Source: Beijing News Agency

"Why should I pay for two hours in 31 minutes?"

According to the Yangzi Evening News Zi Niu News, citizens from Changzhou, Jiangsu reported that most of the local parking fees were calculated as an hour instead of taking a 15 -minute valuation unit to question the unreasonable billing cycle.The reporter inquired about the website of the Changzhou Development and Reform Commission that the first billing cycle of most parking lots in Changzhou was two hours, and the price was mostly 5 yuan (RMB S $ 0.95). The subsequent billing cycle was one hour.Local response, relevant departments are studying the parking fee optimization plan, and the parking billing cycle is also within the scope of this optimization.

In today's life scenarios, electronic billing in parking lots has become popular, and a more reasonable billing cycle is set. There is no technical obstacle.The first billing cycle is two hours. This may not only make a parking fee, but also makes people lack the motivation to stop and use parking spaces.inconvenient.

In fact, it is not only the need to optimize the billing cycle. The problem of "high charges" on roadside parking is still the focus of the public opinion field.Following the "expensive parking" of Nanning roadside in Guangxi, according to media reports, the roadside parking fee standards in a type of road section of a county -level city -level city are not only higher than the charges of major local shopping malls and hospital parking lots, but alsoIf the long parking period is more than four hours, the cost of parking is more expensive than the provincial capital cities, which also leads to the phenomenon of "refusal to contribute".

For a county -level city, the income level of local residents is not high.And too high parking fees will obviously increase their life burden.Whether such counties should charge parking on roadside and how to set up charging standards are worthy of attention.

As the amount of motor vehicle ownership has risen in succession, many cities have raised land and more vehicles and in inches, and urban parking services are also facing increasingly severe challenges.Urban parking service is a complex project that needs to be considered to make scientific and reasonable settings of the charging range, charging period, charging standards, and charging objects.Especially in terms of the setting of the charging standard, we must fully consider the income level and living cost of local residents, and cannot blindly pursue high charges.

The appropriate fees for car owners on the roadside are mainly to regulate the supply and demand relationship of parking services, avoid free parking, and bring "public land tragedy", and meet increasingly increasing urban management and public service expenses.However, the parking service cannot be inverted and charged for the charge, but forgot what the charge is for.

From the perspective of some government departments and related enterprises, parking services are often regarded as "money -shaking money", hoping to solve fiscal pressure and obtain more income by charging parking fees.However, the parking space on the roadside is public resources, which determines that it must adhere to the people, use it to the people, and cannot be reduced to a "withdrawal machine" for individual departments and enterprises.

There is no doubt that in order to solve the problem of supply and demand for urban parking services, we need to make articles in both supply and demand.On the one hand, the parking space planning, development and release should be increased on the supply side; on the other hand, the price mechanism should guide people to travel and park on peaks through the price mechanism.

However, many cities use price leverage as a "starting point", which simply increases the parking demand of citizens by increasing the price of tolls, which leads to a false balance between the supply and demand of urban parking services.How to further innovate the parking service model and increase the supply of parking space, maybe governments from all local governments should focus on thinking and promotion.

It is worth noting that the parking service companies in many cities are named "smart parking", but they are playing with little cleverness and far from great wisdom.The essence of smart parking is to make good use of intelligent technology, accurately identify parking demand and dynamically adjust the charging method, efficiently use parking space resources and meet the needs of parking service.

Therefore, the parking service is to maximize the public interest of the city, not to maximize the parking fee.As a career related to the well -being of the people's livelihood, urban parking services should serve the people through intelligent computing, and should not be reduced to a simple and rude "calculation".

At the same time, many local governments and enterprises are in disputes over parking services, which also shows that the top -down guidance, standards and supervision are not enough.If you can formulate some instructive, operable and restrained policies at the central and provincial levels, and guide local government departments to adopt a relatively reasonable parking service charging model, it may effectively avoid frequent occurrences of such problems.

Therefore, strengthening the setting, execution and capital use of parking services in various governments, and prompting some unreasonable methods to correct and rectify some unreasonable practices. It is also a work that needs to be carried out in the future.