception and frequent interaction.

In many hot events in recent years, many places lack the necessary media literacy and interaction awareness during the response and processing process. It is only according to the traditional, fixed, and stylized steps.What we care about, what they question, how to interact with them, and how to clearly tell the ins and outs of one thing.

It is worth mentioning that, according to media reports, this is not the first time that the school has appeared in the school. As early as 2021, the Nanchang Municipal Supervision Bureau exposed the problem of the mouse after the school's kitchen.This deepen the subconscious association and distrust of netizens.This time, the Nanchang Municipal Supervision Bureau has also been involved. We look forward to the truth, and we also look forward to the last authoritative investigation that can be convincing.